182 Topics

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Member Avatar for danielgr

Hi, I wasn't sure where to post this, but thought it may save some time for someone who ran into the same problem. I had a problem in a project, where whenever I clicked the "Accept" button on a form, it would close the form for no reason. Originally, I …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~

Hi Dani, For some reason, I'm always getting the cached or old version of a given page. E.g. clicking on the CP link shows me a thread which was recently bumped in the C++ forum. After I added code tags to the post and moved it to a separate thread, …

Member Avatar for qq7434138
Member Avatar for tundra010

Hello! I have just started learning assembly language, and I have decided to use the NASM assembler. I made a small program, included below, that is supposed to take a number, add 5, and print out the final result. The program correctly prints the prompt, and takes a value, but …

Member Avatar for tundra010
Member Avatar for Geemon

Hi I am new to the forums, and somewhat new to python. I'm trying to make a Text Based Adventure game. I don't have an error, but a bug. This is the code: [code]import descriptions inventory = [] gold = 0 acts = {"north":"hi"} def start(acts): print(descriptions.start) rm_a(acts) def rm_a(acts): …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for langejan

Hi I have had win7 for quite a while now, and has frequently had a strange problem with my mouse (2 different mice and touch-pad). Sometimes it only works in one program, e.g. it works fine in Firefox, but in all other programs (desktop, skype, WoW etc.) it "unmarks" the …

Member Avatar for langejan
Member Avatar for panjewellerybox

Hi All, I'm having problems with my spry menu bar in internet explorer.... it works fine in firefox. The menu bar on each of my pages drops down as it is intended to in firefox but when viewed in internet explorer the drop down sections appear horizontally and not vertically?? …

Member Avatar for bmalvin
Member Avatar for alc6379

Hey Dani, Site looks great-- I've been trying to get on and lurk more and more. I noticed, though that under Chrome in Windows XP, the "use code tags" watermark doesn't go away when you click or start typing into the box. I remember it used to, but I thought …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for hardmath

Perhaps this note will save another member a spot of frustration. I tried to login from my mobile phone, but the AMD ad banner kept popping over the login dialog no matter how I tried to scroll away from it. Here's a workaround. The problem occurred holding the phone in …

Member Avatar for wolfeater017

I have python 3.0 and im trying to get this code to work but I don't believe it is recognizing all the attributes it's supposed to. [CODE]import pygame, sys, random from pygame.locals import * #*******************************************SETUPVAR************************************************** BLACK = (0, 0, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) RED = (255, 0, 0) …

Member Avatar for wolfeater017
Member Avatar for wolfeater017

Please help me with this bug. I have python 3.0 and I was using pygame and for some reason it isn't reconizing [CODE]windowSurface[/CODE] here Is the code Im having problems with and thanks in advance. [CODE]import pygame, sys, random from pygame.locals import * #*******************************************SETUPVAR************************************************** BLACK = (0, 0, 0) WHITE …

Member Avatar for tbone2sk
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

For our long discussion: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet216632.html[/url] Both jumping to first unread and going to last message by poster's name does not work. Also jumping to specific post does not work: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1253810.html#post1253810[/url]

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for croker10

Hi, I am running Visual Studio 2008 with the latest service pack and updates. I opened up my window to start coding and can only see half of my code. The left half appears to be off the window on the left side, and the right half is on the …

Member Avatar for croker10
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey Im doing a loop with somthing similar to this: [code=C] char stn[25]; do { printf ("Insert a number:\n"); gets(stn); }while (stn!="123"); if (str=="123") { printf ("Good value!"); } [/code] Now if I input 123, it enters the if that prints "Good value!" and the program ends naturally. Now if …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for Tech B

When I watch full length movies online, sometimes my mouse is hidden on the browser. Just inside the browser though. I have to repeatedly hit the ctrl button to see where its at. This only happens when I watch divx streamed video for long periods of time. After the mouse …

Member Avatar for pritaeas

I can reproduce this bug in IE7 (and a colleague in IE6), my link is here: [url]http://www.pritaeas.net/tools/linkfarm/[/url] If you select a tag the list gets filtered and the tag added to the selected div. Unselecting it will reset the taglist, and remove() the tag from the selected div. Selecting another …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for happygeek

It may only have impacted a "small number of users" for a "short period of time" as a Facebook spokesperson put it, but by pushing out buggy code the social networking giant created a potentially huge privacy problem for those whose accounts it did touch upon. Considering that Facebook has …

Member Avatar for Salem

[url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread252440.html[/url] gets me this error message [quote=daniweb_server] Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 3842759 bytes) in /home/daniweb/httpdocs/forums/includes/class_bbcode.php(172) : eval()'d code on line 150 [/quote] I'm assuming the OP has pasted a bitmap (or some other stupid thing) into the message, rather than an attachment.

Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi I think Im dealing with an IE insertBefore bug, the script runs fine in Chrome, I have created my own modal box which gets inserted as a new node - the first inside the <body>... however, in IE, the new box is inserted within the first <div> inside my …

Member Avatar for lifeworks
Member Avatar for Nick Evan

User [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/member633371.html"]FBody[/URL] send me this PM: [QUOTE=Fbody]I couldn't find a site support style link so, because you're a mod that I've interacted with before, I'm sending this to you. Would you please forward to the appropriate person? I posted in the thread "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread250820.html"]sleep() error, help![/URL]" yesterday and subscribed to the …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for happygeek

Does anyone know just what is happening with Microsoft Windows Mobile devices? It would appear that many users with Windows Mobile powered mobile phones have been getting SMS text messages dated 2016. The first reports came as folk started to receive Happy New Year messages from family and friends on …

Member Avatar for Crash~Override
Member Avatar for Nick Evan

I was looking at [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet237803.html"]this snippet[/URL] by Ancient Dragon and I saw that it had received 7 downvotes. I found this odd, because the snippet was actually quite good, so I upvoted it. I expected to be -6 after my upvote, but it went from -7 to +1. This is …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Twitter has [URL="http://status.twitter.com/post/240745460/retweet-feature-temporarily-disabled"]suspended its new retweet function[/URL]. Now, this takes me back. When I started writing about technology this stuff was commonplace. A software company would announce a new version or a new package, its target date would come and go and then it would be released as buggy as …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for newsguy

Once upon a time, Usenet newsgroups were the Twitter, Facebook and forums of the online world. All the early Internet community makers were there, and important announcements such as the arrival of Mosaic by Marc Andreesen broke there first. Then the inevitable happened, and Usenet slowly imploded. That could have …

Member Avatar for cwarn23

I have been using web browser for many years now (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Crome, Safari) and with heavy use of the internet, I have found that all of those browsers except Opera crash after the first few hours of having 20 tabs open with them constantly opening and closing. …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan

Attachment taken from [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread221971.html"]here[/URL]. 47.83% 34.78% 47.83% 21.74% 8.70% 21.74% 13.04% 4.35% 0% 34.78% ---------- + 234.31 % Which is more then 100% :) The problem is that the percentage is calculated from the total voters and the votes. In this example there are 23 voters, and for example 11 …

Member Avatar for kaninelupus
Member Avatar for cwarn23

I have noticed that since the upgrade, when previewing the text that we are about to post, the previewed text is smaller than it should making the number of words per line misleading and at times hard to read. Also in this same preview area, code boxes with a line …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for geryzone

Hello! I'm having trouble with the CSS of this liquid (flixible ) layout. The problem occurs only in IE7. Whenever I decrease the size of the browser the #eventsListing (6 images) drops under #content (text/copy). I tried all kinds of hacks and freestyle solutions but nothing have worked so far. …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for newsguy

What happens when your security software thinks your operating system is out to get you? Users of AVG8 discovered the answer when it decided that a Windows XP user32.dll system file was infected with a Trojan, and deleted it. Uh oh Buck, biddly biddly biddly. What happens when you delete …

Member Avatar for Anthea_123
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

So today, according to Tuesday's announcement, there will be new iPhone software available from Apple. We don't know exactly when, in the UK at 1.20 it wasn't there, but no matter - it's going to arrive. And it's going to address issues a few users have noticed, specifically poor battery …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Here we go again with the iPhone, Apple says it's issuing a fix without - as is Apple's habit - [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7569393.stm"]telling us what it's fixing[/URL]. Even as a satisfied user I can think of plenty. Searchable e-mail. MobileMe that really works on my iPhone (it still does nothing outside theb …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The End.