113 Topics

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Member Avatar for PriteshP23

I need to develop Feedback module in PHP/MySQL. **I would like to know the database design and flow to manage this system.** > There are questions for 2 tools which i need to store in my databse and need to create report like %of Positive Response, % of Negative Response, …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

Hi all, I've been playing around with PHP for a while now and never really studied hardcore (Just used it as best as I could on a whim) but I've now decided to sharpen the skill and get much better. I'm playing around with my first class and would like …

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

I went for an interveiw yesterday. and in my cv i had a link to my endorsment page. To my supreise i pass, all the others had better cv than me but i pass. I had something all of them didn't have endorsment from people i did not know and …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Reliable

Hello, [Here](http://www.inecnursing.org) is the website I have done. [Here](http://www.inecnursing.org/inec.css) is the css to the site. [Here](http://inecnursing.org/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css) is the CSS for the menu bar.Lastly, here is the CSS for the menubar to fit on the home page. #menubar { margin-left:169px; width:75%; } I'd like someone to let me know why the …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

I have been around not very long. I learn pretty much every thing i know about programing form the web and sites like daniweb helped a lot. comparing a site like daniweb and an other popular site stack overflow ... I will pick daniweb any day. for two main reason. …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for biswa2ray

I have created email account in my website(ex: info@mywebsite.com) to use it for sending clients feedback.please guide me in jsp code to solve problem.. and sorry for bothering!

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for dereknewland

What, in your opinion, is the best route to becoming a network engineer these days? Here are some observations on why I am asking this: - Software Defined Networking: With SDN becoming supported by so many vendors and implementations by large companies, it seems that it is surely going to …

Member Avatar for goatnetworking
Member Avatar for diafol

Been wondering why there's been so much necroposting recently - and not from your usual fly-byers or scum-spammers either. Could it be anything to do with the 'Related Article' above the editor? Having clicked on a few of these, it took me to articles at least 3 years old. Any …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for rileyganimator

Does the human question disappear after you get enough posts or something because I don't see the human check anymore...

Member Avatar for rileyganimator
Member Avatar for SeniorAlexandro

Hello, I have a login form which accesses to my website by WebBrowser. You have to put Username and Password in the two Textboxes to login... It works fine and it loggs me in to my site...but how can I tell if the password is wrong or not? How can …

Member Avatar for SeniorAlexandro
Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~

Hi folks, When browsing technical sub-forums, I noticed that there are a few threads which end with the OP replying "Thanks, it's solved/working now!" or something to that effect and are still not marked solved. Similar is the case with one-shot-posters who post a query which is duly answered but …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Elektrikz

Hey guys! I started learning Python 3 four days ago and I wrote a little command line RSS Reader (~120 lines) using the [URL="http://feedparser.org/"]feedparser module[/URL]. The rss reader currently has a menu, and also receives command line arguments (run the script with "-h" or "--help" for more info). It has …

Member Avatar for Elektrikz
Member Avatar for jordan0420

I've decided to start learning Objective-C after learning python. I am not sure if i should be uding the C forum, Can There be a new Place for objective C? if anything i can start posting resources, pdfs and snippets of code that i find to kickstart a forum? if …

Member Avatar for sergent
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Noticed just that my positive rep power shooted to 13 or is there bug in the system? Maybe some announcement message of these kind of changes explaining the reason would be nice feedback? Also I noticed 'undo the vote for this post' option for post I upvoted and I have …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Agapelove68

[B][COLOR="Green"][INDENT]I recently donated to DaniWeb as a member. It originally said for less than $4.00 per month you can have access to other privileges. I'm confused, because when I checked again it said $5.00+ per month. I'm just wondering which amount is correct?* The reason why is, I thought I …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Agapelove68

Greetings. I just received an e-mail that was dated back in September.:-O:confused: I'm wondering why it took 1 month and three weeks to receive this e-mail. It involved the new rules and the member of the month for September along with other informative insights. I just performed an e-mail test, …

Member Avatar for Agapelove68
Member Avatar for jacobmartin

I was just wondering whether anyone from here had a experience in signing up onto their website and check about them. Few days back i got a mail from a friend to apply for a job on their website. When i called my pal to ask for confirmation that whether …

Member Avatar for g0pal

i want to create a feedback form for my website [url snipped]. as i m using free host it doesnt allow PHP so i want to create it using JAVA. please help me create a feedback form which when submitted automatically send an email to my ID. if it is …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for abby524

Hi, I'm a newbie working with ASP.Net, attempting to create a feedback form in ASP.Net VB but I am getting the below error message. Not really sure how to create this query that its asking for. Please help...... Page.IsValid cannot be called before validation has taken place. It should be …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for abby524

Hi, I'm a newbie, having problems creating a feedback form that will be sent to me via email after the client fills it out, any help would be great! When I choose ctrl f5 to take a look and test, I'm getting the below error message: A page can have …

Member Avatar for abby524
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

Is is possible for you to reduce the amount of negative rep I can give from 30 to something more reasonable, say 10? I'd like to occasionally give negative rep but I don't want to completely destroy the member. Maybe there should be a maximum negative rep that can be …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for happygeek

How many times have you bought something on eBay and the sale didn't go quite according to plan? What did you do, just bite your lip and say nothing or make use of that eBay tool called the feedback system to leave a negative for the seller so that other …

Member Avatar for khaleekcool
Member Avatar for digital
Member Avatar for UrbanKhoja

The End.