447 Topics

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Member Avatar for Lynxus

I have a Petrol Pump system that runs a timer that simulates the litres that run and the display shows the images inserting into an image box. Then the Price at current is the litres * the set price per litre. Thats where the problem is because I can't get …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for shadowrider

want to know the coding of h ow to define connection of SQL database wid deplhi so that i can insert data in database

Member Avatar for ExplainThat
Member Avatar for QB_Pete

I’m trying to find out if either VB6 or Delphi could be used to make a simple dialer for Windows XP. A dialer my friend made in VB5 works on NT, but not on XP. By a simple dialer, I mean one that I can use to read a single …

Member Avatar for mrmink
Member Avatar for janevblagoj

Dear Sir/Madam, I’m author of a video game called “Poppy And Rose”. I have made this game in the program language Delphi6, the game belongs in the “puzzle” tip and it is with logical elements. I think that my game with a little adjustment it can attract bigger attention, but …

Member Avatar for Micheus
Member Avatar for Lynxus

I have a petrol pump simulator system and the Price Per Litre is entered through an Edit box and then the Images for each digit is displayed in an Imagebox. That part works fine, but however eachtime the application is closed the Price per litre is reset and It has …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for superseven

Hi there I'm currently using delphi 7 and I need to query a database and based on the database results I need to create a PDF file and email it through using delphi code but the problem is that I want to create the file(PDF) programmatically. How can I do …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for janevblagoj

Dear Sir/Madam, I’m author of a video game called “Poppy And Rose”. I have made this game in the program language Delphi6, the game belongs in the “puzzle” tip and it is with logical elements. I think that my game with a little adjustment it can attract bigger attention, but …

Member Avatar for Lynxus

I am working on a petrol pump display, I have read the sticky on homework help and therefore understand and will appreciate all the help that is given to me. Basically when the Nozzle button is pressed I want it to start dispencing the petrol so the litres dispensed will …

Member Avatar for Lynxus
Member Avatar for superseven

Can anyone help here? I need to create a PDF file in delphi(Programmatically) without using a third party software so i don't know where that is that possible or what if not wish component can I use for this?

Member Avatar for AKJo

Please you clever guys. I have an old Delphi and get "Code segment too large" when I try to run my program. I don´t even know how I can use "Code segments". After using built in help I tried to insert {$S 50000} in the source code, but with same …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for joshuadlowry

I am able to call masm assembler object from delphi. ( 1995 version). On compillation (with delphi) I try to call object code generated by ms-pascal 3.31, and get compiler error #51 Invalid PUBLIC Definition. I use the line {$L filename.obj} in the delphi code. How do I maake the …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for salaczr

Hi everyone :o) I have one LITTLE problem. I install two set of components in Delphi7 IDE, Zeos and Apro component (Zeos for InterBase/FireBird, and Apro for ComPort communication). And everything was looking fine. But where I try to compile my project with CrossKylix compiler integrated in Delphi7, i have …

Member Avatar for M_61

Hi all Its a while i have been searching net for some information about supporting Bluetooth in Delphi application,but i have not found much. Is there anyone who can help me with that? I would verry much appreciate that .:)

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for ecostas

Hi. My Delphi 2007 Pro is closing by itself with no error message or any other sign. [B]Apparently [/B] it started after I installed Quickreport but I can't affirm it. The last time it closed in a project with no Quickreport forms. I'm using Win XP SP2 with 1GB. Has …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Duoas

The question frequently comes up on how to manipulate dates and time using Delphi. Delphi 2.0 and later supply the [B]TDateTime[/B] format, which is actually a floating point number (stored as a IEEE double) containing the number of days that have passed since 12 December 1899. (Delphi 1.0 calculated the …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for adrive

i'm not sure if i'm getting this right, but i still remember java allowing me to cast an object to another type as long as their ancestors are the same? I can't seem to do this in delphi, the compiler doesn't seem to understand the methods and attributes of each …

Member Avatar for adrive
Member Avatar for TSeven

This is a 3DS max loader in Delphi6. The program always end with an access violation in memory, somwhere in the T3DObject.Create section, when it is called from an another class. (first occur in TChunk.Load3Data when AddObject is called) Why? How can it be solved? [ICODE]unit Unit3DS_11; interface uses Windows, …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for fst2603

Hi everyone... I need some assistance developing a little project on the parallel port... Now, I know there is a lot of ocxs and dlls which you can download, but I don't believe that I need to pay for something which I have done before... I actually have 2 projects. …

Member Avatar for vivekPSG
Member Avatar for Lynxus

I don't know what the proper name is for it lol, but I have an assignment. I am fairly new to delphi. I understand the homework rules so I don't expect it all to be done I just need help in the understanding and feel free to help as much …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for koral

I use TDE. I've got MainForm with FormStyle = fsMDIForm. And the second form, base one: TBaseForm with FormStyle = dsMDIChild. From TBaseForm I inherit next forms and they behave right. (all closing things are done in TBaseForm). Also in TBaseForm WindowState = wsMaximized. I inherit from TBaseForm a form …

Member Avatar for MaestroS

I'd like to ask you for components names (and expecially links to 'em) for Delphi to game projects. I heard about an Omega, but it doesn't work for my Delphi 7 SE... Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for dodol

Hi All, Any one know What steps should I do if I program pop3s using indy for D6. But the used port is 95.?? Before I use 110 it works because now using SSL using 95.. It doesnot work.. What should I do with Indy for D6 change from port …

Member Avatar for jmatusik

Hi , My name is Joe and I work mostly with Visual Basic 6.0 Apps. Learning Labview (tried to get BrokenArrow as Username). Hope to be able to get and give some useful info here. My latest challenge is calling Matlab from VB6. Making good progress so far. I am …

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for zoe256

Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone had used DPlot Jr & Delphi 7 (or any version really!) before? There is code for the module files in every possible language, except Delphi, and I really don't want to have to re-write it, I'm not sure I even could! I …

Member Avatar for Brent720

Hi. I'm a newbie at this forum. I've been using Delphi 3.0 for a long time, but have run into some problems I just don't know how to handle. I'm looking for some coding tips on how to do certain things in Delphi ObjectPascal. First of all, is Delphi 3.0 …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for adrive

guys, im trying to get bulleting to work. I've yet to see what's the output for this one, can someone help me out? It kept saying incompatible types between listtemplate, listlevel against variant types. But from all the examples i see on the net, the word document object is a …

Member Avatar for adrive
Member Avatar for dodol

Hi all, I have a case. Example: In Windows, I click a test.doc. my program running than it showmessage test.doc. and and then I click again dodol.doc.. my program is running... and it show message dodol.doc. any program I open.. It show the message (the file name).. How to create …

Member Avatar for dodol
Member Avatar for ycubed

I found a website that ansers a lot of the questions asked on these forums regarding [URL="http://www.webbudd.co.za/articles/dindex.php"]Delphi and Pascal. Click.[/URL]

Member Avatar for dinkle

I am new to deplhi coding and need help and examples when it comes to browsing files, pulling out data from files, looping, retrieving data, saving files. Any links to examples or any thing pls help. Thanks

Member Avatar for dinkle
Member Avatar for diego.valdez

Hello, I have a problem. I installed Delphi 2007 with a license that was provided to me, but it was invalid cause it had been used previously. So my Delphi 2007 was installed as an evaluation version, in the 'About' dialog a message was displayed stating that the software was …


The End.