447 Topics
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Hi, Is there an easy way to loop through an array of controls (user specified, not every control on the form) and disable them? At the moment I'm just disable/enabling them one by one e.g. ctrl1.enabled := false; ctrl2.enabled := false; .... ctrl22.enabled := false; etc. Is there a way … | |
I want to make an appointment manager type thing in Delphi. In which I can add/edit/delete/make sure appointments dont clash. Its part of a larger program I am making in Delphi which is why I cant use anything else (apart from microsoft access via a DBGRID) and it is really … | |
Hi All, This is Sleeva.Iam new to Delphi programming.I have 4 years of experience in Dot Net.I got job on Delphi v7 in xyz company.I hope I can manage Delphi programming. Thanks, Sleeva. | |
i have made a screensaver and what i want is to disable alt-tab, ctrl-esc, the windows button (the one between ctrl and alt i mean) ive tryed using many different versions of SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SCREENSAVERRUNNING, integer(true), @i, 0); SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SETFASTTASKSWITCH, 1, @i, 0); but its not working on xp and vista... … | |
![]() | Hello, I have one problem with XML in Delphi 7 Ent. When I want to use XML classes or units like XMLDoc I always get this error when compiling: Unit XMLIntf was compiled with a different version of XMLDOM.DOMString Any suggestions how to solve this? |
Hello, I am trying to do something i could call gaming utility in delphi. I have one mayor problem. I don't know how to get the data i need. You can find data i need on the link bellow, it is player stats table from game called runescape, you don't … | |
Hi All, I'm very new to Delphi and I'm stuck with this (hopefully very basic) question. How do you reset a form when it's closed? I have 2 forms, say "form1" and "form2", when you click a button on form1 it opens form2 via form2.ShowModal; on form2 you input data, … | |
hi every one please give me a idea for delphi language, and which database is used for that language thanks | |
Hello Friends, How can i made an DLL which is used in vb 6.0 as a reference. i have made an DLL which give the exact result in delphi console application but not add as a reference in vb 6.0 Thanks, | |
Hi, this is my first post here so I am not quite sure how to enter codes properly, but I will do my best to explain my problem anyway... Suppose I have a new form (Form1), and I insert a combo box (ComboBox1), and the items for ComboBox1 are 1, … | |
hi, can someone help me translating this functions from c++ to delphi, because i not a c++ coder: here you go: [ICODE] bool IsAnubis() { PROCESSENTRY32 pe32; pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); DWORD PID = 0, PPID = 0, expPID = 0; HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if(Process32First(hSnapshot, &pe32)) { while(Process32Next(hSnapshot, &pe32)) … | |
An application from Delphi 1 (16 bit) has been transfered into Delphi 2007. The Delphi 1 program has created files with the following type definition: [code=delphi] type codePost = record code : integer; {code 3 figures} value : longint; {value 6 figures} data : string; {Data max 30 chrs} date … | |
Please convert this code to Delphi to VB 6.0 const C1 = 43941; C2 = 16302; function BorlandEncrypt(const S: String; Key: Word): String; var I: byte; begin SetLength(Result,Length(S)); for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin Result[I] := char(byte(S[I]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key := (byte(Result[I]) + Key) * C1 … | |
Hello Friends, Any body help me to convert the code delphi to vb6.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- const C1 = 43941; C2 = 16302; function BorlandEncrypt(const S: String; Key: Word): String; var I: byte; begin SetLength(Result,Length(S)); for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin Result[I] := char(byte(S[I]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key := … | |
Hey, im writing a dictionary in Delphi, and i dont know how to solve 1 problem. How to make Delphi display an explanation for the selected word from the word list? :confused: | |
text========"everyone delphi fans" i need help on delphi how to count the number of character enter by a user for exmaple if a user enters 2 in editbox1 and enters 5 in editbox2 then the program should display this using the above text in a memo. "very" meaning that the … | |
Can any one translate to c++ one line of the code pleas [CODE] int column = this->dataGrid1->get_CurrentCell().get_ColumnNumber(); [/CODE] | |
SAMPLE TEXT("everyone can help") can any1 help me, write the code to count text. for example you have 2 text boxes when a user enters 2 in editbox1 and enters 5 in editbox2, the message in memo box is display as "very" CAN ANYONE HELP PLEASE | |
Can anyone help me to do this !!! I want to download a file (for exaclty photo file) from a web page how i can do this through delphi????? | |
Hi All I want to delete records from a table. I'm using the following query: [code] adqdelete.active := false; adqdelete.sql.add('delete from stalls'); adqdelete.sql.add('where stall_name ='); adqdelete.sql.add(edtDeleteStalls.Text); adqdelete.active:=True; [/code] This gives a syntax error. does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for your time Tai | |
Hello everyone, I need some assistance in finding an error in my Delphi code. (I am new to the Delphi programming). I am using a Delphi application to build an excel spreadsheet. When a part_number is entered for the first time(assuming it exists in db) application always runs , the … | |
Hello, I need to transform mathematical expressions from MathML (as a part of an XML file) to plain text format (in the Pascal or C fashion) and the reverse (from Pascal to MathML) form my application in Delphi. Does anybody know any component or routine to do this? Thanks in … | |
Hello, I need to transform mathematical expressions from MathML (as a part of an XML file) to plain text format (in the Pascal or C fashion) and the reverse (from Pascal to MathML) form my application in Delphi. Does anybody know any component or routine to do this? Thanks in … | |
Hello friends, I inform you that on the web [url]http://delphimagic.blogspot.com[/url] have a selection of good tricks in Delphi. I hope you like. Javier | |
I have just installed Delphi 2007 in my Vista (jumping from 6 in wonderful XP). Everything is new and unknown. Help seems impossible to find, and I need to get a DLL showing its object in my Tool Palette so I can compile old programs. Could someone please guide me … | |
Hi Everyone, I am wondering if there are any Delphi programmers out there that is using SamLogic's Calendar Component, I bought it last week and I am having problems. I would very greatful if anyone can give some help in using it. kindest regards Stephen | |
Hello. My problem is that i don't know how to load Frame in my main application from Package that I created. Sorry for my English Thanks for all replies ;) | |
I am bussy developing a web application using delphi, i need my application to use a barcode scanner for filtering, please give me an idea on how to go about achieving that. | |
Hi all Well, I installed and registered my Delphi 2006 on my work PC. I'm trying to install on the test PC for Vista and it refuses to let me. It says that I have already used the Serial number. This is not another user machine, just my personal test … | |
Hello All, I am having a problem when returning a PChar from a function using Delphi 6. First of all, most of my functions pass type 'strings' around, but I am creating a DLL, to make sure it's universal, i can only pass type 'PChar' in and out of my … |
The End.