447 Topics

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Member Avatar for jonblow

I need good free toolkit to working with .flv video format. Join files, splitting etc. Is anyone knows? Thanks for help!

Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for EnderX

I'm trying to figure out how to change the font in part of a large text field in delphi. (At the moment, I'm working with a RichEdit field.) I know it's possible to set the font style for the component, but that changes all the text, which isn't what I'm …

Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for AnniHilatE

Hi, i am writing a program that is using a database to keep track of stocked items in a business. as a part of the program, i am having a function to count how many items are actually in the database and displaying it in a numerical form within a …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for chunkmartinez

Im not too familiare with delphi, but is it a low level programming language? If not than why is it so damn popular.:eek: :!:

Member Avatar for j1979c

[B]Would like to get suggestions of any tutorials/websites/vcl downloads for visual wave editiing with delphi 7. An example is what you can do in audacity where you can view the recorded wave graphically and edit it. Trying to program that kinda program. So far I finished a drum machine, basic …

Member Avatar for NZKen

Hi Folks, need some help with converting the following QBasic code to Dalphi LPRINT chr$(27);"[@";chr$(4);chr$(0);chr$(0);chr$(0);chr$(34);chr$(0) It prints double line spacing, double character height. the Delphi code write(#27'W1' + 'Test page') - Double width printing works ok Thanks Ken

Member Avatar for Micheus
Member Avatar for BurekDom

Hi is it possible to hide Delphi's splash screen at the beginning, Delphi 7? I tried "delphi32.exe -ns" but doesn't work, is there a new switch for this? Does anybody have a list of switch commands for delphi32.exe command line execution? Thank you Burek

Member Avatar for Zsolti
Member Avatar for j1979c

Any tools out there for Delphi 7 that's good for making computer music softwares (MIDI, multitrack wav recording)? Currently trying out BASS dlls. Thanks.:cheesy:

Member Avatar for tripz

I'm a moderator on a forum. On this forum all moderators get a tool to help with making up requests to the forum admins on bad user posts and threads. The creator of the tool has left his position on the forum to move on and is no longer helping. …

Member Avatar for tripz
Member Avatar for Rossco_

First of all, hello everyone, seems like a good forum you guys have here. My query is im trying to allow access to my companys software support forum from its software which is created in delphi.net, i wish to pass a few variables that the user enters in delphi to …

Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for jwenting

I'll be visiting the Delphi 2006 launch in the Netherlands on the 29th. First time to meet DavidI and other dignitaries in several years.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for johnpaul

I'm writing a calculator program that receives a string and returns the result (everything in console mode), using Delphi 6. I use a FOR to advance and evaluate the sub-expressions, but the compiler leaves the FOR without reason (I mean that Delphi does not give me any warnings or errors, …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for spargelsuppe

Hi there, I need help :o ... I have to solve the following task, a person buys goods and everytime the person receives change. The aim is that the person has as few as possible coins in its wallet. The person has an unlimited value of one dollar coins. And …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for Turner

Hi I am currently embarking on a project to build a sentry unit of some kind. Basically, I have a webcam and need to access the feed from it in delphi, whilst being able to analyse the image and assess changes in it. If anyone could help me with this …

Member Avatar for Turner

Hi I'm working on a computing project using delphi, and for the main user screen, I need to get a menu, like that of the popup menu to appear when I move the mouse over a button, or other object. This menu needs to appear to the side of the …

Member Avatar for mrmike
Member Avatar for sbedford

Hi I am currently writing a program where it gets to a point where it has to ask a question. I have created a group box which pops up, asking the question and giving a yes/no choice. the onclick event of the "yes" button sets a bool to true and …

Member Avatar for sbedford
Member Avatar for satrix36

I have recently made a program that stores peoples names, address, etc in a text file. On one of the forms, I want there to be a search option, so the user can search by name and then the persons address is displayed. Like a search engine in a database. …

Member Avatar for satrix36
Member Avatar for Shulc

This question is not specific, i have recently registered to the forum (just because theres the delphi section) and i dont see many threads nor answers.. Just anxious if this forum is alive, Thnx, and sorry to bug you. ;)

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Turbo_King

Hi, I have been programming in Delphi for years now and I'm currently without a project worthy of my attention. If anyone has a need of my help or is also looking for a project to join please email me [email]gj_williams2000@yahoo.co.uk[/email] and let me know. Anything considered. I am also …

Member Avatar for brucesenator
Member Avatar for trafficman

I tried VB and delphi, i don t really wanna go back to vb, wot do ya think about Delphi ?

Member Avatar for mrmike
Member Avatar for peachy

When I copied my program from Dev-Pascal to the new window in Delphi I got this error: Project ParkingCharges.exe encountered unhandled exception class Borland.Delphi.EInvalidInput with mesage 'Invalid Numeric Input'. These are the options in the error box: ignore this excetion type inspect exception Object Show CPU View These are the …

Member Avatar for peachy

I am trying to complete an assignment and i am stuck with the same error 3 times. [Error] Project1.dpr(38): E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type This is my segment of code: FUNCTION convert (hours:real; minutes:real) : real; BEGIN IF minutes MOD 60.0 <> 0.0 THEN hours := (minutes …

Member Avatar for peachy
Member Avatar for test

Hi, I need someone to help me create a program which will simulate the rolling of a die, counting how many of each die faces appear on the screen. This program should also explore the use of arrays. Would appreitiate help greatly. thank you, Test

Member Avatar for test
Member Avatar for adam_grazer

I am currently working on a program using the Delphi language and one of the requirements is to simulate what happens when you return from a sleep or blank screen. In other words, the interrupt you get from a key press on the keyobard or a movement of the mouse, …

Member Avatar for JMT74

Hi. My brother recently got cable internet for his old computer. It is an Inteva with Windows 98 Standard Edition. I believe this computer is 8 years old or so. It is a Pentium 2 , 300mhz, 196 MB of RAM computer. I call this ancient. I had to install …

Member Avatar for dlh6213
Member Avatar for QB_Pete

I’m trying to find out if either VB6 or Delphi could be used to make a simple dialer for Windows XP. A dialer my friend made in VB5 works on NT, but not on XP. By a simple dialer, I mean one that I can use to read a single …

Member Avatar for Tej Singh
Member Avatar for Natso

I prefer delphi for real programming... and I like this forum plenty... it covers so much... but it doesn't have a Delphi section:sad:

Member Avatar for Dani

The End.