3,124 Topics

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Member Avatar for Rake$h

Hello Friend's I try,If i take 2 button in a form. In this when i click button1 click event then show or display button2 on a page.

Member Avatar for Rake$h
Member Avatar for GingerDontCare

Hello Daniweb, I am building a simple form to calculate and display a discounted price using VB. Here is what I am trying to do... lblDiscount = txtPercent / 100 * txtPrice lblPrice = txtPrice - lblDiscount Here is the code that I have so far...I am just a little …

Member Avatar for GingerDontCare
Member Avatar for rowen_1

The game starts off by distributing 4 cards for the deck such a way that the player receives the card first, then the dealer..and so on. round 1. the program will display the first two cards of the player and dealer the first card of the dealer faced down and …

Member Avatar for rowen_1
Member Avatar for Josefo1

I want to load database tables in dropdown list and display selected table in grid view. I am trying to convert the following code into asp. Net. I am getting error as, Variable conflicts with property adapter Private adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(String.Empty, Me.con) DisplayMember' is not a member of 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList' …

Member Avatar for Josefo1
Member Avatar for ponnu

I have vb form that accepts input from user,search in database(database acess) and displays matching records if any in the listview .The problem is that the search query will display only one matching record even if there are many matching records .anyone please help

Member Avatar for hannah_2
Member Avatar for iwin

Hi everybody, we are an computer retailer with an onlineshop that is active in 8 countries and we are looking for a way to build HTML5 display ads, because they also run on mobile devices. it looks like that everybody is moving from Flash to HTML5 nowadays, but when i …

Member Avatar for jameswarner
Member Avatar for sel15

I have implemented an FFT algorithm (by looking it up online) and integrated it into ImageJ but when I run it the image produced by the FFT algorithm is different from the image produced by the ImageJ software. I can't seem to find the error, I was hoping someone can …

Member Avatar for صمتي
Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for صمتي

I want to order this program by name in descinding order. #include <iostream.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX 10 struct std{ char name[20]; int age,year; }; class radixsort{ struct std arr[MAX]; int n,i; public: int a[]; int b[]; void getdata(); void showdata(); void sortLogic(); }; void radixsort …

Member Avatar for tin1296

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Searchvar As String Searchvar = InputBox("Enter the Name to find") Searchvar = Trim$(Searchvar) 'remove surplus spaces If Searchvar <> " " Then 'cancel if nothing entered With Adodc1.Recordset .Find "[Title of Books] = '" & Text1.Text & "'", , adSearchForward If (.EOF) Then 'record not found …

Member Avatar for Pranav b
Member Avatar for aarthi anand

Dim total As Integer For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows total += row.Cells("Total").Value Next TextBox2.Text = total // the above was the code i used and it worked good,bt if i do it for another column it is showing an error (which is given below)// Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Bharadwajcvrg

//create the sortable headers for (var i = 0; i < colsSorted.length; i++) { var column = colsSorted[i]; var props = _data.cols[column]; $(document).on('click', '.'+column+'ascen', function(){ col=$(this).parents("th").find("a").html(); if (priv.options.debug) console.log('col:{0} clicked'.f(col)); //set the new sorting column if ($(this).attr("class") == "ascen"){ _currSortFlip = true;}else{ _currSortFlip =false; } _currSortCol = col; if (typeof …

Member Avatar for Bharadwajcvrg
Member Avatar for manoj201jain

Hi, I want to display the department no. and the no. of employee in each department from EMP Table.(in a Single Row). Pls help me how to write the query for that. I had one query which display the result in 3 rows. select deptno, count(*) from emp group by …

Member Avatar for Niteshkmr049
Member Avatar for jKidz

Hi All, As usual I here with a PHP & MySQL problem. Most of you know, I am developing Music Download system. Today I have created Widget to display last 5 songs. <?php include('datab.php'); $get = "SELECT * FROM `songs` ORDER BY `id` DESC"; $getres = mysql_query($get) or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($getres)> …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for kimmgillie

Please help, this is my first java class. I need help with how to do this assignment: Grade Calcualtion Program: write a program to calculate and display the course letter for a cpt236 student. Name your program GradeCalculation. Prompt for and input the project average,the homework average,3 test scores, the …

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi, I am trying to add an event handling feature to an old program I wrote. Here is the relevant code: public class CalculatorLayout extends JFrame{ private BorderLayout layout;//layout object. Do I need a flowlayout at all? private JPanel numberKeysPanel;//contains the number keys panel //private JPanel calculationAreaPanel;//contains the calculation panel …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for filipgothic

I need array with 10 words, then I need to sort that from a to z and display each in different color can anyone help with that? thanks in advance

Member Avatar for filipgothic
Member Avatar for filipgothic

I need to make echo for each next situation if points typed is <0 echo can't be negative number if points typed is 0 echo clean 0 if points typed is > 50 echo you passed test if points typed is 100 echo you finished with best result and all …

Member Avatar for filipgothic
Member Avatar for keegansch

Hello! So, I'm taking some classes and learning how to write sample programs in Python, and I've stalled out pretty hard on one of the sample programs. The current exercise wants me to do the following: 1. Create an empty list home_prices 2. While loop asks for a home price …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for filipgothic

How can I do this, not to show only min and max number, but all numbers like 23,45,65,78,34,21,56 I need command to sort this out from min to max and display it, then get avarage number and display it too Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for filipgothic
Member Avatar for sanyam.mishra

I have a Toshiba C850-P5010 notebook. Its a bit outdated and i wonder if i can increase its graphics performance. I had an on board 2gb ram which i have recently upgrade to 6gb. It has an intel HM76 chipset and i am currently running windows 7 ultimate 64 bit. …

Member Avatar for Xlphos
Member Avatar for shadowsrose1

I am honestly stumped. I need to Create a BankAccount class that has the following: a) Instance variables for: name, accountNumber, balance, typeOfAccount b) Accessor/mutator method for each instance variable (You will end up having 8 methods) c) Create a displayAccountInfo() method that displays the account information as follows: Account …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for reeshabh.daani.7

my monitor is ok [when turned on, shows logo of mfr.], shows no signal afterwards, motherboard looks ok, after booting smps is on, cpu fan runs, hard disk led is on, there is no beep, no display. after running for about 1 minute, motherboard re-starts on its own. and keeps …

Member Avatar for kategirdlelock
Member Avatar for yaragalla_mural

Hi i have a Div and underneath that there is another div. By default the second div is not visible. Now on mouse over of the first div i am displaying the second div and also on mouse out i am hiding the second div. But the problem is on …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for filipgothic

I need command that will display error if var is not number I tried few examples but nothing seems to work, here is what I tried, one worked but it messed up my previous code, if its 0 display other msg, now when its 0 it displays like its string …

Member Avatar for filipgothic
Member Avatar for Taras20

Hi everyone, I need help creating html helper that replaces all this code: <div class="col-xs-4 form-group"> @*@Html.LabelWithHelpTextFor(m => m.DataTitle.blabla) @Html.EditorFor(m => m.DataTitle.blabla)*@ <label for="blabla" class="control-label">blabla</label> @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.DataTitle.blabla, new { @class = "form-control", autocomplete = "off" }) @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.DataTitle.blabla) </div> I want this helper to get class of the …

Member Avatar for Ramji_1

I have a joomla 3.2 site and also have a android app for my site. Now, i want a suggestion system such that when anyone browse any page of my site from android device, it should display a popup, suggesting that please download our android app. There should have two …

Member Avatar for jKidz
Member Avatar for Saranika

Consider the following class hierarchy of preschool teachers of ABC school, to answer the questions from i to iv. *Preschool teachers full time teachers part time teachers All Preschool teachers have a teacher ID, name, age and Highest qualification. A full time teacher has a fixed monthly salary. He/She has …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Ventech_IT

Hi guys having a little problem getting my brain wrapped around this, im new to php and need some help, on my homepage i have a product spotlight container. In this container i would like to pull information from a table in my database and display the relevant content. I …

Member Avatar for tapananand
Member Avatar for ayeng

Can anybody help me with this? use cakephp ajax jquery to retrieve data from db and display in textbox. any help is much appreciated!


The End.