1,136 Topics

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Member Avatar for ckchaudhary

Hi all, ok so i want to make a programme to speed up the internet, may be someting like [idm](http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/). I googled but all i could find was download managers, nothing related to boost up the downloads or something.. I am looking for a c# solution. I am not expecting …

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Member Avatar for pooja.shinde

Hello all, I am using Windows server 2008 OS as domain controller. When user's request comes, his id & password are verified across Active directory. If his id & password are already present in active directory then java program returns as valid user or otherwise returns as invalid user. Now, …

Member Avatar for pooja.shinde
Member Avatar for s.mahamure

hello, i am creating client server module.i want username and password from active directory for authentication. first time when i run program it it authenticate users but when i delete user & change password policy after that created new user and run the program then i got error authentication error. …

Member Avatar for s.mahamure
Member Avatar for atummapala

Hello Everybody, I am having a doubt regarding how to upload a file to multiple machines or servers. I tried using with FTP but getting ConnectException:connection Refused import sun.net.ftp.*; import java.io.*; public class SendFile { public static void main(String args[]) { String hostname = ""; //Remote FTP server: Change this …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for rfrapp

Hello, I am trying to upload music files to a database for use on my website. However, the file doesn't seem to actually be going into the folder. I get the name of the file in phpmyadmin, but I don't see the file anywhere. Here's my script (I do have …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for nuclear

I'm using the Guichan lib and I was trying to run the "First application with Guichan, OpenGL and SDL" example, which is located here [Click Here](http://guichan.sourceforge.net/oldsite/getting-started.shtml) . Everything was fine exept when I exit the program and delete all the pointers which were allocated with the "new" and because of …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for cyberbemon

Note: This is a server that is going to be used on a build farm, So 3rd party libraries are no use here. I've been working on writing a python script that can be used to POST files on to a tomcat server (java), I finished writing the servlet and …

Member Avatar for cyberbemon
Member Avatar for satnav_8

So i've found this HTTP downloader in python, and I wanted to modify it. I've been trying to add a ttk progressbar, to no avail, but I have no idea why it isn't working! Here is my code: import urllib2 import Tkinter import ttk url = 'http://kharg.czystybeton.pl/pendulum%20-%20%5B2005%5D%20hold%20your%20colour/05.%20through%20the%20loop.mp3' file_name = url.split('/')[-1] …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen

I have some web forms that contain several normal fields, and at least one upload field each. Upon submission, the contents of the form are e-mailed to the recipient. When I fill out the form *without* including a file for upload, it works correctly. I get an e-mail that, when …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for evry1falls

What we have done was : Specifying valid FTP remote server name, a username and a password if password required in their relevant textboxes on the form then we click on connect, we notice that the TreeView control is filled with main directories while ListBox control is filled with main …

Member Avatar for microbert

Hi, I am using php and html and i am trying to make two buttons: - Print button: that print a specific picture (not the whole page) - Download button: which will display the save as window to save a picture. Do you know if this is possible and how, …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for dschuett

I have an application that I wrote that allows users to upload files (pictures or PDFs). I am using IIS 6 and php 5.4. The problem I am having is that it seems like file uploads are getting cached somehow. For example, if I upload the same file over and …

Member Avatar for dschuett
Member Avatar for OrangeTree

Hi :). I use this code to create a file: #include <cstdlib> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main () { ofstream file("main/articles/giraffe/article.txt", ios::out); file.close (); return 0; } How can I simplify **create path of folders** (on **unix system**) "main/articles/giraffe/" - if folder "main" doesn't exist? With using standard …

Member Avatar for OrangeTree
Member Avatar for Sanchixx

How can i upload an image in my php comment box here it is: <?php $act = $_POST['act']; if($act == "post") { $name = $_POST ['name']; $area = $_POST ['area']; @$fp = fopen("comments.php", 'a'); if (!$fp) { //The file could not be opened echo "There was an error! Please try …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for TwijoO

hi, eventually this program should be able to automatically upload an image to a youtube page. (origionally the idea was to add a gamertag alongside the channel name so people could see current gamerscore etc...) I have coded a lot of it and one part which i thought to be …

Member Avatar for TwijoO
Member Avatar for vibhaJ

Hi Friends, I want to develop a website like file manager. Where user register and will get fix disk space lets say 20MB. Now user can upload their pdf, doc, txt, jpeg etc files upto their disk limit. I can develop upto this using PHP. Now my issue is if …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for group256

I have an apache server running on Ubuntu server and I've plugged all my external hard disks to it and mounted them so I can access my files using apache file and folder listing. It's good enough for browsing through files and folders, but it's not efficient because I can't …

Member Avatar for tzakuk
Member Avatar for |-|x

OK, let me preface this by stating that this is for an internal application only, so security is not a major concern and we can/do have a fair amount of control over the users browser, operating environment and configuration. I am currently generating some hyperlinks, like this: <a title="L7489" id="MainContent_GridView1_lnkFolderR_1" …

Member Avatar for |-|x
Member Avatar for samxa

hey, i'm looking for a simple script that will display 3 images in the same page as the upload button is present in. would be great if you help me with this. thanks a ton!

Member Avatar for Example
Member Avatar for yanwick

I have the simplest code possible to upload a file using php and it only doesnt work using mozilla firefox. The server responds: 'Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.' This is the code(2 files): upload_file0.php <html> <body> <form action="upload_file.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <label for="file">Filename:</label> …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for maharjun

I have an ADSL Internet connection. the modem is connected to a Wireless Router which is connected to the Ethernet Port. btw. the routing function is done by the ADSL modem and not the wireless router. now, my laptop is connected to the wireless network created by the wifi router. …

Member Avatar for FelineHazard
Member Avatar for Bheeman89

Hello people. I am a security analyst from a computer security solution company. I am handling a project where an entreprise of 50 to 100 employee which requires an Active Directory to maintain their staff in the LAN network. So my team and I have deplyoed an active directory for …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for maharjun

The doubt which i currently have is regarding the functioning of defragmenting software. i.e. when you defragment a disk. does a defragmenter defragment only files or also folders. e.g. lets say i have a directory "folder\" in it are some 200 files. if i run the defragmenter then each of …

Member Avatar for breactiv
Member Avatar for kjeu_kach

[admin.php](https://github.com/apps-vn/admin.php/commit/f2e3c157d42750c39e1778a58abf271f8ddb5f82) <tr> <td><?php echo MOD_DS_PRODFILE;?>: <?php echo required();?></td> <td><input name="filename" type="file" size="40" class="fileinput mask" /> <span style="margin-left:80px"><?php echo tooltip(MOD_DS_PRODFILE_T);?></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo MOD_DS_PRODFILE;?>: <?php echo required();?></td> <td><input name="filename" type="file" size="40" class="fileinput mask" /> <span style="margin-left:80px"><?php echo tooltip(MOD_DS_PRODFILE_T);?></span></td> </tr> [admin_class.php](https://github.com/apps-vn/admin_class.php/blob/9fc485be7667cd0d559e74b3e99c71941044bbd6/.gitignore) */ public function getPaidDownload($token) { global $db, $core; $id = …

Member Avatar for kjeu_kach
Member Avatar for zuzzles

So i came across this issue that I can run my applet fine and it creates my file (exe) until i attempt to do so in a browser (firefox, IE, etc). Its signed and asks for permission and gives no erros but it doesnt write to the file I want …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for chinee

i have to create a graph for my project i found an example that was working and followed it first time with graph. i wrote my code got no errors but when i run the code this is what i am getting i don't understand it can some one help …

Member Avatar for emilo35
Member Avatar for realworldmedia

How do i insert this into my sql database? I have tried a few things like putting the array bracks on the upload file. when i do this it saves the image location but doesnt upload the image. This is my upload snippet for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++) { if($_FILES['userfile']['name'][$i]) { $uploadfile = …

Member Avatar for realworldmedia
Member Avatar for ZeroZen

Hello Daniweb! I'm an amateur programmer who's learned quite a bit from online references, and usually searching eventually reveals the problem but I'm stuck! I've overcome many obstacles when creating a custom button on the Ajax Editor control, namespace issues, registring the controls properly etc. I resist the temptation to …

Member Avatar for xxxartistxxx

Hello Everyone,I'm new at DaniWeb I have a problem with my file download function. This's my function Private Function download_files(ByVal _URL As System.Uri, ByVal _SaveAs As String) If InternetConnection() = True Then Dim _WebClient As New System.Net.WebClient() Try AddHandler _WebClient.DownloadProgressChanged, AddressOf _DownloadProgressChanged lblStatus.Text = "Downloading File :" & _SaveAs _WebClient.DownloadFileAsync(_URL, …

Member Avatar for hankmeyer

Hello, I currently have a script that Uploads an image, resizes and saves successfully. I am having trubble understanding how I would rename the uploaded image according to the other image names in the directory. For example there are 3 images in the directory (Image1.png, Image2.gif and Image3.jpg) How would …

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The End.