1,136 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler

Hi there guys, I recently swtiched to Ubuntu Lucid, and just want to know if there is something like an "App store" for Ubuntu apps? Since my Ubuntu machine is not connected to the net, i can't use the software centre. So I have to download the packages and install …

Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler
Member Avatar for Prateek Salian
Member Avatar for DarkLightning7
Member Avatar for linezero

I have tried many ways to download the files in a listbox. non-seems to work. the listbox has url eg: [ICODE] [url]http://www.hahaww.com/2.pdf[/url] [url]http://www.hahaww.com/f1.pdf[/url] [url]http://www.hahaww.com/24.pdf[/url] [/ICODE] I want to download the files until ListBox.Items.Count = 0 which each file with number ording... for eg: 2.pdf will be 1.pdf f1.pdf will be …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for paresh_thummar

I use [CODE] FileUpload.Filename = lbl1.text.ToString(); FileUpload.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Photo/AllPhotoes/" + FileUpload.FileName)); [/CODE] and i got Error: Property or indexer 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.FileUpload.FileName' cannot be assigned. it is read only. I want to save image with label name which is hidden. and it get new value each time. how can i change image name with …

Member Avatar for kesaven
Member Avatar for McCurry0x77

If I have an application written in Java, how can I make it available for purchase/download on my website? Namely, how do I obscure the source code so it can't be viewed, yet enable it to be executed by any machine (including ones that don't have the JVM installed)?

Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for jrotunda85

My site is broken into three different categories (which are stored on 3 separate tables) and I am looking at creating a functionality to let a user upload photos. Ideally, I would like the following to happen: [LIST=1][*]A user is viewing a single retail store on the site, for example …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for DarkLightning7

I have an interface built in javafx but it currently does nothing it just looks nice. How do you download files from the web in javafx or java? How do you create files on the users system in java or javafx? How do you place downloaded files in the created …

Member Avatar for DarkLightning7
Member Avatar for ChrisHunter

Hi, At the moment i'm trying to locate xml files to use their content. I would like to be able find all files that have a particular pattern in their name (for example student_James.xml; student_Chris.xml so "student" would be the pattern). I want to be able to do this using …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for ptara1

I'm using an html form to submit data directly into a mysql database using a php script. For some reason the pictures will not be uploaded fully into the database. This is when I don't use a multipart/form-data tag. When that occurs the pictures partially upload but when I put …

Member Avatar for TechySafi
Member Avatar for amie900218

Hello, i have create a form for uploading file and it's works, but i dunno how to make people can download it.i hope someone can helps me..

Member Avatar for amie900218
Member Avatar for vijiglad

hi, please help.. I need php code to upload file from one FTP to another FTP.. thanks/regards vijay

Member Avatar for petr.pavel
Member Avatar for m16piggy

I keep getting this error when I try to Debug my Internet radio player. I don't know why. I used absolutely no advanced settings. Just had the buttons programmed to make a Webbrowser control go to a URL that would play some music. I even tried to just compile and …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for xxxferraxxx

Hi, I need help with Resource files.... That i need to do is running file that i have put in the resource files (exe file) So the idea of this when i click the button the file that i have put run so it cant be happen with shell. is …

Member Avatar for xxxferraxxx
Member Avatar for doctorphp

Hi everyone. I am trying to build a script where a user of my website can download files. I have a problem. My site has two different user types, Free and Premium at the moment the only protection I have on the script is to check whether the user is …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

I want to limit uploading size of the user image. How can i do this? User should upload only jpg file and it would be less than 100kb. and is there any way i can convert that image into specific resolution? Thanks....

Member Avatar for Gewalop
Member Avatar for heals1ic

While logged into my sbs 2008 using the domain administrator account I keep getting this error when changing folder security to folders and children. [CODE]error applying security An error occurred while applying security information to: c:\folder\file.doc access denied[/CODE] All of the files and subfolders in this folder have full permissions …

Member Avatar for ComputerCharmer
Member Avatar for liran

Hello I want to put an advanced file uploader, for uploading a few files at once, and also for big files. The support for big files is critical, so if a user wants to upload 2GB file, and it get stuck in the middle, it can continue from the same …

Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm trying to somehow download all pictures on a website FIRST before anything else happens... the problem I'm experiencing is that when a user comes to the site - none of the images are loading, sometimes they show, sometimes they don't... I believe that if the client downloads all …

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for RenanLazarotto

Hey guys! There is some way to open a file and fill it with randon information until it reach a determined value? Like a dumb file (; Thanks!

Member Avatar for RenanLazarotto
Member Avatar for masterjiraya

this is the whole code where in I got a problem [CODE=php] <?php //get the value of the selected radio value from webpage1.html $n=$_POST['company']; $dbhost="localhost"; $dbuser="root"; $dbpass=""; $dbname; ?> <html><head><title>web page1</title></head><body> <?php // logical selection for $n if($n==1){ echo"You selected Company <font color=red>bhagis portal</font> <br>"; $dbname="bhagis_portal"; } elseif($n==2){ echo"You selected …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for vijiglad

[CODE]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Validate Image</TITLE> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Bit Repository"> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="validate, extensions, file, javascript"> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A JavaScript Extension Validator for Images"> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- function validate() { var extensions = new Array("jpg","jpeg","gif","png","bmp"); var image_file = document.form.image_file.value; var image_length = document.form.image_file.value.length; var pos …

Member Avatar for vijiglad
Member Avatar for asdttk

Hello,everyone!I am very new to posting so please bear with me. I had a notebook pc with all of our itunes music downloaded to it. No I did not back it up. My hard drive fried yesterday. How can I upload the music from my son's ipod and my ipad …

Member Avatar for stechmagnet
Member Avatar for mundee

My Windows 2000 computer detected a severe virus and I was afraid that my entire computer would crash so I panicked and stupidly deleted the entire administrative user account without thinking about my files nor backing them up. I was more concerned with my installed expensive software being affected. Now …

Member Avatar for jaydeee
Member Avatar for dark3lf

Hello, I have a script written the unix shell language (NOT in bash or any other shell, in sh) that prints the mount point of a given usb (i.e, it takes the path of a usb (such as /dev/sdb1) as an argument). Here it is: [CODE] #!/bin/sh # usage: get_mount …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for rizla777

Hi I have a problem that I'm not sure how to resolve. My issue is that I have to setup a page that allows coworkers at my office to be able to upload meeting documents and such. They should be able to upload them themselves and the user viewing the …

Member Avatar for 84hd0ns
Member Avatar for nazerb

Hi Ok i am makeing a program and want it to check if there is an update availible by checking if a txt file with the version has a difrent number. I have been looking around and found absolutly no help for this problem. The text file would be at …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for emorjon2

Hi there! got some problems. I've developing a multiplayer game there's a class called userServer, that use a file to handle all incoming information. but I can't write to the file for some reasons. here's the code: [CODE] /** * @(#)userServer.java * * * @author * @version 1.00 2011/2/16 */ …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for slrobinson1983

hello all. i've bee learning php for the last couple of weeks while designing a site but i am now frequently running into situations where i need to use javascript. i have a page where i want a user to browse for a pic with a file field and i …

Member Avatar for slrobinson1983
Member Avatar for m1234ike

I want to create a program that I can create a Text file folder on my desktop and move all the text files into the folder. Here is what I have so far: Below is where I create the Text folder: [code]Dim myPath As String = IO.Path.Combine(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop, "Text") IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(myPath)[/code] Here …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Walahh

Hello everyone, I would really appreciate if anyone could please help me out here. I am trying to read the user's input in one page and then trying to display it in another page (want to let my users upload a file from their machine and save them in my …

Member Avatar for Javvy

The End.