1,136 Topics
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Our image upload form always returns the error message, "Invalid file. Please click the 'Back' button on your browser and try again." Here are the basics. ==HTML FORM== [CODE=HTML] <form enctype=="multipart/form-data" action="phpscript.php" method="post"> <input type="file" name="uploadedfile[]"> <input type="file" name="uploadedfile[]"> <input type="file" name="uploadedfile[]"> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> [/CODE] ==PHP SCRIPT== … | |
Hi I want to download a zip file (xml file in zip - size more than 50mb) which is in another website to my server using PHP scripting. That particular file is updating daily in that site, so i need it to download and use it daily basis. any help … | |
Hi all, I operate a web directory and made it so that other websites can install it and pull the categories and links from my database (an effortless web directory). I recently discovered I could install it in my FaceBook account too very easily. All that someone else needs to … | |
I have looked this up on internet and no answer yet!!! I have a paged with a loginView which has a button and a fileupload control in it. When I double click on the button to add some commands I can see that the program can see the button and … | |
Hi, I am trying to achieve multiple file upload using Ajax, or at least it should look like ajax (without page reload). Below is my code... [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Uploader</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/django_forms_media/css/igp_edp-main.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/django_forms_media/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var file_array = … | |
Hi, I have a jsp web application running in Tomcat 6 that uses a set of 3rd party jars. One of the jars is attempting to load a log4j property file by using a relative path. ( \folder\.properties) I have the property file but I need to know where to … | |
![]() | Hi, I have my project folder in www\project - for some reason, some of the images don't work and some do. All pictures are in the same path (project root) but some display a red cross and some display perfectly fine. As far as I know - theres no way … ![]() |
//this code is for upload,i have successfully uploaded my file in to uploads folder please can anyone tell me how can i get the image from my folder if(isset($_REQUEST["upload"])) { $name=$_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']; $type=$_FILES['uploadedfile']['type']; $size=$_FILES['uploadedfile']['size']; $check=$_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']; $uname=str_replace(" ","_",$name); $tmp_name=$_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name']; $target_path = "uploads/"; $target_path = $target_path . basename( $uname); if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { echo … | |
Hi there, I used code to fetch email address record from table abc on server but shows " Access denied for user 'mysqluser'@'serverip' (using password: YES) " [code] /********code ********/ <?php include "connection.php"; $tableName = 'abc'; $todayDate=date("m-d-Y H:i"); $backupFile = '../backup/abc_'.$todayDate.'.csv'; $query = "SELECT email_address INTO OUTFILE ".$backupFile." FIELDS TERMINATED … | |
Hi buddy, I have small script which upload the images. This script is working perfectly fine in localhost but when I upload that script to my website then it is not uploading the pictures. I have subdomain in my website names as [url]http://projects.abc.com[/url], In projects folder I have my photo … | |
Hi, I am trying to upload multiple files using file input. And I am able to do that using "multiple" attribute of input type file. I can not use file API as I am using python on server side. So after user has selected the files, I want to access … | |
I have 2 directories on Mac OS, one is the original directory and the other is an alias of the original directory. I want to list the contents of the aliased directory using shell script. I used the cd command to switch to the aliased directory, but it fails displaying … | |
What I have is a list of file paths: dir0/file0.txt dir0/dir1/filea.txt dir0/file1.txt dir0/dir1/fileb.txt dir0/dir1/dir1/filec.txt dir0/file2.txt What I'd like to get is something like the following: [code] $paths=Array( file0.txt=>file0.txt, dir1=>Array( filea.txt=>filea.txt, fileb.txt=>fileb.txt, dir1=>Array( filec.txt=>filec.txt ) ), file1.txt=>file1.txt, file2.txt=>file2.txt ); [/code] It strikes me that this must be a fairly common requirement … ![]() | |
Hello everyone! I have a problem, I need to draw a number of squares along a path. The drawing of the squares I should be okay with, but I was wondering if it's possible to draw them on an invisible path. That way I could calculate how "far" those squares … | |
Hi everyone, I have been working on an image gallery to allow people to view/upload their photos. I have everything working pretty well except that I want to modify my upload script so that a thumbnail is generated of each picture that is uploaded and stored in a separate directory … | |
The following script works GREAT. It uploads an image as well as adds info to mysql about the picture and its location. The problem is that the function "CreateThumbs" actually loops through the entire uploads directory and generates a thumbnail EVERY TIME you upload a picture. I am VERY new … | |
Hi all... How to get the full path of a file which is currently running?? suppose from cmd or directly someone starts an application or any kind of file( text file, word file, mp3 etc) my C# application need to get the path of the opened file... For eg: if … | |
Hello. I am making a register/login function, and i want the user to be able to upload files to his account, and can later view these files. I wonder how i can make the upload script insert data in a mysql table only for the current user uploading, i dont … | |
Hi, I'm writing a script where user upload any video file and my script converts the video in flv format. Since video files are very heavy in size (I want to give upload limit of 10MB), it takes much time to upload. I observed, when we upload any file to … | |
Hello, I have a pretty peculiar problem. The internet connection at my house connects fine on any of our laptops/desktops. But I can't seem to browse online or play games that require authentication or use msn . BUT(once again), I CAN stream online radio from my Itunes, I can download … | |
Hey, I'm new here and I wanna know how can I use the default Windows folders in my code in VB 6. For example, in VB.Net I can use My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments shorcuts to know the path of folders like My Music, My Docs, etc. But I don't know how to do … | |
I have watched alot of Java tutorials on yutube, but they all say to go to [url]http://www.sun.com/[/url] and get the JKD, but there is about 7 downloads labled JKD and java development kit, so can somebody please give me an exact download link, i want to have a look at … | |
I have downloaded and implemented Uploadify because users were tired of having to browse to each and every file they needed to upload(since this is used for uploading multiple pictures) allows a user to select multiple pictures at once without having to click a "BROWSE" button to go fetch each … ![]() | |
Hi all, Does somebody know how to configure the PATH for the wwwrun apache user? I have two perl version installed (in /usr/bin/ and in /usr/local/bin) and apache continues to use the (/usr/bin version) which is outdated! Many thanks, Sylvain | |
i am currently downloading a file on the torrent aplication Vuze, and it is just over 10GB in size. I am currently downloading it at around 30-40KB/s, but i've read in forums that people have been able to download at speeds well over 100KB/s. My question is, is this really … | |
Hi im new to the forum & c++. I just want to upload a txt file to a FTP server using winsock. Im writing a c++ application. Application makes a socket connection & communicate with FTP server. I can provide FTP commands & server responses well. I want to know … | |
Hi friends, I would like to introduce myself, I am Manim from Singapore. Currently working in Olam International singapore as Oracle DBA. Also interested in web development and seo topics. I have created few websites (SNIP SNIP SNIP ha..ha.. i'm not promoting my sites, just for info.) and learnt something … | |
Hello fellow Daniweb members! Really this forum can't be what it is without you guy's... Just a quick question, can you incorporate the windows file explorer in a C++ application to save and open to a chosen file path? I am asking because I have seen it in other app's … | |
Hey! I started using java this year and I finished a java project but when I try moving it somewhere else in my directory it does not execute anymore. My project directory tree goes like this (I am using eclipse)... (ignore the "-") /Root - /bin -- JavaProgram.class -- JavaProgramMain.class … | |
Ok so to give you a brief summary of whats going on our original assignment was to make a password directory that adds, saves, looks up, and removes a name and password that are connected together in an array. So now we need to alter the code so it works … |
The End.