1,136 Topics
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Hello Everyone! So ive done some searching and havent been able to find what i need. Partly because i'm not sure exactly what words i should be googling! I am wanting to download gmail emails, and then display them in a spreadsheet like format. I know that emails have unique … | |
In this code to upload multiple images to a different folder each time, it creates a new folder and moves files to it, but the validation part is not working ! if i remove the validation part the files are uploaded correctly!! I have mentioned using comments that in which … | |
Hi, I have this fileupload control which saves excel file on my server, but somehow, if the excel file is larger than 4 mb it does not save the file, i used this code fileupload1.SaveAs can you please help me on why does this happen? Thanks | |
[B]Hi all, I would ask about fileUpload control, in asp.net 2008 can I know how remaining time to upload file successfully without using threading and without using javascript? the progress bar not problem, the problem that faced me is how to know how much file size was uploaded...[/B] | |
I am starting a new project and i plan to use c# for it. Basically what it entails to is reconfiguring a large am mount of config files. 100+ of them. They are each named differently but are prefixed the same (ex: CONFIG_FILE_xxxxxx , where x changes). Inside the files … | |
i've already searched but i got more confused when new codes appears in my sight again (cuz im just a newbie) So, what I want to is, when the user successfully uploads the image(upload.php), it will be viewed before continuing into the next step (view.php). [B]index.php[/B] [CODE=php] <html> <body bgcolor="black" … | |
Hi! I'm having a bad time on learning how to store and retrieve image files on MS Access. This is some sort of uploading profile picture thing in my software. The open file dialog stuff and the storing of image file in the MS Access Database are taken care of … | |
![]() | I want to get the information downloaded from a file (a BMP image) into a char array. I have this function [CODE] #define _countof(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) char* DownloadBytes(char* szUrl) { HINTERNET hOpen = NULL; HINTERNET hFile = NULL; char* data = (char*)""; DWORD dataSize = 0; DWORD dwBytesRead = … ![]() |
So, even thou I have searched throughout the forums, I couldn't get a clear answer, maybe perhaps I'm a noob @ Python. As a beginner, I don't know much about Python, and it's frustrating to search the net and not find the actual answer. So, I'm working on this project, … | |
I have a directory named action at the same level as my basic script. I want to include a file called Upload which is in the action directory in my script. I keep getting errors saying the script can't find my file, but my script looks identical to the book. … | |
I'm in serious need of help getting a sound driver installed on my mother-in-law's computer! I had to reinstall Windows XP and after I did, the sound did not work. I have downloaded Intel Chipset Device Software and installed it and it says "Setup is complete." Then nothing happens and … | |
i wanted to know how to deploy a simple program that is coonected to a access database.I have tried it many times but when I try to install it says that some file is mising. How can I do it so that I dont have to copy the database from … | |
hey i want to access a variable value in another file .(without usage of extern and separate header file) . can i do it using fscanf ?? if so then how??? ![]() | |
i would like to check a size of data structure of a file in another file . how can i do so using fopen???? | |
hi, I am using SQL client as the database and VS 2008 standard to bild my project. i need to browse for a file and upload it to the SQL database. how can I do this ?? I have the code to browse for the file and insert to the … | |
Hi, I just have this program that needs to create a downloadable template for the excel file that will be used later in my program, now I have this templates in my server and I think that i'll just import this file first and then put it in the data … | |
Hi everyone. I'd like to ak for your help with a messed up partition (probably corrupted table as I understand it). I don't have much experience when it comes to this. Here's my problem: I have a probably corrupted disk and I wanted to create a partition avoiding the bad … | |
Hello DaniWeb, it has been a while since I have asked a question here so I thought now would be a great time to do so. I am creating an application that loops through the file names of a specific directory, in this case, the System32 folder. I want the … | |
Hi I'm new to java and I have written a simple Program and everything and set up a Path variable And then I tried to compile it by changing the cd and using javac Then it asks whether javac.exe can make changes to the computer. I tapped yes and then … | |
![]() | We have been assigned to make a program for a bank using data file handling, as our project. I am having some trouble at this point... the last object written in the file is printed twice and I've no clue as to why. Case for display: [CODE]file.open("Records.dat", ios::in | ios::binary); … |
yahoo offline installation takes less time to install yahoo onlinewhen you download on yahoo.com.And moreover, each time you want to reinstall yahoo you will notneed to download them Features yahoo messenger 11 Easily find or invite friends from other services to come chat with you Now you can chat with … | |
hello, all I am trying to insert rows from Excel sheet into SQL database by browsing Excel file in java(JSP). I can insert rows using ODBC connetion. But using odbc user should give DSN in program. I need to insert rows by Browsing file to make it user friendly.i.e user … | |
Hello I'm looking to allow users upload pictures onto my site and have it displayed and linked to their site.. This process is for Ad purposes. Ive looked into php mysql uploading images but ive ran into a lot of threads condemning the practice and suggesting saving the images to … ![]() | |
is there a way to resize an image after you have uploaded it using php? suppose i want to restrict the width and height of my images to 1000 and 800 respectively what code to i add to the following code snippet? [CODE] $tmp_file = $_FILES['file_upload']['tmp_name']; $target_file = basename( $_FILES['file_upload']['name'] … | |
Hi, I have this fileupload in my program and I want to set it's extension to .xls only, Is it possible? If yes, how can I set it so it's file filter will only be .xls? Thanks | |
i'm trying to upload file using php. i want to restrict the file extensions to .jpg and jpeg. this is the code i have [CODE] $upload_errors = array( UPLOAD_ERR_OK => "No errors.", UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => "Larger than upload_max_filesize.", UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => "Larger than form MAX_FILE_SIZE.", UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => "Partial upload.", UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => "No … | |
[B]Background:[/B] An application that opens a file, searches the file for the old password, replace the old password, and then saves an closes the file. The file is used by another process. [B]Servers [/B] I have two environments one for dev and prd. [B]The Issue[/B] * On prod the files … | |
I'm looking for a decent directory scripts. I've looked at clones, free and commercial. The commercials look promising but am not sure if they really are worthit. I really need to be able to edit the theme/template and wouldn't mind if there were a plethora of themes available. Are there … | |
hi everyone, i encounter problem when trying to create a form page to upload images to images folder and imagelocation will store information for the pathname where the image will be located ( will be used for display image in future) the code below does not have any error when … ![]() | |
I make an image administrator with PHP / MYSQL / AJAX. I try upload image - success! After uploading image I refresh page. uploaded image has added to list. I press delete button - image removes from list. But why it doesn`t remove from mysql list??? File can be downloaded … |
The End.