1,136 Topics

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Member Avatar for bdesc100

I am trying to add a path to sys.path fix an error importing numpy. If I do: [CODE]import sys sys.path.append('/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages') print sys.path[/CODE] then path that I just added shows up and import numpy works. However, if I restart IDLE and try to import numpy again, I get an error. How …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Alex_

Hello everybody. I'm trying to get the current directory, save it, changing the current dir, then coming back to the previous one. My code so far [code=asm] TITLE ep1_7 .MODEL SMALL .STACK 10h .DATA msg DB 'Current directory:',0h msg_l equ $-msg buff db 64 dup('$') ;f_handle dw 1 dup(?) .CODE …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for arunajasmine

i am trying to use the File upload feature in my application .. i am having a Form with many fields of type Text,textarea and including File upload FIeld. I have kept a Submit button at the end of the Form which on click will submit the actual value of …

Member Avatar for fudgealtoid

I wish to limit uploading to the video files swf pps bmp pps png gif mpg mp3 and wav - i'm sure I have the file / type incorrect. can someone please give logical solution... here's my code: [code=php]<?php if ((($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "video/swf") || ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "video/pps") || ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == …

Member Avatar for crohole
Member Avatar for catcoffee

Hi all! Сonditions of a problem: 1) in one form post info and upload file 2) validation only php without js 3) associated fields: if the value is not the same, we don't need to validate field 4) associated fields: if the value is the same, we need echo new …

Member Avatar for jomanlk
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi Please tell me how we can search PDF File , which is stored in folder like C:\Folder and then show in show.php page as dynamic link. also Upload new PDF File to Folder Please tell me how?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for kaizen_duck

i want to create a program that can upload my new picture automatically. plez help..

Member Avatar for saphar
Member Avatar for Graphix

How do you acces a folder beneath the current folder? The upload script is at: htdocs/mysite/management/upload.php and i want the files to be uploaded at: htdocs/mysite/images/ What should the directory be?

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for drabsch

I Need a script that will change the name of a file when it is getting downloaded. for example: the file getting downloaded has a name "File.mp4" and when the user downloads it i need it to be "Title.mp4"

Member Avatar for vextorspace

when using the data_files option in my setup.py #!/usr/bin/env python import ctypes from OpenGL.platform import win32 from distutils.core import setup import py2exe import sys sys.path.append("dist") setup(options = {"py2exe": {"compressed": 1, "optimize": 2, "includes": ["ctypes","Tkinter","Numeric"], "excludes": ["OpenGL"] }}, zipfile = None, data_files=['msvcr71.dll', glut32.dll'], windows=['myprogram.py'] ) I get an error saying msvcr71.dll …

Member Avatar for vextorspace
Member Avatar for mrman208

Hello, I am making a program to make a directory in a users Library folder then create a file in it. Whenever I try to make the directory I get an error and if I continue with the program i get a segmentation fault error Here is the source Code …

Member Avatar for codeguru_2009
Member Avatar for Tommy_101

Hi, I've been trying to create a program that gets wikipedia pages, and lists all the links found in the page source. I've used the urllib.urlopen() method to do this, and unfortunately I've run into a little problem. Instead of getting the actual page like say the main page, or …

Member Avatar for Tommy_101
Member Avatar for rajeev_rsd

I'm working on a Project, which includes downloading some files from INTERNET, and the code language is C++, I'm using Codegear C++ Builder 2009, If anyone knows how to download a file using c++ code. please help me, I'll be greatly thankful if you provide a code snippet and then …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rajaseeth

Hi, I have the following string in a XML file.. [CODE]<pre>&lt;/BODY&gt;&lt;/HTML&gt; ------_=_NextPart_002_01C84D7E.9133E008-- Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="footer.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 G:\Test\Attach\footer.txt --------------Boundary-00=_BLD1cvEPKmuNkgPvUNY3-- Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Press.xls" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 g:\Test\Attach\Debankan\Press.xls ------_=_NextPart_001_01C84D7E.9133E008-- </pre>[/CODE] I will pass the filename and i want to get the path from the above string.. [B]For ex.. if i pass "footer.txt" i …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for ITech

I have created a windows application using C#. the problem is fairly simple. I doono how to refer to the Application path in c#. In Vb we can use App.path to refer to the Application path My C# code for opening a report is as [code=c#] public partial class frmSpaBill …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for Nathan Campos

Hello, I'm trying to download the binarys of the [b]FPC ver. 2.1.2 Win32[/b], because i need to develop a program that i only can compile it in this version of FPC, then if you have the binary of this version of a link to it i will be very happy. …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It launched in a flurry of controversy over privacy issues, but within weeks of going live the 118800 mobile phone online directory service has been suspended. Although the official reason for the, so far, 3 day unavailability of the website is being given as "undertaking major developments" to the beta …

Member Avatar for Virg_Anderson
Member Avatar for khess

Most often, when someone talks about a filesystem or file system, they're referring to disk filesystems such as NTFS, FAT, ext2, ext3, ext4, ISO 9660 and many others but can also refer to network file systems such as CIFS (Common Internet File System aka Samba) and NFS. A filesystem is …

Member Avatar for vigneras
Member Avatar for newsguy

What a difference a year makes. Was it really only in August 2007 that Google added the Sun developed StarOffice suite to the Google Pack software collection? Yes, it was. Back then Google was happy to have a $70 value package available for free to Google Pack downloaders. Things, apparently, …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It was always going to generate plenty of publicity simply because it was the new Michael Moore documentary movie. It was always going to generate even more publicity because Moore decided to release it for free, on the Internet. The first time, as far as I am aware, that a …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The fact that the UK's Internet providers are [URL="http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article4387283.ece"]doing something about illegal downloads of music[/URL] is of course to be welcomed in principle. Whenever the subject comes up there are a handful of objections; civil liberties, the Internet should be free, whatever, the objectors seem to come from everywhere. But …

Member Avatar for tiger86
Member Avatar for khess

Hans Reiser, creator of the ReiserFS, is found guilty of murdering his ex-wife, Nina. Described as odd, strange, and narcissistic by the prosecuting attorneys and having Asperger's Syndrome by his attorney; the jury decided against him. Unfortunately, the evidence against him was significant and damning. The prosecutors gave Reiser's ongoing …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for newsguy

Microsoft has today announced the availability of Service Pack 1 for the 2007 Office system product range, and you don't have to wait the 3-6 months which Microsoft says it will take to appear in the automatic updates either. In actual fact you can download it right now from [URL="http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads"]OfficeOnline[/URL]. …

Member Avatar for John A

Microsoft's now planning to make [URL="http://www.informationweek.com/internet/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=196902603"]Windows Vista and Office[/URL] downloadable via their website - a good choice, likely spurred on by the vast number of other software distributable via the internet. It's a good idea, but I think that it's quite probably piracy will become even worse if it's distributed …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for happygeek

On May 23rd I predicted that Microsoft would start the Windows Vista Customer Preview Program (CPP) within a few weeks, and I have been proven right. Microsoft today announced public availability of Vista Beta 2, the same build (5384) as was made available to developers at WinHEC. If you don't …

Member Avatar for 'Stein
Member Avatar for mairaj

what is niche directory ? whats the diffrence between niche directory and general directory ?

Member Avatar for bobchrist

The End.