88 Topics

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Member Avatar for cussel

>hey guys, i want to find duo array 2 D with same value at least 2 > value between $data1 and $data2, and when duo array 2 D founded save in array 3D > then duo array 2 D with same value founded **delete** > from **$data1 and $data2** purpose …

Member Avatar for cussel
Member Avatar for guiburi

find and delete specific line from text file ==== cart.txt (tab delimated) ---------------------- guiburi PID001 KARLSTAD Sofa 2348 2 4696 guiburi PID002 BESTA Cabinet 1656 32 52992 guiburi PID009 PAX Wordrobe 1794 2 3588 deleteitem.php ---- if(isset($_GET['pname'])) { $pname = trim($_GET['pname']); } Info -- pname is sent from a another …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for utchia

Hi there i am trying to write a java code that will essentially be like a gps but a lot simplier and i need to make a mini map about 4 by 3. where Dunada and Government is the first intersection and i have already done so by using multiple …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Borzoi

I am trying to write a shell script but I only want it to run if there are no files with a specific name found on the server. I know how to check for a specif file which would be done like this: if [ -f /path/to/file ] then echo …

Member Avatar for Watael
Member Avatar for shlokka

hi guys, i have a rege code that looks to see if a block of text has a link. i have modded it to show the link as an image if it exists (badly i know this method isnt very good) what i need to do is check if the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for superchica08

Combining queue and stack link list? hello so here is my question i ave to connect a link lists together, one who behaves like a stack the other like a queue.the numbers used are 11 22 44 77 33 99 66. so the stack link list looks like this 66 …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for superchica08

hello everyone I was wondering if anyone could explain big-oh estimate to me for c++ data structures. I do not understand it that much and does anyone know of any good websites that have good information on c++ data structures i would greatly appreciate it. Also could anyone explain to …

Member Avatar for superchica08
Member Avatar for superchica08

hello everyone I really need help so I have to make functions that find vowels, digits and uppercase and lowercase letters from a sentence inputted. So i was able to do it all in main but i cant seem to make the new program work with the functions properly, it …

Member Avatar for superchica08
Member Avatar for kelvin_8188

how to find the radius using the center point only... the only given point is the center point... how to get or calculate for the radius...

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for amezn

Hi, i want to know the code which will detect the same number in an array in quick sort program using C, for Eg: if the push element has a 56 of number while i enter the same number 56 in an array it should show the printf statement... i …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for thechampp

Hello everyone i need help with this task : "Write an expression that checks for given integer if its third digit (right-to-left) is 7. E. g. 1732 -> true"

Member Avatar for thechampp
Member Avatar for ingus16

Hi all ! I have a code which search registry key value in specific key path, not all registry. In registry key `SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}` find all keys with `0000 , 0001 , 0002 , 0003` and so on at the end of registry key. `{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}` . In each key ( for …

Member Avatar for ingus16
Member Avatar for ashish karna

hi,whem i logged in the webpage canyouseeme.org it showed my ip address and it ask me to insert the port but i don't know how to find the port no .....need help guyz

Member Avatar for apuzikov
Member Avatar for HTMLperson5

This is a program using the `urllib` module to find the (html/any client-side script) source code of any website which exists. Have fun!

Member Avatar for M.S.
Member Avatar for spyece

Hello, I have this code which grabs url from a webpage, when i add multiple urls, sometimes some of the webpages does not have images in the div that i mentioned in this php code so it returns with this error : Fatal error: Call to a member function find() …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dwhite12

>I need to take a list of files and remove a '.2' from a line in each file. I then need to rewrite the file without the '.2'. Using the code below I am >able to take a single file and do exactly what i need to but when trying …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for designalex

guy plz help me out with this. If i have a table, in the table is a column called veh_status, the row data will be varchar storing one or many comma seperated numbers so veh_status could be 1,2,3 each number represents an id to the relevant vehicle statuts name and …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for valestrom

Basically what I want to do is when the user browses and finds the file he wants to add the extension to I use a button click to add a .NOPE extension or something like that. I have no idea how to get it to find the end of the …

Member Avatar for eoop.org

Hi, i am getting a lot of dirty questions on formspring i want to find out who he is, he is sending me questions with an anonymos user. How do i found out his IP adress ?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for kaleem_ullah

I have quation for SEO Expert. I know how to build One way link for your website. You do Article, DIR, social bookmarking submisison etc... But when some ask you to find out the links with PR 3 or 4 where they can post there links for some money, Know …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Doncripz

Hey guyz im beginner from java programming. Could anyone please help me fix my problem? I have this method ~~~ public void determineClassAverage() { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); int total; // sum of grade int gradeCounter; //number of grade to be entered NEXT int grade; // grade value int …

Member Avatar for Doncripz
Member Avatar for White Eagle

How would I find all occurances of the letter 'e' for example in a list of the split word elephant? I've tried using letterlist.index('e') for example but index only returns the first occurance of e. This is to be used in a hangman game, and the game needs to display …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Usoda

I have a Product class that is the parent of 3 other classes; Books, Movies, Music. And the Product class connects to the Store class that holds the Store's location. If I need to find a certain Product I have to traverse the list of each the Store class and …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for nickecarlo

Hey, Is there a way, by using find, to create a method that finds the last occurrence of a character in a string? I know how to use the find method to find the first occurrence but have no idea how to do it backwards. Basically this is what I …

Member Avatar for nickecarlo
Member Avatar for jimoaks

Hello. I have started writing a program that adds students and courses into a university. The problem I have is I keep getting "Student.java:62: cannot find symbol" errors, I looked at an example and I have it setup the same way so I don't know where I am going wrong. …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for ComputerGirlie

For school I have to write a program that requests a 3 part name and breaks it into a first, middle, and last name. I wrote the code but the alignment of my output is not right. I was wonderng if someone can tell me what I did wrong and …

Member Avatar for ComputerGirlie
Member Avatar for thecoolman5

hi, I am making a calculator and i need a function that can detect a char in a string. In other words, i need it to detect a NON-number.[CODE]string n1 = "35+66/7"; int pos = -1; n1.find(char, pos+1); cout << char.n1_find << " was found at "<< pos << endl; …

Member Avatar for thecoolman5
Member Avatar for jbutardo

Hi, I have this sort of problem whenever the datatable has an empty cell, it shows cannot find column 6 or depending on the number of the datatable column cell. Why does this happen and how can I resolve this? Thanks

Member Avatar for jbutardo
Member Avatar for ahoysailor

Hello, I'm having a problem with finding and printing an element in a vector. I want to search my vector to see if an element starts with a sub-string, and if it does, I want to write the whole string to a file. The first part is done, I just …

Member Avatar for ahoysailor
Member Avatar for ahoysailor

Hi all, I've been trying to find part of a string in a vector. The problem being that I can only get it to work if I enter the entire string, but I need it so that I only search for the first part of the string in the vector. …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis

The End.