8 Topics

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Member Avatar for razstec

Im very new to flask and im trying to convert a python tkinter gui app to web. As you can understand i have all the functions made so it would be great if a could call them and pass variables with a single click of a button. for example: get_sub_menu …

Member Avatar for Nether_1

Hi everybody, I'm doing some programming in Flask, and as part of the program I'm doing a basic system of logging in, but that's not where my problem resides. During my programming, the page that is supposed to verify a login absolutely refuses to go past a specific line of …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for sahilmohile15

I have been trying to solve this error for almost 2 days have tried various posts from multiple places like github, stack overflow, and even daniweb. None have helped so far. So expecting atleast explaination for issue if you don't have answer. So here how I am creating database in …

Member Avatar for mattrweaver

I am trying to delete files in flask after they are downloaded, but I'm hung up on file path issues, generating empty excel files. The file that is downloaded is passed to the route for the file download from a session variable. The following code finds the file and downloads …

Member Avatar for Kirielson

Hello, I'm having trouble posting JSON to a url using Flask, AJAX and Javascript. Essentially, I would code using a library [Jquery Sortable](https://johnny.github.io/jquery-sortable/) to create a sorted list. From that sorted list I want to post to the server. The problem is that the server does not recieve the JSON …

Member Avatar for <HHH>

Hello, i have a sample web appliaction which get a value from HTML text feild and redirect to HTML page according to the value passed but the problem is that i can't get the value entered in the html text throught (request.form) method I get the below error werkzeug.routing.BuildError: Could …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for Marcello_1

What I am trying to do is create a form that is automatically generated and then the values from that form are then used to proceed in the program. Currently to generate my form I am using this function `real_names=["Jason","Casandra"]` this portion of the code is not static it is …

Member Avatar for ccandillo

I am new to flask and new to git so hopefully someone can help me. This is my git repo: https://github.com/ccandillo/ma-inventory.git I am trying to create a web based spreadsheet. I am storing my data in a sqlite3 database. On my edit page, I would like to be able to …


The End.