899 Topics

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Member Avatar for Skate Bart

When the button is clicked, I want the file to be opened. The file will be in the same directory as the visual basic project. Therefore, I need the code to open the file using "app.Path". Any solutions?

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for akasekaihime

strsql = "Update tbl_server(temp_no, tem_department, tem_position, tem_sname, tem_fname, tem_mname, tem_add, tem_telno, tem_bday, tem_b_place, tem_age, tem_cs, tem_fa_name, tem_ma_name, tem_spouse, tem_chil, tem_ptbc, tem_padd, tem_ptelno, tem_sss, tem_tin, tem_pag_ibig, tem_phil, tem_focc, tem_mocc, tem_sp_occ, tem_expected, tem_elem, tem_sec, tem_voc, tem_course, tem_post, tem_d_elem, tem_d_sec, tem_d_voc, tem_d_post, tem_coll, tem_d_coll) VALUES ('" & TextBox32.Text & "','" & ComboBox8.Text & …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ocw91

I having a serious problem here. This is the code i wrote and i have yet run it because too many errors. I tried minimize the errors. Anyone can help me? As for now even the simple looping also shows error. If you found any other mistake, feel free to …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for nickecarlo

I have this program where when I click start, it starts painting rectangles one on top of the other by storing each rectangle created by paintComponent in an array and then displaying them on the screen. When I click stop, the animation stops. This is all fine and dandy but …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for MMadhavi

I want to show google map of selected theatre. first user have to select city then they have to choose theatre as per selected city. i have used drop down box for both. then, after selecting theatre, when he clicks on show button i want to show google map of …

Member Avatar for MMadhavi
Member Avatar for abby.delacruz.927

Guys help me with this code. I don't know what to do. I have 2 div the 1st is in the left and it has a button and on the other div is to show/display when I click the button on the 1st div. <html>// this is my index.html <head><title> …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ian.murray.33821

hi, im using microsoft visual studio to make a game the game consists of a random number generator which ive completed and is working fine, when it generates a 7 a message tells you that you have a lucky seven, you get five goes at this then a message tells …

Member Avatar for ian.murray.33821
Member Avatar for crownedzero

I'm just curious about the use of frames/panels etc. What's are your general practices and why? Single main JFrame with multiple internal then toggling visibility of panels within? Just starting with swing and rather curious how other people implement them.

Member Avatar for jalpesh_007
Member Avatar for mattster

Hi all, Am building a WinAPI project in Code::blocks and MinGW. I Downloaded some opensource source code, and tried to compile the snippet haveing done nothing to it, and I get *Syntax Error on line 6* for the following code: IDR_MENU MENU DISCARDABLE {//BEGIN POPUP "File" {//BEGIN MENUITEM "New", IDM_NEW …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for Aiban

Hi There. I joined here some three years ago when i created my ONE and ONLY Python program that actually functions as intended *YAY*, it's a little ugly and i've decided to return and learn more, improve it and maybe start up some new projects. I'm a little confused as …

Member Avatar for Aiban
Member Avatar for zakiraimanaz
Member Avatar for zakiraimanaz
Member Avatar for alastair1008

basically my program runs like this 1. open up configure GUI 2. get congiguration 3. close configure GUI 4. open up main GUI now when I am testing in netbeans, this works perfectly however, as soon as I compile and try to run the jar file outside of netbeans the …

Member Avatar for alastair1008
Member Avatar for vizz

How to add **Facebook like button** , **twitter share button** and **google plus button** on website?

Member Avatar for vizz
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I need help with this script, i can't seem to use this to switch beteen dll files that contain a form eg. if i use it to open a form from the dll file called "Dll One" then when i click the button again it still opens the …

Member Avatar for vavazoom

Hello, In a label, I am displaying the number of characters left in a textbox. Once the user goes into negative characters remaining, the label text turns red. If they try to submit the form, an alert message will popup letting them know they have exceeding the limit of characters. …

Member Avatar for vavazoom
Member Avatar for manishp5

I am trying to insert my form's data radio buttons into my mysql database. it works very well but when i skip any one value of my radio button,as this is more than 20, its giving error that Notice: Undefined index: qr1 in C:\wamp\www\exam\contents\omr.php on line 134 Call Stack # …

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Member Avatar for bprosic

I have 2 datagridview (later- dgView), textboxes and some buttons. Everything is bounded and connected with MS Access db. The tables in db are related!! 1st dgView contains Name and Surname table. 2nd dgView contains Details. Now, how can I disable a delete button when datagrid is empty. I'm using …

Member Avatar for Icone
Member Avatar for lo0lo0999

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Bank1 extends JFrame { private JLabel l1; private JLabel l2; private JTextField t1; private JPasswordField p1; private JButton b1; public Bank1() { super("Bank System"); Container container = getContentPane(); container.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); l1=new JLabel(" ID :- "); container.add(l1); t1=new JTextField(25); container.add(t1); l2=new JLabel(" Password …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for lucy1997

Please help I've written this code and it works until i asked it to check if the radio buttons were checked and if none of them were checked to come up with an error alert and if one of them was checked to ask the user to confirm if it …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for hlamster

I have the show/hide table rows function working great now (thank you), but I am having a problem with using the back button. If someone has yes to one of the items (yes/no radio buttons) the onClick event in the input tag causes the appropriate info to display. BUT when …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for dragonshadow001

Hello I'm tring to creat a specific Look in my Java JUI but my code is giving me errors when I try and launch it. Here is my code please take a look and tell me where i'm going wrong. Its a simple login interface for my program: import java.awt.*; …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for Tortura

Hey guys, I'm trying to move data by clicking on a QPushButton from one QTreeView in the second QTreeView. Do you know how to do this. I know that I have to connect the QPushButton with a method which makes this possible. I don't really know how this method looks …

Member Avatar for ownedbynothing

this is Sudoku.java this is the main class. Reminder does the time keeping, the SudokuBoardDisplay displays the board and draws images. The one who handles the logic is the SudokuModel How do I make the images clickable and do something. how to display the remaining time as JLabel ....? i …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for jontennyeah

i have a 1 listview with the records from my ms access datebase. Can you help me to work with the button than can search all the records in each cell / subitems on the listview? THAnKS godbless :)

Member Avatar for jontennyeah
Member Avatar for Dendei

How do I code if I am coding what will happen if I press a button. and then ask a question and want to wait until either of two others buttons are pressed like an yes or no question say i code something and to continue i need the answer …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for WvTxMan_1

I have created a form in netbeans with two radio buttons in a button group with a text box. Box 1 = Yes Box 2 = No when form loads no is already selected. I want the text box to be ivisible until user selects yes. but everything I have …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for andyy121
Member Avatar for andyy121
Member Avatar for elmer0727

Hi, Please help on this. How can I let the buttonmenus shows when the toolbar menu is clicked? Here is my code: Private Sub Toolbar1_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button) Select Case Button.Description Case "Maintenance" 'I want to display submenus when this is clicked! 'button menus: '1.) Employee '2.) company '3.) department …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for orbissol

Hi, My boss has asked me to create a page where customers insert all the data we need to know who they are, his idea is to email them automatically with a link to the payment page, but he wants it to also drop us an email saying that someone …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for debal

<?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","12345"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "connection made"; if(isset($_POST['nw_update'])){ echo("You clicked nw_update!"); } else { echo" dhur"; } ?> <html> <body> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER(PHP_SELF); ?>" method="POST" > <input type="button" id="nw_update" value="NW_Update"/> </form> </body> </html> In the above code when the …

Member Avatar for simplypixie

The End.