899 Topics
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I need help with a py generated file that was made in QT. I use the following line [CODE]QtGui.QTabWidget.addTab(self.tabWidget, QtGui.qApp.tr("New Tab"))[/CODE] and get this error [CODE]Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\python\mainwindow2.py", line 349, in createInvoice QtGui.QTabWidget.addTab(self.tabWidget, QtGui.qApp.tr("New Tab")) TypeError: arguments did not match any overloaded call: QTabWidget.addTab(QWidget, QString): argument … | |
Hey guys, I am a complete beginner to programming. My only background is basic programming in C. I would like to learn more but I don't know where to start, I thought about learning C++ but then i read somewhere that learning obj-C or Java is a better idea. At … | |
i have searched everywhere and i cannot find a simple c example for creating a simple click button, where if the user clicks on it, the program prints something to the screen, or something. any help would be very appreciated. | |
I have been trying to no avail to load a ui file and insert it into a tabWidget as a new tab. I commented out a try that I thought would work, I was wrong. I have tried several different ways but I always seem to get the same error. … | |
Hi! The following Tkinter buttons should call [I]opt_def[/I] with [I]opt[/I] as 1 or 2 depending on which button is pressed (see code). [CODE]from Tkinter import * class App: def __init__(self, master): frame = Frame(master) frame.pack() self.opt1 = Button(frame, text="Opt1", command=self.opt_def(1)) self.opt1.pack(side=TOP) self.opt2 = Button(frame, text="Opt2", command=self.opt_def(2)) self.opt2.pack(side=BOTTOM) def opt_def(self, opt): … | |
Hi, I'm pretty new to C# but I'm very familiar with C++ and first off I wanted to know if anyone has a good website with some tutorials for C#. Other than that, I have a few basic questions regarding GUI programming. I suppose one question at a time is … | |
Hi, I'm a relative newb to Python and I'm starting my first major project - a logarithmic graphing system. I'm using tkinter for the GUI part of the design, but I've run into a problem. Basically, I want my graph (a tk canvas) to appear in the same (root) window … | |
Let's say that I have a file: 'mainGUI.java' and I want to, from a menu item, open another GUI file: 'tutorialGUI.java'. What would the code be to preform this? Thanks everyone! -[b][i]WolfShield[/i][/b] | |
Im trying to make an employee database where the user can add, delete, search for, view all, edit an employee, and quit. After the user clicks the add or delete button, the program is supposed to allow them to input the names and other things nd when they press enter … | |
Hello Everybody, I have run into a bit of a trouble here I wish to set the background image of a button I have written this XAML [CODE]<Button.Background> <ImageBrush ImageSource="/UIDesign;component/Images/Settings.png" /> </Button.Background>[/CODE] but when i run the application and hover the mouse over the button, the background goes away and … | |
Im a newbie and im working with 4 forms, first form is a main menu which has 6 buttons, if one of the button is clicked, a view only form is shown. this view only form has add edit and delete buttons. if edit or add is clicked, a single … | |
Hi I'm trying to modify a Shipping module for an online shop but I'm not getting it to work...I want to put two options on that, if customer chooses first option he gets one price for the shipment if he chooses second option then he gets a different price. The … | |
[CODE] button.setToolTipText("Hello, World"); frame.add(button, BorderLayout.NORTH);[/CODE] This part is the main of my program..the main ok..but that class above somethind wrong please help me figured it out...... [CODE]public class ComponentDemo{ public static void main(String [] args){ JFrameWithManyComponents frame= new JFrameWithManyComponents(); } }[/CODE] | |
hello how i can put image in button. Below <input id="b-searchbtn" value="Search" type="submit"/> | |
I need to generate a JInternalFrame every time the user presses a button. Is it possible to use the netbeans GUI builder to do so, since it is created dynamically, or do I need to code the internal frame's UI layout manually? If so, how can it be done with … | |
Hi Guys need a bit of help. I right a c# program that connects to a database and do various things. One of them is to delete a record. currently I can delete a record that i specify but i want it to delete a selected row in the dataset. … | |
Hi Guys, I've been doing python programming for a few months and I have some code that needs a GUI. All the code does is various print outs to the screen, now in my head this sounds simple enough to convert to a GUI but I can't figure out where … | |
Hi:)the problem im facing is that i created a control Textfield.Example :the user types in 75000 in the textfield and after he or she presses enter the List view appears. But i want them to hit a button so after hitting the button the list view appears?plz help | |
Hi, I am trying to disable a button until a condition is met in my program. I have two numeric up down boxes and a button, but I want to have the button disabled until the two numeric up down boxes have a number higher than 0 in both of … | |
Hello everybody, I need advices about software development. I'm not an all-knowing-programmer so I have a few questions about it: - My application's GUI is getting ready to be developed. I want it primarily to run on Windows, Linux/Unix and Mac also. But I also need it to be looking … | |
its a basic calculator that sums number and i want to make a GUI for it but i dont know where i messed up please help [CODE] import java.util.Scanner; import javax.swing.*; public class Sum { public static void main (String args []){ Scanner result = new Scanner(System.in); int num1; int … | |
Hi all, I'm having a bit of a problem implementing a GUI and have no experience in multi-threaded programming. Here's the what I need to do: -Open GUI with file chooser -After user has selected 2 files, return control back to Main, along with an array of the selected files/file … | |
i have code [CODE]<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head id="Head1" runat="server"> <title></title> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $('#<%= btnTest.ClientID %>').click(function () { var checkedControls = $('#<%= CheckBoxList1.ClientID %>').find('input:checkbox:checked'); if (checkedControls.length > 0) { alert('Valid'); } else { alert('Please select atleast one checkbox'); } return false; }); }); </script> </head> <body> … | |
hello friends actually i want to know which compiler is best suitable for gui development using c.please send the web adress to download that and send how to configure that. | |
I have been working on this simple text editor using Python 3 and Tkinter. This is my first time creating a program with an actual GUI and I have relied only on Tkinter documentation. I managed to create a text editor. However, we I started working on the commands of … | |
Hey guys. I'm working on a simple hangman program. I got the core engine down working in a command prompt, and now I'm making it using classes and a GUI. I'm using tkinter. Anyway, everything works with no error, but the image is not displaying at all. Here is the … | |
I'm trying to implement a chatroom using RMI and everything was fine until I tried to bring my GUI into the picture, from what I can see the RMI aspect is fine, the client is sending the info to the server, the server sends it to all clients with callback. … | |
Hello, I have a JavaScript calculator, here is the code:[CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> var num1=prompt('Enter your first number',""); var num2=prompt('Enter your second number',""); var problem=prompt('Enter the operator you wish to use..x,X,+,-,/ are valid..',""); if (problem=="+") { alert("The anwser to your equasion is "num1+num2); } else if (problem=="-") { alert("The answer to your … | |
Hi all I have a empty GUI , what i need to do now is to put the algorithms I have into the GUI. Im not very sure how im supposed to go about doing it. Calling of files would be easier to me as i do not have to … | |
I have a form which will have to call two different php scripts based on the click of 2 submit buttons. Below is a sample of what I have so far [CODE] <?php echo'<form name="form1" method="post">'; echo '<div>'; echo '<input type="submit" name="submit1" id="submit1" value="Create">'; echo '</div>'."\n"; echo '<div>'; echo '<input … |
The End.