6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for hindu times

Hi there, Im working on this page - [URL="http://www.rjt-online.com/photos_titletest.php"]http://www.rjt-online.com/photos_titletest.php[/URL] When you click the Filter By buttons it alters the content of the iframe below it. This works fine in ALL browsers. However, when you click the browser "back" button it should return to the previous clicked Filter By button (and …

Member Avatar for hindu times
Member Avatar for hindu times

Hi there, I'm currently working on the following page... [URL="http://www.rjt-online.com/photos_titletest.php"]www.rjt-online.com/photos_titletest.php[/URL] The Filter By buttons open different "photo galleries" in the iFrame below them when they are clicked. I was wondering (being a bit of a newbie with web design) if it is possible to change the style of the Filter …

Member Avatar for hindu times
Member Avatar for mariko

I have text that is repeated on multiple pages. Is it possible have the text in the external css page so I only have to change it one time?

Member Avatar for mariko
Member Avatar for cdano

I have a master page that is referenceing a css style sheet that places an image that I want to link to. countdown block is the image style: <div id="countdown_block"> <div id="countdown">Days left in <strong>FY</strong> <script type="text/javascript">document.write(y);</script> </strong></div> <div id="daysLeft"> <script type="text/javascript">document.write(calculatediff);</script> </div> </div> [B]Where do I put the href?[/B]

Member Avatar for pwinfrey
Member Avatar for levsha

Here is my HTML:[CODE] <tr> <td> <div class="fileinputs"> <input type="submit" name="submit" class="submit" /> </div> <div class="fileinputs"> <input type="file" class="file" name="uploadedfile" /> <div class="fakefile"> <img src="uf_btt.png" /> </div> </div> <div class="fileinputs"> <input type="reset" class="reset" /> </div> <div class="fileinputs"> <input type="button" class="print" onclick="window.print()" /> </div> </td> </tr>[/CODE] And here is my CSS: …

Member Avatar for prixat
Member Avatar for _mike_

Hi, i'm trying to achieve the exact same effect as the 4 bottom tabs of this page : [url]http://uk.virginmoney.com/virgin/[/url] Most Jquery I have seen 'pushes' the content above or below it up or down the page as it reveals the hidden content, the above example reveals the content over the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for greeny_1984

Hi everyone, I have a requirement where I need to generate a pdf doc.I am using itextlibrary for that condition.I am able to generate pdf doc but alignment is not correct.The table is getting divided in to two equal parts in pdf doc for what ever width I specify.How to …

Member Avatar for betabasic

hi! i want to view an rss file using php.. i found this site: [url]http://www.softarea51.com/tutorials/parse_rss_with_php.html[/url] here's the code: [CODE=php] <?php $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load('http://www.softarea51.com/rss/windows/Web_Development/XML_CSS_Utilities.xml'); $arrFeeds = array(); foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('item') as $node) { $itemRSS = array ( 'title' => $node->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'desc' => $node->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'link' => $node->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'date' => $node->getElementsByTagName('pubDate')->item(0)->nodeValue ); …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for carlir

I am wanting to have slide shows of different albums on my page, the problem is it always shows the pictures from the last album coded to the page in the first album, and nothing in any album other than the first album. does anyone know how I can fix …

Member Avatar for carlir
Member Avatar for DragonMage

I'm looking to know if anyone knows somewhere I can find a coded weblayout that would agree with what freewebs is. I have done html, css for a lot of years but I cannot for the life of me figure out what and why freewebs doesn't recognize some codes. Especially …

Member Avatar for Rameshkeerthi

Hi All, I have a problem in one coding part that was " I want to display one prompt box. When i click on the particular prompt box then it prompts for your name. When you given a name for example Mother, it must display a message like "Greeting mother" …

Member Avatar for Rameshkeerthi
Member Avatar for donnyv

Hello, I am trying to insert an html document into a modal window based on the results of a database query using plone/tal and jquery. What I need is for the "href records/rpc*_url" to be a link to the html document of the same name as the query result. i.e. …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Sharvesh

I have a speradsheet which should be converted into HTML page using perl script. It should be generic so that if I change anything in the excel sheet this should reflect in the HTML page. Please can anyone help me? Eagerly waiting for some one's reply

Member Avatar for syedmahtab
Member Avatar for Chokladkakan

I am new to Daniweb, but I have browsed the forum here for a while and it has often solved problems of mine, so now that I encountered a pickle which I cannot seem to solve in a satisfactory way using only googling, I'm asking for some hands on help: …

Member Avatar for Chokladkakan
Member Avatar for srdva59

h, i have this for call the hs.expand using a link: [code=html]<a onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { contentId: 'highslide-html2', objectType: 'iframe', objectWidth: 400, objectHeight: 400} )" class="highslide"href="link"><call </a>[/code] that work fine, but now i want call the same function using a function like this: [code=JavaScript]hs.htmlExpand(null, { contentId: 'highslide-html2', objectType: 'iframe', objectWidth: 400, …

Member Avatar for Pedro José
Member Avatar for gubbasrikanth

Hi, Generally we use font size in pixels @ CSS file like [code]font-size: 12px;[/code], but i have seen in some of css file font-size using "slash" like [code]font-size: 17px/12px[/code] Which one correct, can you explain me

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for _mike_

Hi, i'm trying to achieve the exact same effect as the 4 bottom tabs of this page : [url]http://uk.virginmoney.com/virgin/[/url] Most Jquery I have seen 'pushes' the content above or below it up or down the page as it reveals the hidden content, the above example reveals the content over the …

Member Avatar for Jayavardhan
Member Avatar for _mike_

Hi, i'm trying to achieve the exact same effect as the 4 bottom tabs of this page : [url]http://uk.virginmoney.com/virgin/[/url] Most Jquery I have seen 'pushes' the content above or below it up or down the page as it reveals the hidden content, the above example reveals the content over the …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for mgn2683

Hi, I'm trying to have a black box at 60% opacity over my background image. I'm having no problem getting the #content tag at 60% opacity, but the text is also now at 60%. Does anyone have any help for this matter? I also need help with some footer css, …

Member Avatar for vee_liang
Member Avatar for agr8lemon

Hello everyone, I have a temp/humidity/light sensor in a server room that produces a web page with just raw data like this: [CODE]uN703610TF: 79.9HU:36.4%IL: 0.7 [/CODE] That is the only thing on the page, it's wrapped in HTML and BODY tags, but that is it. What I want to do …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for hnmcc

I am very much a newbie with XSL, so apologies for that! I'm modifying an XSL stylesheet, the purpose of which is to display as HTML output from a search engine. The inbound XML is repetitive: <response> is root, and it holds some header information; then there's a node called …

Member Avatar for Buffalo101

Hello, I'm learning CSS and I've ran into a bit of a problem while trying to get a fixed footer to stick to the bottom of my page. I've searched the web and tried to adapt existing code to my page, getting everything inside a "wrapper" that's 100% height - …

Member Avatar for Buffalo101
Member Avatar for kellyA

I designed my webpage in PS and sliced, optimized and saved it as images and html. I imported it into dreamweaver CS4, aligned it in the center and so far it displayed correctly. Then I added a new div tag to create a new CSS style sheet where I changed …

Member Avatar for darc.mosch
Member Avatar for samarudge

Hey, I'm having an issue with custom fonts on my site. I copied the code from a Google Fontlibary CSS file [CODE=css]/* Custom fonts for the site */ @font-face { font-family: 'Reenie Beanie'; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; src: local('Reenie Beanie'), url('http://themes.googleusercontent.com/font?kit=ljpKc6CdXusL1cnGUSamX_cCQibwlboQP4eCflnqtq0') format('truetype'); } /*Assign the custom font's to where there …

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for davidrooker

I need to make a form with a few options could be radio or drop down, ex a, b, and c.. and when one is selected I would have a if command that would give you another set of options like if option "a" is selected then in the same …

Member Avatar for phpl0v3r
Member Avatar for moroshko

Hello ! Why the following fallback for IE [icode]color: red;[/icode] does not work ? In IE7, the color is black rather than red. [URL="http://jsfiddle.net/JryG2/1/"]Live demo here[/URL] HTML: [code] <div> <span>Hello</span> </div> [/code] CSS: [code] div { width: 200px; height: 100px; background-color: blue; text-align: center; } span { font-size: 2em; color: …

Member Avatar for macgurl70
Member Avatar for racertim

I have thousands of pieces of HTML code that I want to take a screen shot of and save as an image. I'm no programming genius, but I think I can make this happen. I have a dedicated Linux server running Ubuntu with PHP5. I've found tons of links about …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Eleqtriq

I was wondering if anybody knows how to uncheck a checkbox in a web browser using VB.NET? I Using the code .SetAttribute("checked", "true") will check a checkbox but using "false" will not uncheck it. I really need to figure this out, does anybody have any ideas?

Member Avatar for jugosoft
Member Avatar for start_game316

Here is the problem. I have an HTML page that includes some javascripts. These scripts modify the HTML contents. Some PHP scripts are already in the same file. I want to pass some variables from Javascript to PHP script. If I use get or post, all changes made by javascript …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for papanyquiL

Hi everyone! I have images I'm using in my navbar instead of text. I also have another image that replaces it for the hover effect. For some reason, the images are displaying vertically when I want them to display horizontally. I've tried every combination I can think of, any help …

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The End.