6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for lesd

Hello Group: A seemingly simple problem is defying a simple solution... I have several existing HTML pages on our site (ISP-Hosted/Windows Server, Front Page Extensions) that need a 301 redirect to other, new pages, within the same site. Without going into all of the in-elegant options I've uncovered, some of …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for jindalarpan

hello all first of all sorry for asking such a stupid kind of question. i want to know is there a way i can restrict a html page to open up from the website unless an until it is called from other page from my website. for example there are …

Member Avatar for Dandello
Member Avatar for ohgee

I am currently trying to make an html link that will add elements (specifically, drop down menus) to the current page when you click it. Since I am adding all the elements to the page using JavaScript, I'm not sure how to set up the link to call a function …

Member Avatar for ohgee
Member Avatar for Griff0527

I am trying to edit my current homework assignment to include a loop that lets the user repeat the computation for new values until the user says they want to end the program. I was given a hint to use integer division and the % operator to implement this function. …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for SoulMazer

Hi, I have a very simple problem yet I can't find out how to do it for the life of me. I am creating a simple CGI script with Python and part of it needs a HTML form. This is what I have so far (excludes imports, etc): [code=python]font_size = …

Member Avatar for SoulMazer
Member Avatar for albahr

Peace be upon you:::::: I want to convert HTML lists to the TreeView [CODE]<body> <DIV id=content> <UL> <LI><a href="aaa">aaa</a> <LI><a href="ccc">ccc</a> <LI><a href="ddd">ddd</a> <LI><a href="ooo">ooo</a> <UL> <LI><a href="vvv"> vvv</a> <LI><a href="bbb"> bbb</a> <LI><a href="ttt"> tttt</a> </LI> <LI>www<ul> <li> <a href="zzzz"> zzzz</a> </li> </ul> </LI></UL> <LI><a href="yyyy">yyyy</a> <LI><a href="uuuu">uuuu</a> <UL> <LI> …

Member Avatar for adriangana
Member Avatar for pgmarco

Hi, I am somewhat new to PHP and MySQL and I am having a little trouble with what I want to do, which is assign a cell for each option selected and a price or insert the price into MySQL table depending on the option selected. Whichever is easier or …

Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for revski

hi i am new to CSS, XHTML and PHP, and have wrote a style sheet to display a navigation bar, with auto expanding widths etc...all the relative code is below [CODE] a:link {color: #008000; text-decoration: none} a:visited {color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none} a:active {color: #ff0000; text-decoration: underlined} a:hover {color: #3300ff; text …

Member Avatar for rowiki
Member Avatar for marani

First of all, I'm not from an english-speaking country, so I'm sorry for any mistakes. If my english is not always understandable, please ask. I got some divs with IDs which I position via css in an external file. So I got something like this on the html-site: [code] <div …

Member Avatar for marani
Member Avatar for fankoff

Hi guys, I need an advice on a html-refreshing issue I have one html document containing three different forms with three submit buttons for each form. The first form has some input fields for personal information (name,surname, age etc). When the user fills in the fields, presses the submit button, …

Member Avatar for fankoff
Member Avatar for Froger93

Hello Guys, Right my problem is, I am creating a slider where in which each element is slid (using animate width) into place. This is how it works, the element currently displayed is give a margin-left: of 842px (same as my slider width) and then a margin-top: of 300px (height …

Member Avatar for Froger93
Member Avatar for lstensland

I have a twill script that I am trying to use to get the html code from a web page and output to a text file. The problem I have is that all the code does not show up in my text file. The actual parts I need are left …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Dukov82

Hi, My problem is related to NGEN and this good HtmlEditor [url]http://www.itwriting.com/htmleditor/[/url] When i try to create a Native Image using NGEN I get this error: [CODE]11>Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator - Version 2.0.50727.3053 11>Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 11>Installing assembly S:\pdn_moleskin_src_next\pdn_moleskin_src_3_36\src\bin\Debug\MoleskinDotNet.exe 11> Compiling assembly S:\pdn_moleskin_src_next\pdn_moleskin_src_3_36\src\bin\Debug\MoleskinDotNet.exe ... …

Member Avatar for bapu435

i am developing a website in html in which the contactus page i have to connect to ms access database i am not able to get it ,can any one tell me how to get that one.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Dears [INDENT]This is an electricity billing Site link [url]http://www.mepco.com.pk/ls/defftree.asp[/url][/INDENT] I click on each link and SELECT and COPY/PASTE , It takes 3 hours minimum each day to save all pages in Excel. I want to get all pages automatically using PHP or Query. Because higher management demand reports each day.

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for Batoul88

Can anyone Help me ??? I need css style like in the picture bellow???? thanks alot......... [ATTACH]15283[/ATTACH]

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for tech.b

hey buddy i read this code of urs on one of the threads my concern is tht i need to to atore the data form each row in the table into an array..... or a srting..... could u please help me with this??? <script type="text/javascript"> # function showContent() { # …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for Mrgrinch12

I have been struggling with these two pages for awhile. I have one page with a form which shows different data depending on who is logged in. There is one drop down adjustment field that the users between "Active" and "Bench". The submitted form should be updating that field in …

Member Avatar for Mrgrinch12
Member Avatar for moorcroft

Hi I'm not too sure how to create the attached image effect where the right hand side is my main content and it shades onto my left sidebar which has a gradient effect downwards.

Member Avatar for moorcroft
Member Avatar for fankoff

Hallo guys, I want to first start by saying, that I`m fully aware the question I`m about to ask, has certainly already been posted some thousand times. I`ve looked through some of the posts, but non of them was quite like my case (or I just didn`t stumbled upon any) …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Pityu

Hey yo developers outta there. Mine is a simple question as this: How could I create rotation for IE? I know there's the filter function for this, but that can't rotate 45 degrees. So, if it is necessary I change my css rotate technics, to a jQuery or something. Now …

Member Avatar for Pityu
Member Avatar for visweswaran28

Hi, I am using itextsharp-5.0.2-dll trying to create pdf from html. In that I am using HtmlParser, I dont know what should I import for this. still It getting error due to this. Can any one help me

Member Avatar for PierlucSS
Member Avatar for umandajayo

hi friends how to check file upload control empty or not in javascript? I m try to this way but it is not working [CODE]function Empty(){ var sValue.value = document.getElementById('file_input'); if(sValue == ""){ alert("ERROR: Project Image Should be Uplorded..!."); sValue.focus(); } } <input type="file" name="fileField" id="file_input" > <input type="button" value="Send" …

Member Avatar for umandajayo
Member Avatar for drfarzad

how can we create css form like this : iranhost.com all of parts and icon are in many boxes .

Member Avatar for macneato
Member Avatar for keeda

Hi, I am creating a registration web page where I need the user to input the date of birth, What is the best option to get the date? 3 dropdowns for month, day n year seems to be tedious, though achievable but is there a better way? I could think …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for aminahmedkhan

Hey Everyone ,, I Am Stuck With My work ,, Pls Help Me Out The Problem IS that i Copy codes from dynamic drives .com and paste them on my webs.com page , But the problem is that ,,only One Code Works At A time !!??? Why The Hell Is …

Member Avatar for aminahmedkhan
Member Avatar for mgn2683

I have an issue where my content has two different classes assigned to it: left and right. The left column is perfect, but the right column which holds my text begins at the bottom of the first column. Please look here for more: [URL="http://mgndesign.com/draft/"]http://mgndesign.com/draft/[/URL]. Feel free to look at the …

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Member Avatar for benhowdle89

I've setup a javascript window.open bit of script to print one div. Is it possible to style the div with css that gets printed, no matter what styling i put around the div, they disappear when i press the print button and it opens this new window with the div …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for ashok_gayu

Guys, I have a dynamic HTML table which gets populated by coldfusion and displayed in the page, I have a column called performace which holds numeric values. I need to select the top 3 best performace value in the column and then highlight the entire row in different colours (top …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for yda

I need a control to put on a window form to show a web page from a url. Is there such a control in the .net framework. Thanks

Member Avatar for PierlucSS

The End.