6,558 Topics

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Member Avatar for yda

I need a control to put on a window form to show a web page from a url. Is there such a control in the .net framework. Thanks

Member Avatar for PierlucSS
Member Avatar for jellybeannn

Hi, I'm making a CMS, and I have a description TextBox which I would like to include html tags, to save to a database, but I get an error "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (ctl00$adminPlaceHolder$grid$ctl02$descriptionTextBox="<b>Model No.:</b><br..."). "

Member Avatar for jellybeannn
Member Avatar for Wakesta

I'm currently creating a basic website but i'm strugling on my menu buttons part. I have created a Home, Info & Contact us buttons etc, but how do I link these so from the home page I can select Info, Contact us etc, then select the home page. If someone …

Member Avatar for bhartman21
Member Avatar for jwinslow

Hello, I am just racking my head I am still learning more on unordered lists etc... I have created a ul link list that displays the current page. This was a challenge. now I must create a drop down hover menu in CSS. I have viewed a ton of tutorials …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for mrkwagga

Hi Guys, I have a weird request, I would like to know how can I - if possible – embed an html button, that when pressed, it executes a path/command on the host machine (the webserver), I need to embed the shutdown.exe –s command, amongst others, in an html-page so …

Member Avatar for Duoas

Hi all. I have some questions that may cover multiple forums, but I think this is the most appropriate. I have been working on my wife's new website. You can see its current state here: [url]http://home.comcast.net/~mlyn7576/signandgrow/[/url] The following questions apply both to the home page and one of the sub-pages. …

Member Avatar for ivatanako
Member Avatar for leiger

Basically I've got a text editor which revolves around a jTextArea. There are some settings (e.g. whether line wrap is enabled) that I'd like to save to a file when the application closes, and then load up again when it runs next. I've spent a few hours trying to get …

Member Avatar for leiger
Member Avatar for Virangya

HELLO.. I've been designing web pages in dreamwaever 8 and i have put a table inside a div. No matter what i try the table wont scale accordingly inside the div. It always scales along the div. its width is 200px but automatically scale up to somewhere around 500px.. :( …

Member Avatar for tinimic
Member Avatar for CsKe

Hi! Im using a webbrowser control, and i want to read the html source immediately, as it arrives in more parts, dont want to wait until the whole document downloaded. I look for an element with specified id, and when its present in the arrived part of html, invoke click() …

Member Avatar for CsKe
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

will some things not work on my site once html5 is out? is html5 already out? please ive been to the google search results for html 5 related material and i really dont understand what it is. any help from anyone that understands it would be preferred!

Member Avatar for unlimited071
Member Avatar for DrewL

I just started the process of learning CSS web design so I’m fairly certain my code is a little messy but I was hoping someone might be able to help me out. I am working on a website with a large background image. It works just fine in google chrome, …

Member Avatar for Rajib Ganguly
Member Avatar for dbphydb

Hi, The below code extracts the branch number and the test environment to deploy that particular branches build on from a txt file (branch_dest.txt). Then it parses HTML pages to reach a webpage which contains some checkboxes. I want to check the "Select/Deselect All" checkbox and then click the "Deploy" …

Member Avatar for Tech B
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, I trying to understand the point of css statements that target specific browsers. If Firefox can understand "-moz-border-radius" why can't it understand "border-radius" ? Does "-moz-border-radius" predate "border-radius" ? Is that what's going on?

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for pranav_jog

how to print html form directly. i.e is there any programatic way or is there any tag to print html form

Member Avatar for Sarahj512
Member Avatar for TLCJohn

Hi there, I need some help, I am building a large site, about 150 pages. I want the ending to be .html and not .shtml using .ssi. Is there a work a round to do this? More information: I am setting up a site for a client, and over the …

Member Avatar for TLCJohn
Member Avatar for Jean88

So i've seriously looked all over google and searched everything i could think of on the topic. I've tried dozens of different syntax styles for conditional css statements, i've even put them in random areas on the page in desperation to get them to work. I've put them in the …

Member Avatar for MJ Pieterse
Member Avatar for QueryPoser546

I've read in data from a file using a GET request through a browser data= open(path) data2= file.read() return data2 and returned it to the console just fine. how do I post this same data to the browser I used as a client for the GET request? socket.send(<htmlcode here>)? what …

Member Avatar for RamRod53

So, I am new here and have a few questions about using the "this" keyword in Javascript. I am new to javascript but have much experience with C++. First question, is the "this" keyword just like using self? Secondly, if it is like self, and I use it in say …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for ajwei810192

Hi, I am wondering if anyone tried to mix PHP and Javascript innerHTML elements to change certain elements to decrease the number of submits without losing data when passing through forms. For some reason, I kept getting errors in my code and I could only get PHP to submit the …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for SikoSoft

Howdy, First off, I should say that I am jumping on posting this issue much quicker than I normally would - but I'm not really in a patient mood now, and I'm far from being a fan of anything the W3 has done. Anyhow, I am in the process of …

Member Avatar for SikoSoft
Member Avatar for TheUbuntu

Hello, Can i make one picture for all my website, please ? like Google: [url]http://www.google.com/images/srpr/nav_logo13.png[/url] Thanks.

Member Avatar for abeltenny0210
Member Avatar for rnr8

Hi, I'm trying to change a background image used within a list <li>, yet have only been able to get this to work in IE and not Firefox. Please tell me what is wrong with this code: (Note: I have tried using style.backgroundImage yet that did not work in IE …

Member Avatar for JScriptRUs
Member Avatar for Krstevski

Hello friends, I have a stupid problem, I can't find example or tutorial "How to embed mpp in HTML", so... Can anyone give me an example or code for this ? Thanks.

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for zkelvin2010

Write a program that creates a text file that contains a power of two table in HTML format. The file could be called "twoPowerTable.html". When it is viewed with a browser you will see something like: Power of 2 Value 0 1 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for ben.matthews18

So these are the effects I am using for my navigation system in my site; a:link{ font-family:"Berlin Sans FB Demi"; text-align:center; color:black; text-decoration:none; } a:visited{ color:black; text-decoration:none; } a:hover{ color:#37414A; text-decoration:none; } a:active{ color:#37414A; text-decoration:none; } The problem I have is that they are all using the 'a' tag, this …

Member Avatar for karol33
Member Avatar for rabzzz

hi, in the below code i have made a variable $htmll, in my php file.In dat var i have stored the html code,in dat html code im writing some php code which in unable to execute....Kindly help me out to resolve it. Thanx.... [code=php] <?php $htmll=' <table align="centre" border="1" cellpadding="0" …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for visweswaran28

Hi, I am creating dynamic table in that I want to set wordwrap in HTMLTableCell. How can I achieve.

Member Avatar for aarontb

I have created a basic html form on my web server, and when submit the form i get the following message for apache: Not Found The requested URL /handle_form.php method= was not found on this server. handle_form.php is there, so it should be handling the form. heres my codes for …

Member Avatar for neilnicky017
Member Avatar for Heinz Stapff

I set the width of cell[0] by CSS style sheet to [B][COLOR="Red"]8%[/COLOR][/B] but it renders about [B][COLOR="Red"]25%[/COLOR][/B] and crunches the other cells to the right? [B][U]Pseudo HTML 'code':p[/U][/B] [CODE] var addcode=itemrow.insertCell(0);//part of insertrow addcode.className='code'; addcode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(code)); [/CODE] [B].code {[COLOR=red]width:8%;[/COLOR] text-align:left; padding-left:5px; [/B] [B]border-right:1px solid black; white-space:nowrap;}[/B] /* .code width is about …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi, I am developing a Database , I have designed the layout in Fireworks. Now Export it into Html. Now There are 12 Months from Jan To Dec and for every month there are 3 regions and in each region there are 3 rows. I want to convert all boxes …

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The End.