6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for shms

Hi, I want to integrate the dhtmlxScheduler calender with the codeigniter framework. but i am not sure how to connect with the model instead of the db directly and also, how to manage the interaction between the controller, the model and interface thanks,

Member Avatar for dbphydb

Hi, I want to search for a particular text on an html page ---> Build Complete Further execution should be only if the build is successful which is denoted by the text 'Build Complete' on the webpage. Denoted in bold in the code below. [CODE] URL = "" from urllib2 …

Member Avatar for dziobu

Hi Guys. Please help! I give up! I don't see the answer for my problem anywhere! It's quite difficult to explain so please bear with me: I'm designing a website which contain 5 main (parent) pages (index.thml, catalogue.thml, etc.). Each page have NAVIGATOR, embed <iframe> in the "center" and the …

Member Avatar for fatboislimm
Member Avatar for PhiberOptik

Hey guys, I want to know how you guys parse html. I'm writing a program to compare products on a website. I already have a system that scrapes the websites. I looked at HTMLParser, I'm a little confused on how to use it, I was thinking about writing my own …

Member Avatar for PhiberOptik
Member Avatar for liamfriel

Hello all, I am having some trouble getting my background image to show in FF and IE, I am using firefox web developer add-on and when I click edit css, the background image shows up, when I close the edit css it reverts back to having no background. [URL="http://www.costumeshopfinder.co.uk/test/"]here[/URL] is …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for wsoza

Hei...i tried to make a program to scraping html, all is worked but i have a problem in the regex senteces but im not sure, [CODE]<a href="([^"]+)"><span>\d+</span>([^<]+)</a>\s*</li>[/CODE] this sentences should to show me just link and text and not \d+ but when I debugging i can se that come with …

Member Avatar for jokomamamita

Hi there everyone, I have a site over here: [url]http://www.vikgfx.com[/url] If you view it in a resolution of 1280 x 1024, the whole page would sit on the left side of the screen. I tried my level best to adjust the CSS but it just doesn't sit in the center. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for khan17

hello all, im using the code below now to extract table of contents from a html page. it extracts the data which is available after the <table> tag. but what i need is to get the result which appear as though it appear on that html page. [i need the …

Member Avatar for khan17
Member Avatar for moivet

Hi! This code should replace <br> or <br /> between certain elements in text posted in textarea element. I use [B]nl2br[/B] for detection of new line. That function also adds <br /> between html elements...for example <table>[COLOR="Red"]<br>[/COLOR]<tr> elements... Code works fine, but... When used multiple column table, code "eats" all …

Member Avatar for moivet
Member Avatar for vmars

view source code of external files in html like *.js and *.css For example: In this page I am Posting to, there are 24 *.js files. They are loaded but you can't see them. I would like to view some of these external javascript files for study. Not necessarily on …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for mgn2683

I have a problem with my background image code, where the image keeps repeating vertically down. The issue can be viewed here: [URL="http://djfades.com/index.htm"]http://djfades.com/index.htm[/URL] Can anyone help me out?

Member Avatar for kk6terry
Member Avatar for delucasvb

Hi, This is my first post here, since I am new to Python. I've been messing around a bit with it and I think I have the basics in my fingers now. I've run into a problem with the HTMLParser: I want to use it to collect the url's contained …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for Kaycy
Member Avatar for Kaycy
Member Avatar for K?!

Hi all I'm having a major problem here. Before you read this and think "that's a stupid mistake to make", I'm on an internship and it's my first "real" website. ( I experimented before, but it's the first time I have to make a "finished product) So I hope for …

Member Avatar for K?!
Member Avatar for sainiweb

I have this code which not give me desired result I want output as same http://www.asteraweb.co.uk/wrap_example.html same as like first container have I have this code but its working on no. of word and missing some words in the last <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for pjrey

all is well so far, just little hicups... one being.. i have a .pl script that logs ip/host time and date etc... i have changed the includes and it is functioning (ie, no 500 errors) but it is logging the server i am being hosted on [ Time: Tuesday May …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for mangel.murti

hi all, i am working with this site actu.. [URL="http://www.hitechinfosoft.com/wfc"]http://www.hitechinfosoft.com/wfc[/URL] i am generating dyanamic div of controls in web page. when you add controls to right side div , controls are not fitting in proper way in step. and in IE it will not displaying good. any help appreciated thnx

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Mestika

Hi, I’m currently trying to develop a method to get a overview of all my different web templates I’ve created and (legally) downloaded over the years. I thought about a displaying them like Wordpress is previewing it’s templates view a small preview windows, displaying the concrete file with styles and …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for Kirtipari
Member Avatar for jeeter19

Hi all, I have a question about moving through the elements in a web browser via C#. I currently am trying to get a checkbox to become unchecked using the HtmlElementsCollection... I have so far been able to implement putting text into a message box that is on a webpage, …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for jm3044

For some odd reason in firefox I get an issue with my code, my "footer" refuses to locate itself bellow the content... even though my css is correct... can someone please take a look and tell me how I messed up? *I realize I have no text on the site, …

Member Avatar for jm3044
Member Avatar for j4jawaid

I want to know that how to get attribute "class" of an html element using webbrowser component in C# .. Normally i am able to get any attribute (except class attribute) of any html tag. but this time i want to get attribute of "class" here is a sample html …

Member Avatar for Hallupa
Member Avatar for coollife

i want to convert HTML page into asp.net , i tried changing the extension and saving it as .aspx . It worked but most of the options didnt work apart from images like submenus, links and other things so i want to know how to fully convert an html page …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sandorlev

Hello, I'm writing a compiler in C++ which generates x86 assembly code. I'm using masm32 to test generated code. I don't really know assembly, I have to look up a lot of things while writing code. My problem is that when I generate the code for a division, like 4/2 …

Member Avatar for theifyppl
Member Avatar for dawn.visp

Here's a list of HTML editors: Homesite HTML kit World Wide Web Weaver BBEdit Notetab Pro Share your list here!

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for moobaa

Hi Everyone... I am trying to do some Object calls within a PHP script which is INLINE within HTML. However the "->" PHP syntax is effectively closing the <?php start tag. How do I escape this syntax within the PHP to ensure the browser doesn't perceive it as a tag …

Member Avatar for moobaa
Member Avatar for danale

Hello, I am writing an ASP.NET application using javascript. It uses a modal dialog which has a button. When pressing the button another window is opened. I'd like to perform the action on submit without opening a new window. Here is some code for example: [B]code for first.aspx:[/B] [CODE] <html …

Member Avatar for saulat78
Member Avatar for yushuan718

Hello all, I am writing a function to download a HTML page from another server. I am wiring this code using MFC's Casyncsocket Basically, this class runs the callback function (onReceive) whenever it detected some new that can be received. Originally, I had something like this: [CODE] void CLASSNAME::OnReceive(int nErrorCode) …

Member Avatar for yushuan718
Member Avatar for Cap'nKirk

Hi, I have created an html help file for my application and have a menu button to open it but I am having problems as it keeps coming up with an error saying it can't find the file. I don't want to hard code the full path to the help …

Member Avatar for Cap'nKirk
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

HI all, I am teaching myself web design and I am only just getting round to the whole FF / IE css issues. I have a menu system that works great in IE / but not FF and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction as …

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The End.