6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for millsy007

I have a menu div that I have styled so that is always visible on my page. When a user clicks a menu item they are taken to that section of that page using an anchor withing the page but the menu remains visible/constant to the left of the screen …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for shaun.b

Hi Everyone, I have got a program which takes a html file as an argument, parses it, and outputs the data to a CSV file. It does this no problem. BUT, i need it to take more than one html file, parse them and put all the data collected into …

Member Avatar for adam1122
Member Avatar for jameswoodhouse

Hi there i'm trying to display an image on a webpage. The image's URL is stored in a mysql database. i just want to output the image to the display via PHP. Any ideas? Thanks

Member Avatar for Designer_101
Member Avatar for k2k

my last thread was just solved that i can run my java programs in my linux box. now i would love to know if some one knows how to make a html/xml page that has a link that if i clicked and it would execute my java program. all i …

Member Avatar for k2k
Member Avatar for neutralfox

Hello friends, Got a new question, can someone explain to me how to put an HTML link in my Java program. Example ... "Click here to visit the developer website". So when someone will click on the link, the web page should automatically open in the browser. I searched on …

Member Avatar for neutralfox
Member Avatar for mansi sharma

Hey i want to ask that,suppose in HTML table cell...I insert Hyperlink....Is that possible to write the code for that hyperlink...Cz if the iamges are static,HTML table is better option than Gridview,I thk so????

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for mat1989

Hi everyone. Having some issues with my program I need to make for an assignment. There is a part that needs to be able to look for upper-case letters within a html tag ( which is located in a text file) It then has to say where in the file …

Member Avatar for Xlphos
Member Avatar for mat1989

Hi guys. Im doing an assignment, I am getting on ok with it but I am sadly really stuck at the moment. The part I am stuck on involves counting html tags in a text file. I have thought of a method of doing this but unfortunately I have no …

Member Avatar for Xlphos
Member Avatar for sid78669

Can some suggest a good way to cleanup the HTML that is output when a perl script is run using the CGI module? I tried to install HTML::Tidy, but couldn't as i was missing libtidy. And I don't want to go through 700 lines of code and putting up loads …

Member Avatar for sid78669
Member Avatar for sid78669

Hello everyone, This question is in regards to the HTML::TreeBuilder module in perl. I am using it to extract meta tags from website contents. It was working fine until i tried to extract meta tags from [URL="http://www.audicanada.ca/audi/ca/language_selector.html"]http://www.audicanada.ca/audi/ca/language_selector.html[/URL] This site contains all the meta tags that i need, author, keywords, description. …

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi I need to make a layer drag able in my html page. Please any one give me a tutorial for doing that please Thanks Rajeesh

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for bigtarr

Okay im trying to get a flash .swf to line up in IE. It is where it should be in Firefox. IM using CSS: what am i forgetting? if you have IE and Firefox both have a look see pls. I'm trying to finsih this for a class project in …

Member Avatar for bigtarr
Member Avatar for sandra21

please see [url]http://dreamtech.awardspace.co.uk/[/url] in IE 7 or firefox 3.0.6 - it displays fine. but in IE6, the 2 columns on the page display one below the other. i assume its something to do with the css. can you help me? the css files are [url]http://dreamtech.awardspace.co.uk/style.css[/url] and [url]http://dreamtech.awardspace.co.uk/layout.css[/url] also the page …

Member Avatar for sandra21
Member Avatar for rm_daniweb

You can include cc: and bcc: [ICODE] //filename: html_mailer.php class htmlMailer { function sendWelcomeHTMLMail($email, $age, $sex){ $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= "From: ".EMAIL_FROM_NAME." <".EMAIL_FROM_ADDR.">\r\n"; //define constants $headers .= 'Bcc: [email]email1@msn.com[/email], [email]email2@yahoo.com[/email], [email]email3@aol.com[/email]' . "\r\n"; $subject = "Welcome!"; $message = <<<EOT …

Member Avatar for rm_daniweb
Member Avatar for rm_daniweb

[ICODE]<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); $to = 'whom@yahoo.com'; $subject = 'The Playboys!'; $message = ' <html> <head> <title>TESTING!</title> </head> <body> <p>Playboy in the Philippines</p> <table> <tr> <th>Name</th><th>Sex</th><th>Age</th><th>Vitamin</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Tukmol</td><td>Twice a Day</td><td>75</td><td>Viagra</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Tamulmol</td><td>M ...W.....F</td><td>80</td><td>Tongkat Ali</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> '; // Content-type header $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= …

Member Avatar for Upsilon
Member Avatar for bhuvanwip

Hi, I want to view my xml in the Html page using stylesheet(XSL)so that it should provide me the tree view in Html. Same as what we are achieving in xml with removal of the XSL reference. Can any one provide me some guidance to achive that? Thanks Bhuvanesh

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for vidaj

Hello I'm building my own html parser in python, and have ran into some problems. First off, I'm using python 3, so I can't use the old bundled sgmlparser, or beautiful soup and could not find windows binaries for lxml, so I'm rolling my own. It is for my master …

Member Avatar for vidaj
Member Avatar for steed61

I ran Avast! Home Edition after updating to the newest version yesterday and it found something called HTML:Script.inf and WinRPoly [Cryp]. After some internet research, I found several posts on Ubuntu/Linux forums of the HTML:Script.inf being found by AVG Free Home Edition only for the poster or respondents to determine …

Member Avatar for otooleb6

Hi everyone, I am creating a student timetable. I have the table done in html and I now need to input the values in the database. I was trying to use something along the lines of [code]if(day = 'Monday' && time = '9') { echo(subject); }[/code] i keep getting an …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for joeltonnberg

Hi, I'm currently trying to implement expanding text to links. However, as the links are created dynamically I need to be able to make the DIVs Id-tag 'general' in the script. So, instead of this: [ICODE]function pageLoad() { collapseAll($('myvar_1','myvar_2','myvar_3)); } [/ICODE] I would like something like this: [ICODE]function pageLoad() { …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for renaissance33

i am working on severall offline databases. These html pages will never come on the web. they are just helping files and so on.... i have a lot of pictures too i would like to embed some pictures in these databases. i am working in html but i am not …

Member Avatar for cguan_77

hi, would it be possible to define different type of css style in one body of html.. or declare different css styles in one page.... for example: line 1 would define css style 1 line 2 another css declaration line 3 another css declaration any ideas is greatly appreciated... or …

Member Avatar for richie513
Member Avatar for jtyler

Table does not display any border when php outputs data from MySQL. I'm trying to set the following styles for table: border-width: thin border-style: solid Below is the snippet of code I'm having trouble with. print( "<table border-width = thin border-style = solid cellpadding = 1 width = 1400px>" ); …

Member Avatar for jtyler
Member Avatar for sreuben

Hi, I have an oracle sql query that return many rows. The result will be shown in an html table in column format. I have html table that with the static header. I need to generate dynamic rows depending upon the result of the queries. Thanks, Reuben

Member Avatar for sreuben
Member Avatar for aashishn86

hii...i am creating a chart using html and asp the code for it is : [code] <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <% Option Explicit %> <% Dim data1Array(3) data1Array(0) = 5 data1Array(1) = 15 data1Array(2) = 25 data1Array(3) = 50 Dim data2Array(3) data2Array(0) = 5 data2Array(1) = 10 data2Array(2) = 20 data2Array(3) …

Member Avatar for aashishn86
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, Code below doesn't add new innerHTML into table cell. When it adds it should run other (slideOther.js) file but, doesn't work. Thanks [code] <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function startSlide() { el=document.getElementById('productsBigCell'); el.innerHTML='<script>var slide1foldername="";</script><script src="slideOther.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'; } <script> </head> <body onLoad="startSlide();"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="productsBigCell" colspan="5">&nbsp;</td> </tr> …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for samarudge

Hi, I have the following Javascript code for loading my Google custom search: [CODE=javascript]Search = '<form action="http://www.ututorial.net/search" id="cse-search-box"><div><input type="hidden" name="cx" value="partner-pub-3996237323979957:tenb6ft9bbh" /><input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:10" /><input type="hidden" name="ie" value="ISO-8859-1" /><input type="text" name="q" size="31" /><input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" /></div></form><script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/coop/cse/brand?form=cse-search-box&amp;lang=en"></script>'; function set() { document.getElementById('Search_Content').innerHTML = Search; }[/CODE] This works fine …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for konczuras

Hello! I was wondering if there's any way to refer to a button's text in css. More accurately, to define to classes for a button, one for the button body, and one for the text inside it. Like: [code=css].button{ //the settings of the button } .button: p { //text layout …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for dantheman50_98

Hello, I am creating a new site and I have run into a problem with adding a background image to the html tag. The image has repeat-x and is positioned top and right. The problem is that though it looks great on 1024 wide resolutions it goes balls up when …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for grunge man

I tried doing this, and it didnt work. Im goign to identify the $css in the else of an if else statement; so when its else, it willl turn the web page that color, but i cant figure out how to acomplish it. [CODE] $css = "<style type="text/css"> body { …

Member Avatar for grunge man

The End.