6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mr. Tarun

How To make automate image gellry with Js, Dhtml or Ajax. I Tried But it doesnot starts automatically when web page opens.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for trickist17

Can please someone tell me, why I always get SECURITY_ERR when trying to open a new filesystem? The code is from html5rocks.com, so it is probably not the code. Chrome Version: 19.0.1084.15 (Developer Built). Code (from [html5rocks.com](http://www.html5rocks.com)): <html> <head> <style> .example { padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #CCC; } #example-list-fs …

Member Avatar for trickist17
Member Avatar for lilleskut

Please apologize my ignorance, I am very new to this. So I have some code and am doing AJAX refreshes of some text on the page which works fine. Now I want to refresh things which are more complicated than just a text string, such as a button which is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for vlady

Hello! I try to get py output to html table tag. I have a problem to create table in a table... Here is a pattern how it should look like (in yellow color) file name: format_DOC.doc here is the code I use to get a result. Pls can you help …

Member Avatar for AdilJ

I am trying to create a page of 8 avery labels for our users to print out. The labels are to be used for our meetups, so the users can have there name, avatar, and background. These are all dynamically pulled from the database. The user will have a link …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for tallygal

I'm trying to write a function that that returns an table from an array. But, for some reason, it is only displaying the first row or the array instead of all. <html> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="week13.css" /> </head> <body> <h2>table</h2> <br> <br> <?php $table = array("440" => "cubic inch engine","truck …

Member Avatar for tallygal
Member Avatar for theonlylos

On my clients website located at cjcdigital.net/clients/andrea I am having an issue with the CSS code where I managed to make the top navigation and sidebar (the social media buttons) work near perfectly with CSS - the top nav uses absolute positioning while the side nav first used absolute and …

Member Avatar for theonlylos
Member Avatar for singularity~

I have a jQuery slideshow that works perfectly outside of a modal window. Once the slideshow is loaded inside of the modal window it stops working. I am stuck and have no idea what to do.

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for evilguyme

hey guys i have a file called index1.html on my server and when i open it, it shows [url]www.myURL.com/index1.html[/url] how can i make it so that it only shows myURL.com/ when index1.html is open? i tried looking but i only found rewrite for index.html and im not a pro at …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for imti321

I HAVE MS ACCESS DATABASE OF 'STUDENTS' containing Their roll no's, names, min marks and max marks. As like schools publish results on their webistes, there is a text box in which roll no. is entered and the command button for searching the whole record of roll no. entered in …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for imti321
Member Avatar for imti321
Member Avatar for P.manidas

Dear Sir/Madam, I have written some CSS codes for designing web pages. The codes have produced well design in FireFox browser, but not in InternetExplorer and GoogleChrome as I have tested. It may not be worked in other browser also. But my question is that, how can I produced well …

Member Avatar for P.manidas
Member Avatar for antonioazevedo

Hi, I have this nice function to truncate a string with HTML. It's very good only now I ran into a problem. There are cases where for example The input will be this: `<a href="some url">this is a link</a>` and what I want to output is exactly the same, even …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mtho

Hi Guys Im kind of new to this and i hope you will be able to understand my question. I have a little dynamic news website. I have a form (called add_post.php)i use to insert my articles (blog_enrty). Unfortunately i get an error saying "you do not have permission to …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for sallecpt

HI there Could someone PLEASE help me; I have a drop-down menu on my site and when I hover, the drop-down goes behind the content. This is the address : [URL="http://www.beds24.co.za"]www.beds24.co.za[/URL] I dont know how to fix this, I've tried so many different settings. This is my CSS file. The …

Member Avatar for prasad.learner
Member Avatar for loserspearl

I can't see where the error in my CSS document is, it says location is -1, -1 which isn't inside the document, tried different ways of defining the column and "up" and "down" images and neither seem to work. [Xerces-J 2.9.1] Checking "nasdaq.css" for Well-formedness ... Ln -1 Col -1 …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for lfmconsummates

I'm trying to have HTML generate random background colors using Python. What I have so far is: `print "<body bgcolor='%s'>" % choice` what python code should follow?

Member Avatar for prerakmody
Member Avatar for PF2G

Hi, DaniWeb I'm creating a website based in this one: [Link Anchor Text](http://www.spirit-of-metal.com) As you see the News and the Reviews have an awesome box in the back :P I'm trying to do something similar. But i'm having some trouble, mostly the stripe on the title. Can someone help me, …

Member Avatar for bhartman21
Member Avatar for dougalmaguire

I have an iframe that opens within another page. On the iframe there is a button that when clicked opens a region with a number of fields for the user to input. What is meant to happen is that the region opens and the whole resizes so that the data …

Member Avatar for mtho

Hi Guys Im kind of new to this and i hope i will explain myself enough for you to understand my question. I have a little dynamic blog. I have a form (called add_post.php)i use to insert my articles (blog_enrty). Unfortunately i get an error saying "you do not have …

Member Avatar for antonioazevedo
Member Avatar for jonow

I am trying to make a table scroll once it reaches the width of its parent element. In addition to this I want to make it so the `<caption>` does not scroll with the table (it stays fixed) and also the first column stays fixed. Does anyone know how to …

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for samidha

I am a new user in PHP and currently developing a blogging web-site using PHP. I have designed a simple design of Create Blog page using HTML syntaxs, created database fields in MySQL as 1) Blog-Id 2) User-Id 3) Blog-title 4) Blog-text. Now if I am supposed to give interface …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dlannetts

Hello, i have never been really succesful at positioning items on a page with css, it's taken me a long time but i finally worked it out, buit for some reason with the code i am now using my border will not locate properly, i have attached an image, you …

Member Avatar for jwmollman
Member Avatar for jdgieschen

Alright everybody! Here's a whopper for you. I've looked over this for the longest time and just can't figure it out. I want to update my database with the user's information when they save the html form. I'm guessing there's like a quotation mark or comma misplaced or something, and …

Member Avatar for joshmac
Member Avatar for ajcoder

I have created the following code. I want people to drag the objects that are recycleable in the bin and a message to pop up that says "yes, you can recycle this". The others would have a remark that says something like "no, you cannot recycle this". At the end. …

Member Avatar for mrjimoy_05

Hi, how can I change the HTML code via VB .Net code? For example, on .aspx file I have: <div class="Menu_On"><asp:LinkButton ID="Link_Menu1" runat="server">Menu 1</asp:LinkButton></div> <div class="Menu_Off"><asp:LinkButton ID="Link_Menu2" runat="server">Menu 2</asp:LinkButton></div> <div class="Menu_Off"><asp:LinkButton ID="Link_Menu3" runat="server">Menu 3</asp:LinkButton></div> Then, when I click the "**Menu 2**" link, the class which coping the link should change …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for otengkwaku

Hi Guys well in my course to design websites that are as graphical as posiblem. i normaly prefere designing the graphical element with photoshop and then sending them over to the web page. Ontill i met CSS, i relised that day in and they out new standareds were evolving to …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for dany12

I need to use a handler that will get from my select option in html a value but not the valeu orm the option I will show my code now ...<form action="" method="POST" class="submit"> <label for="select"> Print copy</label> <select class="select" name="select"> <option>1 copy</option> <option selected="selected">2 copies</option> <option>3 copies</option> <option>4 copies</option> …

Member Avatar for Dani

Soooo ... quick question :) I need to do some HTML parsing with regex :) I currently use `$output = preg_replace('/>\s+</', "> <", $output)` to strip whitespace between any two HTML tags. What can I do to strip whitespace only between paragraph tags. For example, only between `</p>` and `<p>` …

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The End.