6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for samsons17

Hi all.. I just done a website using HTML,CSS and PHP. For now,my website is only fine to be displayed in Mozilla and IE.. For IE(Internet Explorer), I just fix the css by doing another CSS layout for that. like this one : [CODE] <!--[if IE 7]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" …

Member Avatar for shaddam
Member Avatar for mohan@nano
Member Avatar for theGrinch

I'm trying to use html onclick in java servlets like this; ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart(); out.println(" <h1><button type=\"button\" onclick=\"cart.addBook(b.getIsbn())\">add</button> </h1>"); addBook is a method in ShoppingCart class, and I'm calling it when the button is clicked, but it's not getting called. Please help.

Member Avatar for Tu Dinh
Member Avatar for game4tress

I'm creating a chat system and the problem is that when testing with two users, the secound user (entering the system) can see the first user (already loged in), but the first user will never see the next user(s) entering the system. I know that the problem comes from the …

Member Avatar for secretagentshiv

hi my name is james philip i have a probelm with css and html i need to print a form in a vertical way i have managed to rotate it in the webpage but that is not what i want to do i want it to remain horizontal on the …

Member Avatar for Alberto Bucur
Member Avatar for runnerjp_1

Hi i have a xml file on the web and i would like to scrape it to get the relevant information `<M MId="1195772" LId="34923" _LId="34921" OId="569" SId="5" KId="122" LNr="2" C0="1392715800" ML="1" HId="13106" GId="5996" W="" HN="Musfat Banyas" GN="Omyyah Idlib" HRC="" HRCi="1" GRC="" GRCi="0" Info="" S1="1-1" S2="1-0" MStan="1" OTv="" L="0" A="3" Ao="11"/>` …

Member Avatar for runnerjp_1

Hi, I am wanting to use HTMLagility pack to get 3 columns from a table <table id="inner" border="1" width="25"><h3>20:25 07/02/2014 S3 </h3><th>Pred</th><th>Act</th><th>Name</th><th>Age</th><th>Odds</th><tr><td>1 (44.8)</td><td>2</td><td align ="center" width="8">Grandads Rifle</td><td>50</td><td>6/4F</td></tr> <tr><td>2 (39.1)</td><td>3</td><td align ="center" width="8">Rosario Girl</td><td>33</td><td>3/1</td></tr> <tr><td><b>3 (38.6)</b></td><td><b>1</b></td><td align ="center" width="8"><b>Zulu Hondo</b></td><td><b>33</b></td><td><b>6/1</b></td></tr> <tr><td>4 (37.6)</td><td>6</td><td align ="center" width="8">Lethal Tiger</td><td>53</td><td>9/4</td></tr> <tr><td>5 (33.4)</td><td>4</td><td align ="center" width="8">Redstone …

Member Avatar for Isurindu

I created Rotation map like http://explore.glacierworks.org/en/#trek but it's have a problem in rotation. while rotating labels is not in correact possition.. this is [jsfiddle](http://jsfiddle.net/6738v/2/) sorry for bad english.. help me to solve this thank you

Member Avatar for OsaMasw

Hello guys, I have a webpage to print that showing some data, I managed to hide all elements that's are not needed in printing, but background color for cells in table not display in printed version, although I've tried to put <style type="text/css" media="print"> .no-print { display: none; } .bgcol{ …

Member Avatar for OsaMasw
Member Avatar for kannan mangalar

**this table dont have a id,class, i want get the content** <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="14%" height="25">FullName:</td> <td width="86%">kannan</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="25">email</td> <td>kanna@sample.com</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mahaboob Basha

hi can any one help me in this.. i have a html/jsp form in that i have a field .. enter password... first time password will be stored in the databse... from second time when user enters passowrd wrongly for 3 times then it has to dispay some msg contact …

Member Avatar for rexraja
Member Avatar for narenfomax

Why we prefer Xml sitemap over HTML sitemap. I know HTMl is for user purpose only. Any other thoughts?

Member Avatar for shafee219
Member Avatar for sanjay@srvmedia
Member Avatar for GraficRegret

The img src path is accurate, the adds were working two days ago, the only thing that has changed is the passwords for the server that the pictures are stored on.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kamilacbe

HI, I have website which works on html5 video tag to play videos and now my question is, i want to pause the video after two minutes it plays and ask the customer to pay some amount to watch the full movie , i would like to get some help/links …

Member Avatar for silent lover

dear all daniweb users and readers, i need some articles to learn how to create html slider (not image slider) on mobile web browser like android browser. when it slide to right or to left, it will show another html page. how to create html slider? example: <img src="http://i60.tinypic.com/2cepvdj.jpg" border="0">

Member Avatar for Zalingo
Member Avatar for njagi

I need to know how one can generate an excel report from html output for example below <? header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel"); echo "<table border=1> <tr> <td>Cell 1</td> <td>Cell 2</td> </tr> </table>"; ?>

Member Avatar for swss
Member Avatar for general2012

i want to creat link using selected text.codes aren't working.how can i fix this? <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Untitled Document</title> <style> #its{ border:1px solid black; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="its" contenteditable="true" > <p>It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for general2012

i am trying to learn how to make a text editor.here i creat a paragraph using "para" button.and inside the paragraph there will be a quote.Every time I press 'enter' within this paragraph, a new paragraph is created, rather than a line break tag (<br>). How can I force a …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for Damith_1

Hello, I have been able to drag and drop images from a toolbar to a html5 canvas. And now i need to connect two images/objects with a arrow. Basically the scenario should be, when you click on a dragged object, conncetiong points should appear and by dragging one point to …

Member Avatar for john_56

I am new to writing scripts. I should have probably started years ago but as I'm having a go can someone tell me if by learning HTML and CSS which I know is good for computers is this the best script to learn for mobile apps aswell?

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for chaitu11
Member Avatar for oomotayo

Here is what i want to do, check the image attached, javascript to sum the values of text boxes in a row having individual total, i have this but not working function sum() { var txtFirstNumberValue = document.getElementsByName('ca_score[]').value; var txtSecondNumberValue = document.getElementsByName('score[]').value; if (txtFirstNumberValue == "") txtFirstNumberValue = 0; if …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for chozotheqhai

Suppose I had 3 divs, each div has at least one hide/show button. The problem is when I click a show button, both 3 divs will show ups. Example: <div id="container"> <div class="course"> <a href="#" class="clickshow"> Click me to Show</a> <div class="hidden"> Hello </div> </div> <div class="course"> <a href="#" class="clickshow"> …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to get only the visible section of the image from picturebox1 and place it in picturebox2. So what I have is picturebox1 set to a certain size, and the image size mode is set to center. Picturebox2 is also set …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for bibiki

Hi guys, I am using tinyMCE editor. In my textarea, I want to let user type some html like <table></table> and store that in db just like that, <table></table>. However, what I am getting is: &lt;table&gt;&lt;/table&gt; Now, if I go to the edit form for the item that contains that …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for sanjay@srvmedia
Member Avatar for shuvobd71

Hi guyes, Some days ago i have started the tutorial of html .On that lesson I have tell about the diferrence between static and dynamic website.Static website is a simple website,here not so many attributes are added,this has limitation to include more application as like the site Bangladeh4ever. On the …

Member Avatar for dianemcmillan
Member Avatar for Sneha_2

hello, i had done lot of things with canvas like drawing different shapes on it,attaching note on it..now i have a little challenge for me where i have to imitate MS word's elbow connector to be drawn on my canvas..does anyone have ever tried doing something like this???If yes please …

Member Avatar for softmohaideen

I have using php for form datas. I want get the data from html by using id value instead of name attribute.

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.