6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for xxxferraxxx

I need help for background music i have the code but its not constant (continual) Here's my code : [CODE]My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.NAME OF FILE, audioplaymode.background)[/CODE] I need the constant (continual) code please.. Thanks in advance

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Member Avatar for six_sic6

I have an html div [CODE] <div id="myDiv"> <table border="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="600"> <tr style="text-align:center"> <td>Subject Code</td> <td>Subject Title</td> <td>Credit Hour</td> </tr> </div> [/CODE] Now, I want to have a button by which i can convert this <div id="myDiv"> to image or .doc.... can any one help me

Member Avatar for six_sic6
Member Avatar for hermann87

Hi, I have a [B]table of tables[/B], and those tables grab their contents dynamically so their <tr>'s and <td>'s change height dynamically. I was wondering if there is any CSS property or way to keep their <tr> heights fixed because depending on the content they grab their heights change. Thank …

Member Avatar for shaya4207
Member Avatar for nsahi

I am developing a website, and I have no web designing or computer programming knowledge. After reading up on web design, I have found out that I should use XHTML over HTML. I was just wondering whether I need to learn HTML to understand XHTML.

Member Avatar for shironui
Member Avatar for dlr258

I created a drop down nav bar which works fine in FF but wont work in IE here you can see that the menu loads fine in IE if the nav bar html and css are in their own file with no other html or css [url]http://www.tulsaview.com/new/navtest.php[/url] here is the …

Member Avatar for dlr258
Member Avatar for gahhon

For i'm facing assignment problem, i would like to ask the way to insert fancy or common ways to insert slide show into html web site. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for shironui
Member Avatar for CronosAkroma

[CODE=c++]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string linea; ifstream fileIn("input.txt"); ofstream fileOut("output.html",ios::out); //working with the input text if (!fileIn) cout<<"\nERROR: Unable to read the file!\n"; else { //working with the output text if (fileOut.is_open()) { fileOut << "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; fileOut << "\" xml:lang=\"en\">" << …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for dwlamb

Good day, I've run into a problem with list items displayed inline (i.e., horizontally) using Safari for Windows. If you [URL="http://dwlamb.com/cssproblem/loggedin.html"]follow this link, you'll find an uploaded static version of the problem[/URL]. Viewing it in IE7-8 and Firefox (Windows & Linux), the page yields as it should. The 4 menu …

Member Avatar for dwlamb
Member Avatar for IllBeTheJudge

Hello I have been looking around for a solution to my problem but I don't seem to have hit the right one. Not sure really whether this is a jQuery issue either, as opposed to an html / css one, but here goes: Simply put, I have a navmenu whereby …

Member Avatar for IllBeTheJudge
Member Avatar for Webbanditten

Hi im having this problem, i have this danish tv website [URL="http://www.dr.dk/NU/popup/live#/DR1"]http://www.dr.dk/NU/popup/live#/DR1[/URL] thing i dont know if your guys can see it but anyways its page content is: [ICODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head> <title>DR NU</title> <style> *{ margin:0px;padding:0px; } html,body { height:100%; background-color:#000; …

Member Avatar for kylestudent

Hey, i recently took a HTML course in high school, and i like it a lot and im starting to create my own websites on my own time, but ive ran into a pretty important (well i think its important) part of my website is the layout like how do …

Member Avatar for Arkinder
Member Avatar for clarkthe

could someone help me figure out how to make something i want it to look like this [url]http://clagnut.com/sandbox/csstabs/?writingtext=csstabs[/url] along the lines of the tabs with sub menus. but i want to to switch the submenus with a hover on the top links. i tried frankensteining some code from this [url]https://www.servage.net/blog/2009/03/20/create-a-cool-css-based-drop-down-menu/[/url] …

Member Avatar for Arkinder
Member Avatar for samuelhenry

This is a database dictionary page which has two drop-down boxes. [COLOR="Red"]first [/COLOR]- for the tables in the database(it displays all the table names in the dropdown. Second - for the columns of the table selected in the previous dropdown n then on selecting the column name it should display …

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Member Avatar for Arcrammer

I'm looking for cool code editors for Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit. If you have any please tell me! I am using... [LIST] [*]Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 [*]Intype [*]Notepad++ [*]ConTEXT [*]Notepad 2 [/LIST] I don't really give a frogs fat aśś when it comes to how heavy the program is. Whether it …

Member Avatar for Joshua Kidd
Member Avatar for hishamaborob
Member Avatar for hishamaborob
Member Avatar for ShandyElliott

I'm mentally stuck. I'm trying to create 3 divs side-by-side with the 2 outter divs containing a repeating background in opposite directions of each other with a fixed width middle div. The background image for the left div needs to begin its alignment where it meets the middle div and …

Member Avatar for ShandyElliott
Member Avatar for elneco

im using css transtions on a site and they are behaving oddly on Safari 5.0.3. Anyone else having this kind of issue? The initial and hover states work fine but after you mouse out, some of the original properties are lost or the regular and hover states are mixed together...idk …

Member Avatar for elneco
Member Avatar for six_sic6

I have an html div [CODE] <div id="myDiv"> <table border="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="600"> <tr style="text-align:center"> <td>Subject Code</td> <td>Subject Title</td> <td>Credit Hour</td> </tr> </div> [/CODE] Now, I want to have a button by which i can convert this [B]<div id="myDiv">[/B] to image or .doc.... can any one help me

Member Avatar for six_sic6
Member Avatar for tustind

I have been developing a site in Firefox 3.6, and when viewed in 3.5 today I noticed that the following CSS was not working as it should: [code] html, body { background: #E5FFCF; min-height:100%; /* needed for container min-height */ height: 100%; font-size: 90%; } body.theme_layout_three { background: #E5FFCF url(../images/bg-center-470.gif) …

Member Avatar for trixma

Hey guys, I'm trying to make a link appear as white text in all states (idle, hover, visited, click) but for some reason my idle state does not conform to my CSS. Could someone have a look and maybe help me solve the issue? here's my CSS: [CODE]a.nav:link { color: …

Member Avatar for shaya4207
Member Avatar for cartergarth

So I am just surfing the net when I stumbled at this forum. I found out this attention-grabbing topics where I most fascinated of. By the way, i'm garth, 24 years old and newbie here. I took up IT course and fond of reading interesting topics.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello, I've been trying to figure this out and I'm not sure why my code does not work? [CODE]$(function(){ $('ul.ldd_menu li.topLink ul').hide(); $('div.ldd_submenu').hide(); $('div.submenu_top').hide(); $('li.topLink').hover(function(){ $(this).find('ul').show() $(this).css({'color':'#FFF','background-color':'#000000'}); $(this).find('div').show() },function(){ $(this).find('ul').hide(); $(this).css({'color':'#000','background-color':'#ffffff'}); $(this).find('div').hide(); }); });[/CODE] That is my code, and the background-color works. But why doesn't my font color change colors …

Member Avatar for andrewliu
Member Avatar for remshad

hey , yesterday i installed fresh apache and php in CentOs 5.5 pc , my problem is my php is not working well ,, every time showing errors .....how i solve this error please help me ... for eg: while i run a simple code snippet [CODE]<?php echo "php execution …

Member Avatar for remshad
Member Avatar for nats01282

im trying to create a form that redirects the user to anther page and also stores the information in the database. here is the code [CODE]<?php mysql_connect("localhost", "DBname", "Password") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("DBname") or die(mysql_error()); // Retrieve all the data from the table $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players") or die(mysql_error()); …

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Member Avatar for sdr001

I am trying to run html code inside of a cgi script. Everything works expect for the line of code below. It says I have a syntax error and I do not know why this is. [CODE] << "<input class = 'btn' name = 'calculate' type = 'button' VALUE='Shortest Path' …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for Makcarov

how to make the background picture as a whole page?... because when i create a background pic from photoshop and adjust to 550 height and 1000 weight(in piexels) it didn't fit to the screen of the monitor.

Member Avatar for shironui
Member Avatar for 3LauraB

Hi, I have just converted my code so that it is using the html5 tags, the pages have validated fine and look good in all browsers, until minimize is hit! everything moves, does anyone have any suggestions, ive tried, position: inline; margin: 0 auto; nothing seems to work? Thanks CSS …

Member Avatar for shaya4207
Member Avatar for bkimbriel

Hey, I have basically zero knowledge of javascript, ajax, etc so any help is much appreciated. Basically I'm making a site that has an html option drop down list. I was wondering if there was a script out there / if one of you could write the script for me …

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Member Avatar for seapig

Hello Everyone - Thank you for finding this. I am looking to create a site on moonfruit.com however they dont have the options to create what i want. What I want is a proffesional looking scrolling gallery (unsure if this is even what it is called) for my portfolio work. …

Member Avatar for shaya4207
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi there, could anybody kindly tell me what the "a" (in the 1st line)is in this css and what is used for please? It is driving me insane and I can't find anything anywhere (apart from the w3c schools that says that the a is to order things alphabetiacally??) [CODE]#nav-menu …

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The End.