6,562 Topics

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Member Avatar for jrotunda85

I think I'm having a blonde moment because I can't seem to get the bit of CSS/HTML working. When I make changes to the code such as cellpadding and cellspacing in the table attribute, it doesn't do anything to the form itself. I've even tried changing something like BGCOLOR and …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for AMADH

Hello, I have created a javascript script to select a color for the css theme. I have it working great for picking, but the problem is when I refesh it goes back to the default. I was wondering if somone might know why my cookies are not saving? from html …

Member Avatar for AMADH
Member Avatar for it911

Hi I am wanting to make a chatroom website but must be able to work in a browser and cellphone Please can anyone help me Thank you

Member Avatar for sagive

i got a problem with this site: [url]http://www.unitext.co.il/translations-services/[/url] only with internet explorer.. i fixed must of the problems but still got a weird Horizontal Scroller i can find the reason to Please help :?:

Member Avatar for sagive
Member Avatar for ShandyElliott

I'm having a hard time finding the right configuration for my css layout. Maybe I'm trying too many things at once. What I want is to have a center column be 988px wide, and the left and right columns to evenly take up the rest of the browsers width. In …

Member Avatar for Anahit
Member Avatar for whimsical1987

Hello, I am developing a twitter based login in my website. I have trouble in the dropdown. When I click the sign in button I can see only half of the drop down. I had checked the CSS and the z-index is very high. Despite that I am unable to …

Member Avatar for whimsical1987
Member Avatar for CommDave

I've used this method to highlight the location page that the user is on. Below is a working example of how this functions. This works in div tags or in a tables and cross browsers. Below I've created a main Navigation and two sub navigation. Terminal Intensity, Surreal 1, & …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Transcendent
Member Avatar for mark4013
Member Avatar for iamchamith

Dear Friends, i use php for develop a web site..I generate a table with images at back end of php..after that I innerHTML that table to html div tags...In image click event i must want to fire jquary function...In testing time(hard code that table in html page) the function is …

Member Avatar for makman99
Member Avatar for fcvolunteer

Hi, I'm new to this forum and need a little bit of help. I made a site using tables rather than css for the format but when it wasn't showing up correctly in different browsers and screen resolutions I decided to fix it (with help from some people who know …

Member Avatar for fcvolunteer
Member Avatar for moroccanplaya

hi i am just wondering how would you send a website through a socket as i am trying to make my own web server. do you just open up the file, read the file and write out to the socket ? [CODE] openfile = open(home/username/www/index.html, "r"); n = read(openfile,buffer,256); n …

Member Avatar for moroccanplaya
Member Avatar for coolest_987
Member Avatar for coolest_987
Member Avatar for rwalkerfla

SNIP I want to keep my featured gallery running the slides like the latest 2 updates, but below it, instead of the style of recent post updates and older post updates that i have, which are those squares, i want to turn each one of those squares into something like …

Member Avatar for fcvolunteer
Member Avatar for RoyalElite96

Hello everyone, I am redesigning a website and I want to change the background color of a PNG (with transparent pixels), when clicked. Apparently, my only half of the background is changing. HTML: [CODE] <a href=""> <img src="Images/logo.png" alt="Logo" style="display: block; margin-bottom: -4px; border: 0px;"/> </a> [/CODE] CSS: [CODE] a:link …

Member Avatar for abyss776
Member Avatar for Transcendent
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hi, where is the best practice to put js, image, css files when you make component? I put them in the same directory as component is. Is it good practice? Or should they be in media directory?

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for linezero

[CODE] <html> <td id="item_menu" class="line" valign="top" width="100%"> <a class="nopd" target="mainly" href="http://myfruits/aboutfruits.html">About fruits</a> </td> <td class="line" id="item_menu" valign="top" width="100%"> <b>Common Fruits</b> <div class="tree tree-top" style="-moz-user-select: none;"><div class=" tree-item tree-lines-t" style="-moz-user-select: none;"><table class="tree-table" style="-moz-user-select: none;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody style="-moz-user-select: none;"><tr style="-moz-user-select: none;"><td class="tgb icon customIcon" style="-moz-user-select: none;"></td><td class="label" style="-moz-user-select: none;"><a href="http://myfruits/apple.html" target="cmain" title="CONTENT: …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for wastedkill

Hi i recently made a 3 column PSD of the website page i want and this is for all the pages and i have no idea how to make a 3 column PSD into a CSS style sheet as i want to add a lot of PHP code to get …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for swebdizajn

Is there a quality program that automatically analyzes and corrects the HTML page to retrieve it quickly in the browser?

Member Avatar for trancewebdesign
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello I've used google to find software which will allow me to create professional html forms, with paypal submissions options and self-calculating fields if possible upon drop-down selections made, but found few which came close, and also tried coffecup form builder, but not satisfied. Anyone one can suggest some more …

Member Avatar for iamvisual

Hi there Im doing my web site and i have came across a little bit of coding i wish to change - i thought it could be changed in CSS but i don't think it can. Basically im using a "title="Image 3" tag to use as a brief description of …

Member Avatar for @developer
Member Avatar for shivarocks

hello friends i need to make a edit profile page in my website,while registering a user can select multiple locations using multiple select options,so while editing user must get defaultly selected options while registering,i tried using multiple=multiple,but after getting details from databas it must select automaticlly....i cant do that can …

Member Avatar for @developer
Member Avatar for xcamp

Hi, I am really really new to this, but I'm having a bit of trouble with some php. I have a HTML file which I have no access to, and a snippet is below: [CODE]<form onsubmit="return validate();" method="post" action="process-quiz.php"> <h2>A Simple Quiz</h2> <fieldset> <legend>Name</legend> <p id="UserInfo">What is your name?</p> <div> …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for markymark180

Hi apologies as I guess this has been covered on a number of occassions, but I am very much new to web devt and am struggling to patch code snippets on google results on similar sounding queries into my own. I have been coding a page, which has an iframe, …

Member Avatar for Akash Saikia
Member Avatar for coolest_987

Hi Everyone How to convert pdf file into HTML through php? Any help will be depreciated. Thanks in Advance :(

Member Avatar for raghujosh

I have an HTML page(PAGE 1) that allows a user to select an HTML form element, and get it displayed on the next page(PAGE 2) when the user clicks "next". What I want to do is on the display page(PAGE 2), be able to display the newly created HTML form …

Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I was looking around at the source of some popular websites and I noticed that a lot of them have a way to detect your OS, Resolution, Browser and more... I was wondering if anyone knew where I could read more about setting the CSS to fit the users …

Member Avatar for scrappedcola
Member Avatar for shama_kandy

What will be the effect on web browsing if the browsers start compiling the HTML language instead of interpreting it?

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for jonow

I want to make it so I can put a caption under an image so that the caption will only go as long as the image. I wan't to be able to do this without having to set a width for the caption. I do not know if this is …

Member Avatar for rosy12
Member Avatar for falina2

I'm creating a Dreamweaver CSS site based off a template I purchased. In this site, I want to have page with a gallery of my company's products. So I went to [url]http://smoothgallery.jondesign.net/[/url], used the "Gallery Set" setup, and put it into my web page. It all works GREAT...except the gallery …

Member Avatar for Taywin

The End.