6,558 Topics

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Member Avatar for lielee

Hi. I'm working on a project using VB.net. Just wondering, can VB connect with Dreamweaver/Frontpage? Let say an online food ordering, customer fill the form in the website then the VB program receive the request. I know more about VB than HTML so I'm not so sure about it. My …

Member Avatar for ninjaimp
Member Avatar for ShandyElliott

How do I reference a div in a form when there are multiple forms on a page? Each form will have a unique id. I'm trying to change the style.display of a div in a particular form. I can alter elements inside that div (whether they have id's or names), …

Member Avatar for ShandyElliott
Member Avatar for MASTERofMINDS

Hi, I want to get a link from a webpage say h++p://www.daniweb.com. This page might be aspx. Then I want to extract a particular url from this and I have to open that url with some parameters. What should I use for this for doing this in python?? Just need …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for bangla

[CODE]<tr> <TD VALIGN = 'TOP'> <a href="sendGift.php" TARGET = _BLANK><font color = "#0000FF" size = "3" face = "verdana"> <b>Send Gift </b></font></A><BR></TD> <TD VALIGN = 'TOP'> <a href="sendMoney.php" TARGET = _BLANK><font color = "#0000FF" size = "3" face = "verdana"> <b>Send Taka </b></font></A><BR></TD> </TR>[/CODE] when i click first link(send gift), …

Member Avatar for happytogether
Member Avatar for skald89

Could i put all this info in a css file and still code [CODE]<div id="submenu1"> </div>[/CODE] if yes how? [CODE]#submenu1 { position:absolute; top:530px; left:167px; width:auto; } #submenu2 { float:right; position:absolute; padding-left:10px; border-left:thin; border-left-color:#000; border-left-style:solid; border-left-width:thin; top:530px; left:487px; width:auto; } #submenuline { position:absolute; width:525px; top:535px; left:167px;[/CODE]

Member Avatar for skald89
Member Avatar for bangla

Hi, When you have a chance, can you pls take a look at the html code and let me know why there are empty space in the browser? I spent hours. still no luck. thanks. ---------------- [CODE]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <HEAD> <TITLE>BengaliaList.COM - A list of …

Member Avatar for bangla
Member Avatar for Clanstrom

Hi there all, just joined today loved this site already. My Question is that. i am trying to create 6 Menus for my Web. like Eg { home, about us, service ..... } and i want the images to change whenever the users mouse hovers the menu's. I got the …

Member Avatar for Clanstrom
Member Avatar for vinayakgarg

Hi I am having trouble achieving 100% width of footer. If in css width, I set it to 100%, after resizing or after scrolling page horizontally the footer background is lost. If I set width in pixel, the problem increases(i am sure u know why) Do you know any fix …

Member Avatar for vinayakgarg
Member Avatar for ibakir

lately i have did a nice idea , that i have a lot of course programs inside my XML file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Training Programs</title> <link></link> <description>NA</description> <language>en</language> <copyright>NA</copyright> <lastBuildDate>Wed, 19 Apr 2006 16:26:12 -0800</lastBuildDate> <generator>text</generator> <docs>http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss</docs> <item> <title>HR</title> <link>data/feed1/article_1.html</link> <pubDate>Wed, 19 Apr 2006 16:26:12 -0800</pubDate> </item> …

Member Avatar for ibakir
Member Avatar for hamburger_lover

Hy! A friend of mine recently told me that, now, in 2011, [I]Ajax [/I]is a [B]pure [/B]synonym of [I]DHTML[/I], and that DHTML is an old world that we should not use anymore. He told me that it is called "Ajax" as long as you use standard technologies (XHTML, JavaScript, XML, …

Member Avatar for ivatanako
Member Avatar for skald89

[CODE] a:link { color: #000; text-decoration: none; } a:visited { color: #000; } a:active { font-weight: bold; } [/CODE] How do i get the active link to remain bold and not only become bold when I click on it? What happens now is when I click the link it become …

Member Avatar for MagicMedia
Member Avatar for filch

At [url]http://streetkids.zuka.net/sandbox/map-new.05.html[/url] the app you see there works as expected in IE8 and Firefox etc. But, IE7 does not work. While the plugin I used does indeed seem to function under IE7, mine is not and I have not been able to track it down. This functionality was built from …

Member Avatar for filch
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hi, In [URL="http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_standard_id.asp"]http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_standard_id.asp[/URL] it is written that: [QUOTE]The id must be unique within the HTML document.[/QUOTE] What if I make them equal? I often use id for numbers of objects in database, e.g. id = 5 They are in deffierntent containers, for example [CODE] <div class = "x"> <div id …

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi guys, Is there anyone know any library that sets an image as header and footer? I used [B]TCPDF [/B]but it doesn't for footer image. Also, [B]html2fpdf [/B]doesn't support image as header or footer at all. Any other that may work for me? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for iamchamith

hi Friends I was create web site using php... I was created grid of images in back end in the php(create a dynamic table in php back) and i was innerHTML that grid the html page... The major thing is after the inner_html,One of the image click,The jquary function Must …

Member Avatar for vijiraghs

I have an XML file that i am parsing using DOM. I dont know why my code is not working. [CODE] <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function loadXMLDoc(dname) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) xhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); else xhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); xhttp.open("GET",dname,false); xhttp.send(); return xhttp.responseXML; } </script> </head> <body style="color:red"> <script type="text/javascript"> xmldoc=loadXMLDoc("food.xml"); document.write(xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("name")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue); </script> </body> …

Member Avatar for tinymark
Member Avatar for jackparsana

hi, please help me. i have one html page div show on click and for hide click to somewhere else in the page. please help me thanks in advance. jack

Member Avatar for floatingDivs
Member Avatar for Nfurman

Hello this is my CSS: [CODE] div#menu { width:680px; height:30px; position:absolute; top: 300px; left:300px; } #linkbar { list-style:none; margin:0; padding:0; } #linkbar a:hover { background-color:#CCCC00; color:Black; } #linkbar a:visited { background-color:#CC6600; color:White; } #linkbar a:visited:hover { background-color:#CCCC00; color:Black; } #linkbar a { behavior: url(/css/border-radius.htc); border-radius: 10px; display:block; float:right; margin:3px; background-color:#006600; …

Member Avatar for Nfurman
Member Avatar for funkyash34

Hi I am trying to call my BMI webservice to a html page which calculates and return the result, I have the following code but it is not working. [CODE] <html> <head> <title>Body Mass Calculator</title> <script language="JavaScript"> function InitializeService(){ service.useService(http://localhost:57955/BMI.asmx, "BMI"); } var doubleFeet, doubleInches, doubleWeight; function GetBMI(){ doubleFeet = …

Member Avatar for tinymark
Member Avatar for chris.aaker

I have a menu that is being obscured by a text field. I tried setting the Z-index in the CSS to 1 and 2 respectively and set the position to relative (w3 schools sais the positioning must by relative, absolute, or fixed) for the Z index to have effect but …

Member Avatar for tinymark
Member Avatar for niel1826

Can you help me in this question, I'm Using ASP.NET 3.5 Framework SP1 and Using MS Office 2010... What will be code in ASP.NET?..

Member Avatar for hushtalk

i have had a problem with a searchbox found on 99lessons , it is a facebook like searchbox everytime i made a search, the results came up, but the frame below moved(if u know facebook, the results should show over the frame underneath) i fixed it with some css, this …

Member Avatar for hushtalk
Member Avatar for madihaahmad

Hello, I want to display the contents of an html page on a specific web link. Can any one help me with that. Awaiting for postive response...

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for thegerm

Hi, I have a HTML/PHP/MYSQL setup where I want to use a value chosen from one HTML <SELECT> to restrict values shown in the next HTML <SELECT>. It's a reasonably common requirement but I just can't get it. A good example is where the user chooses a country and then …

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for mamdooh26

Hello every one I made an unorderlist using CSS ,,, but I do not understand what it means this sentence "Make the list elements block objects,so that clicking near the text activates the link" thanks

Member Avatar for mamdooh26
Member Avatar for epicrevolt

Alright, I'm back for another educated post (got the newsletter btw :(). So I am trying to [COLOR="Red"][B]use AJAX to remove a joke from a list of jokes[/B][/COLOR] inside the administration panel. I know basically nothing about AJX, but I am a quick learner. I know that if I press …

Member Avatar for epicrevolt
Member Avatar for jrotunda85

I think I'm having a blonde moment because I can't seem to get the bit of CSS/HTML working. When I make changes to the code such as cellpadding and cellspacing in the table attribute, it doesn't do anything to the form itself. I've even tried changing something like BGCOLOR and …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for AMADH

Hello, I have created a javascript script to select a color for the css theme. I have it working great for picking, but the problem is when I refesh it goes back to the default. I was wondering if somone might know why my cookies are not saving? from html …

Member Avatar for AMADH
Member Avatar for it911

Hi I am wanting to make a chatroom website but must be able to work in a browser and cellphone Please can anyone help me Thank you

Member Avatar for sagive

i got a problem with this site: [url]http://www.unitext.co.il/translations-services/[/url] only with internet explorer.. i fixed must of the problems but still got a weird Horizontal Scroller i can find the reason to Please help :?:

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The End.