6,558 Topics

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Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi there, could anybody kindly tell me what the "a" (in the 1st line)is in this css and what is used for please? It is driving me insane and I can't find anything anywhere (apart from the w3c schools that says that the a is to order things alphabetiacally??) [CODE]#nav-menu …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for jacksantho

Hi, I have installed ActivePerl-5_6_1_631 and Web server Apach_1.3.22. I am using HTML Frameset in PERL/CGI. Facing problem in displaying HTML Frameset. Please check my coding.. [B][I]Sample.cgi [/I][/B][CODE]#!c:/perl/bin/perl use CGI qw(:all); $login=uc(param('uid')); $passwd=param('pwd'); $kid = time; $cookie = cookie(-name=>'logtime', -value=>$kid, -path=>'/cgi-bin/'); if ($login eq "" || $passwd eq "") { …

Member Avatar for Dandello
Member Avatar for teedoff

Hi, I know you can edit the htaccess file I think to allow php scripts to run and be parsed in html files. I was wondering if that was possible with coldfusion code. What I have is a small bit of coldfusion code and ajax that just returns some data …

Member Avatar for osekmedia
Member Avatar for Frensi

Hello all, I'm trying to make a webpage that has about 200px padding on the left and right side and 0 padding at the top and bottom, i would like my content to be viewed in that small area. I'm wanting the background color where my content will be to …

Member Avatar for sarah newton
Member Avatar for CronosAkroma

ok so here the problem the code works just adds break on to every line i want it to only add breaks to the line that don't alraedy have spaces after them. while (! fileIn.eof() ) { getline (fileIn, linea); fileOut << linea << b <<endl; }//end while is what …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for bluetoot

Please can someone help me out with this error? Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /home/npr/public_html/getfile.php on line 12 if i take off the line 12 the page works but i need to include the line 12.HELP! [CODE]<?php include('recruit.php'); $id = $_GET['id']; mysql_select_db($database_, $recruit); $query_users = "SELECT * FROM …

Member Avatar for bluetoot
Member Avatar for chriselectrix

Hi All I have this XSL code, but I am trying to get it so every other row is light grey and the ones in between are white. I want the headers to be anjother colour all together. [CODE] <?xml version='1.0'?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl"> <xsl:template match="/"> <html> <body> <table border="2" bgcolor="yellow"> …

Member Avatar for f_atencia
Member Avatar for simsim123

hi all hope every body is fine i want ask you about how can we send the form data entries includnding attached file to an email without saving the file to the server as i want to know if this procces legal to take the uploaded file and send it …

Member Avatar for simsim123
Member Avatar for JannuBl22t

Hey! I have a question. It goes like this: I have a webbrowser in one form. When I load a web page, there are buttons and text fields. I would like to get the "name" attribute of the item I click. For example I'll click on "submit" button.. then MessageBox.Show() …

Member Avatar for JannuBl22t
Member Avatar for Hinaz1982

So, I've been trying so many examples I've seen from google and checked several different sites and I cannot figure out for the life of me how to get the third iframe to align on the bottom of the page. On my screen its fine but on my buddy's, the …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for Makcarov

please help me out in HTML. can anyone teach me the codes of having a username and password in a html?

Member Avatar for Del4eff
Member Avatar for devinodaniel

Hey friends, I have a drop down box. onChange of that drop down box the option selected is $_POSTed to a php page where I'm grabbing that name and using it in a form on the new page. Instead of it opening a new window for the php page, I'd …

Member Avatar for Agarsia
Member Avatar for nrkumarvj

Hi I am preapring a website form where the resume needed to be uploaded and it should send an email to me along with upload as attachment. Please let me know the error in this below forms: == HTML Form: [CODE]<form method="post" name="mailform" action="emailnew.php"> <table width="200" border="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for newbkaek

I don't know if this is even possible (hopefully it is) but, I'm looking for a way to align a div or an image past the leftmost extremity of the browser window. What I am trying to do is when you mouseover a link, an image will overlay the entire …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for I.Dunno

I used the method to stretch a background image with CSS from this page [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread140397.html[/url] and it works great in all the modern browsers I tested but I had 2 problems: 1. it doesn't validate (how much does this matter?) and 2.it doesn't work in older IE browsers Any thoughts …

Member Avatar for Agarsia
Member Avatar for mzittlow

I am creating a scrolled frame object within Tkinter. My current approach is to have a frame embedded within a scrolling canvas. I have seen numerous examples of this technique but they have one common 'flaw'--the frame's contents are loaded and then the controlling canvas's scrollregion is set. In my …

Member Avatar for FBG

I need several square pictures for my website and display them in 100 x 100 px using CSS. When I use bigger pictures (for example 300 x 300, 455 x 455 or any square size), the result in Internet Explorer 7.0, 8.0 and Google Chrome looks really good. The image …

Member Avatar for FBG
Member Avatar for LizAE

Hi! Just a quick question: I am using "Website Tonight" to redo a site for my boss. He wants a "floating TOC" on one page. So, when you scroll down the ridiculously long page, the categories on the righthand side move with you. (I wouldn't mind that, but I'd prefer …

Member Avatar for LizAE
Member Avatar for welkam

Hello, I am making a website that will look good in any resolution(its called fluid i think) and i wont that div "space" will be 30% height, but its not working :( [CODE]<div id="bg"><img src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/bg.jpg" width="100%" height="100%" alt=""> <div class="space"> </div> <div class="content"> somthing thats needs to be …

Member Avatar for johnsteve.bravo
Member Avatar for juseasy

SWF Object Causing IE top margin problems I have a flash mp3 player on my website that is causing the main wrapper of the page to shift down by about 3px. The pages display perfectly in Fire Fox but when I open them in Internet Explorer 8 there is appears …

Member Avatar for giobongio
Member Avatar for simonfoley

Hi there I'm a bit ring-rusty with HTML / CSS . . . I found a template I really liked online when looking for one for my cousins business. There is a nav bar at the top of the screen, and I wanted to add a drop-down menu to one …

Member Avatar for elneco
Member Avatar for f_atencia

I'm having an issue regarding how Safari displays my page. A snippet of the HTML includes: [CODE] <div class="MenuBar"> <ul>...List of Menu Items</ul> <div class="QuickSearch"><input type="textbox" /><a>Go</a></div> </div> [/CODE] the CSS code: [CODE] * html DIV.MenuBar DIV.QuickSearch { margin-top:-0.3em;color:black;} DIV.MenuBar {font-weight:bold; font-size:1.1em; font-family:verdana, Arial, sans-serif;background:#FFF url("../images/Gradient.jpg") repeat-x bottom left;border:1px solid …

Member Avatar for elneco
Member Avatar for JeremyK2

I have a class that stores all of my variables and functions (for our purposes, DataClass), and a few different windows form classes that use the public variables and functions in DataClass. I need to keep the values of the public variables in DataClass until the program closes. I set …

Member Avatar for rxlim
Member Avatar for cab_driver

I am working on a website and I have it looking smooth in Chrome, but every other browser shows the menu panel about 10 pixels to the left. If I change anything, it alters the chrome display, but nothing else. Here is the CSS I'm using: #banner { position: fixed; …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for SaberExcalibur

I have an average knowledge in the whole programming thing but I would really like to excel to this field. I would like to ask our IT professionals and programmers if what books do you recommend me to refer to while learning Books for *Java *advance css,web page *Visual basic …

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for shadiadiph

mAYBE I am a bit rust but my following seems to display ok in firefox chrome but doesn't even work in IE maybe something simple i am missing as I am very rusty. [code] #topholder { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 120px; display:block; z-index:0; background: transparent; …

Member Avatar for shadiadiph
Member Avatar for Ignatius88

[CODE]document.getElementById('login').innerHTML += '<p><a href = "/<Project name>/<Servlet name>" onclick="sendRequest("/<Project name>/<Servlet name>", "uid=' + FB.getSession().uid + '", AJAXresult, "post")">Recommend me a movie!</a></p>';[/CODE] The code above works fine outside of the innerHTML. Is there something wrong with the code above?

Member Avatar for SolidSolutions
Member Avatar for yoyoyy

how can I make menu like tool in visual studio when hover on it. it will show the rest of menu to the right.

Member Avatar for charas100

Hi I am developing website by using I Frames, my question is whether search engine can index my webpages? Can anyone suggest me some alternative ways instead of I frames.

Member Avatar for cools4u
Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello I have a question dealing with links and the page that the link is directed to. So if i have [CODE]<a href="www.check.com/check.php">check</a>[/CODE] And if I click on it and then i go to that page. I would like the "check" link to be underlined. So I would like the …

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The End.