6,562 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sailor_Jerry

What's the proper format? Also does anyone know where i can find a good CSS online reference besides W3Schools? Current Code. [code] .className td {border: 1px solid #CCC;} .className th {border: 1px solid #CCC;} [/code] i want to save some characters... would this be valid? [code] .className td th {border: …

Member Avatar for Arkinder
Member Avatar for vishalkhialani

Hi, I am looking to make a div tags background invisible. I don't want the text to be invisible. If I use css opacity to get it done then the whole div tag disappears. I only want the background to go. I searched the net but there aren't any easy …

Member Avatar for Arkinder
Member Avatar for AycheKay

My images contained inside a tags have blue borders around them. How do I get rid of these borders? Here's what I've been trying and it doesn't work: [CODE]#gallery .a .img { border-style: none; }[/CODE]

Member Avatar for AycheKay
Member Avatar for Hawkeye Python

Hi! I've just started with HTML and I'm creating my first page. Really simple. How can I print a tag? I mean, I'm trying to do this: [CODE]<p id="test">This is a test using the <p> tag</p>[/CODE] But it doesn't print the "<p>" in "using the <p> tag"...

Member Avatar for jalarie
Member Avatar for minimogul

I am trying to style two different forms on one page. I want to do so with out using frames I am not fond of them. Most of the pages I have done only require form per page. Please help I thank you in advance and hope you guys can …

Member Avatar for floatingDivs
Member Avatar for Reliable

Happy New Year Everyone! By the time you read this perhaps you have enjoyed a safe fun and fun New years celebration. I have been making the graphics for my deisgn in Photoshop and putting them together in Dreamweaver. While I will still use Dreamweaver I recently fired up Fireworks …

Member Avatar for dennishall

Hi: I'm having an issue posting to MySQL using the animated_form.html below. My objective is to have 4 db entries posted to MySQL when the user clicks on the <a href="javascript: submitform()"><input alt="Show Results" id="btn_results" src="a_data/form_btn_show_results.png" type="image"></a> image. The form uses jquery and it produces 0 results in MySQL. Using …

Member Avatar for dennishall
Member Avatar for Wouldbecomp

Please help me to open at html file from the server ,edit and save it, using php. The code below returns a blank page i.e. no syntax errors but no output. home.htm is the exact name of the file on the server and it has 776 permisions. $openedfile =fopen(home.htm,'r+'); //open …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for nathmaniedeo

Hi friends, I'm confused - does ASP.NET work with HTML5, or just the older versions- will this new HTML5 make some of ASP.NET obsolete...not sure I understand how it all works together? (I'm a newbie, just learning C# right now) Thanks for the help... Nath :-)

Member Avatar for ja928
Member Avatar for cdes1145

Hi, I've just made a login script for my first website (I'm impressed with me). But it appears at the top left rather than centrally which to me looks unsightly. Is there a way to align this to centre both horizontally and vertically? I've listed my code below. Any help …

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for BelgianQueen

I do not want to use a static image as a background. Instead I want to be able to use different images through out the website. How do I accomplish that in CSS?

Member Avatar for Arkinder
Member Avatar for waqassgd
Member Avatar for simonquasar

hi guys! i've a mapped image and jquery in the following code, works fine with Chrome and Safari, but Firefox doesn't recognize the onclick function and I'm wondering why! [CODE]<img id="menu" src="/imgs/home/menuOK.png" border="0" align="left" usemap="Map_Menu"/> <map name="Map_Menu" id="Map"> <area shape="poly" coords="16,189,103,155,99,149,5,169" href="#" onclick="$('#contenuto').html('<iframe src=bio.php frameborder=no width=100% height=100% scrolling=no id=icontent><p>Your browser …

Member Avatar for simonquasar
Member Avatar for achava

I have an xhtml document that contains many lines that look like: <div style="position:absolute;top:224;left:108">The line was longer than we expected</div> For my first trick I need to be able to match or select this node and others like it, where like it means that it is a div tag with …

Member Avatar for achava
Member Avatar for dougancil

I have a web page that I converted from a psd file to html with Photoshop and imported into Dreamweaver. The problem I'm having is that some viewers comment on the fact that the page is left justified. I inserted a div tag into the html with a wrap around …

Member Avatar for Armadillo
Member Avatar for ErlendHL

Hi! I have been making a chat program. In PHP I control user inputs with htmlentities so they can't write html. But this also ruins the precious æøåöüÿëäñ etc.. characters! Would it be safe to only remove the < and >s? Or is there another way to avoid this?

Member Avatar for ErlendHL
Member Avatar for timrichardson

I'm not an experienced javascript programmer. I'm wondering if there is a library which has a simple approach to drawing a 2d array as an HTML table (when the array changes, I can use this library to update the HTML). I know this is easy to do in raw javascript, …

Member Avatar for MARKAND911

How can i get DataSource property & Databind method of HTML Table. Do i have to make a new control for it? if yes then how can i do this.

Member Avatar for CrappyCoder
Member Avatar for Naggelos

Hi, I'm making a website and I wanted to incorporate a 'News' page. As I'll display some of the news topics elsewhere (in home page), I wanted to make each of the topics in XML. I have the XML document, and tried using XSLT to parse the XML into XHTML …

Member Avatar for DiamondCiara

Hi all, New here and hoping you can help me. Here's what I'm trying to do: I have a database table full of customers and their master records, with fields for their ID number, email, name, address, etc. I have another table for store credit, which contains only the customer …

Member Avatar for DiamondCiara
Member Avatar for saiju_menon

Hi all I was using DHTML edit control for my application in vb.net to edit the HTML files in runtime. but now this componetnt is not supporting Windows 7. can any one suggest any alternative for this. Thnks/Regards SGM

Member Avatar for behzad.gh

I'm trying to add faceboock "like button" and twitter "tweet button" on a list, my list structure is: [code] <list> <listItem> <iframeContainer> <iframe/> </iframeContainer> </listitem> </list> [/code] css is: [code]listItem iframeContainer {display:none;} listItem:hover iframeContainer {display:block;}[/code] the problem is when mouse moves over the <iframe> the <listItem> loses its focus. I …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Acute

Hi everyone, i need your help) i have some elements with same id, say: <div id="myid">Data1</div> <div id="myid">Data2</div> I want to get innerHtml when one of them is clicked, how can i determine which one exactly was clicked? JQuery: $("#myid").click(function(){ //how to get the .html and other properties of clicked …

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Member Avatar for devilish demon

i have a css coding working in chrome and opera but not in internet explorer or firefox.. so please have a lok at dis coding and what changes should be done so internet explorer could have a same display as in chrome actually i have just background pictures problem as …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for oratnek

1) Script Title: Ajax Tabs Content Script (v 2.2) and Featured Content Slider Using jQuery UI 2) Script URL (on DD): [url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex17/ajaxtabscontent/[/url] 3) Script URL of Featured Content Slider Using jQuery UI [url]http://webdeveloperplus.com/jquery/featured-content-slider-using-jquery-ui/[/url] 4) Script URL of my implementation of both script. [url]http://www.livegigscentral.com/dhtml/demo02.htm[/url] 5) Problem: I've integrated the featured content …

Member Avatar for oratnek
Member Avatar for wbrands2

1. I am having a real struggle trying to accomplish something for work. I have a starting page with a textbox and a button. I want to be able to post the value entered in the textbox to an iframe, but the iframe is on another another web page called …

Member Avatar for tcollins412

I am writing aa table with two td's and i need help. here is the html: [CODE]<table> <td style='width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: green;'></td><td style='width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: green;'></td>[/CODE] and i want to be able to make the first td's left corners rounded and the second td's right corners …

Member Avatar for shaya4207
Member Avatar for Web_Sailor

Hi... I am creating an HTML Table in my JSP page taking values from text file. Now the problem comes when I read the file again to update the Table content. In this case I have to refresh my whole page to see updated Table. :icon_cry: How can I refresh …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for manishblr1

Hi All, My requirements are 1. Screen where user enters the no of rows(no of columns:4 Sl no , Start Date(SD), End Date(ED), Label) 2. user clicks on button to create the table (dynamic) 4. Si No should be done through function . 5. SD/ED/Label should be free text. 6. …

Member Avatar for pbcomput

Hi, I want to open user's uploaded .doc,.docx,.txt or .pdf as html (open in browser) I can open pdf without doing any extra coding. but i can't open other formates. I want to open files when user click on the link "Show File" at that time file will be open …

Member Avatar for lavanyac

The End.