6,562 Topics

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Member Avatar for cmills83

Has anyone had success changing a users print settings to landscape when printing a specific page using either CSS or JS? I see a lot of the same solutions repeated when searching but none seem to work so please only post something if you have had cross-browser success and can …

Member Avatar for codewall
Member Avatar for Hakarune

So I got help from here earlier with one problem and a few more have arisen, the biggest is for some reason my checkbox and dropdown array won't store the data and when it's supposed to check to verify there is at least 1 selected of each nothing happens... To …

Member Avatar for Tracie-marie

I'm completely self taught - and probably wrongly have learned by trial and error so I have absolutely no idea where I have gone wrong here, I think something in my CSS gets read differently by Chrome than other browsers. I'm redoing my website [URL="http://www.acrodancer.com/Test_Site/completed/AcroDancer.html"]http://www.acrodancer.com/Test_Site/completed/AcroDancer.html[/URL] In IE the sizing is …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for Thisisnotanid

Hi everyone, I'm working on a website and need some help. I'm really not experienced with this stuff and I'm using wix with some borrowed html snippets. I wanted to use a vectorized image as a background that would scale to fit the browser on any screen as best as …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for DoctorGiraffe

I am trying to figure out a way to to make a webbrowser scroll to an html element and center the element, i don't have any code to show as i have desperatly looked everywhere after a solution but havent found anything.

Member Avatar for DoctorGiraffe
Member Avatar for jain4

Hi there, I have a prob. I am trying to build a form in Html and when submitted it should go to other URl and to Asp.net file. Can anyone help me with this. In ASP.net i am using the following code [CODE] protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for vivek4020

Hello Everybody, I have run into a bit of a trouble here I wish to set the background image of a button I have written this XAML [CODE]<Button.Background> <ImageBrush ImageSource="/UIDesign;component/Images/Settings.png" /> </Button.Background>[/CODE] but when i run the application and hover the mouse over the button, the background goes away and …

Member Avatar for gandora
Member Avatar for felix001

I currently have a table within my page at : [url]http://www.fir3net.com/Firewalls/Juniper-Netscreen/juniper-commands.html[/url] The first 2 tables have been assigned a class of X1. My aim is to do the following : [LIST=1] [*]Set the table to a width of 85% [*]Set the first column to a set width [*]Set a black …

Member Avatar for shaya4207
Member Avatar for DoctorGiraffe

Hello, so i'm having problem with Regex. I'm trying to use to put names in a checkboxlist. But the page where i want the names from have to be accesed by login in on the website. But the regex doesnt read from the VB WebBrowser it reads from... the internet(?) …

Member Avatar for DoctorGiraffe
Member Avatar for AdriftUniform

Hi, I am trying to create a group of html links that are dependant on two arrays. The data of the arrays is populated from a mysql database, here is my code: [code=php] <?php include_once 'title.php'; include_once 'checkuser.php'; if (isset($_GET['view'])) $view = sanitizeString($_GET['view']); else $view = $user; $sql = "SELECT …

Member Avatar for AdriftUniform
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I was wondering if there are any scripts out there that work similar to a normal windows browser. I'm not looking for a folder tree type of view though (as you would see in windows explorer) but more of a "single folder at a time" type of view. I …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for minimogul

I am having trouble with my inputs. I set a border for them one class has a 1px border the other has a 2 px border. It looks fine in Chrome and I have checked everything and I don't understand because someother elements show up with a border. Is this …

Member Avatar for minimogul
Member Avatar for BelgianQueen

[CODE][COLOR="Green"]I have the following rule for a static BG image and other attributes for the entire site: #header{ width: 1014px; margin: 0 auto; height: 274px; background: url(images/imagename.JPG) no-repeat top; } However, this no longer works for me. What I need to do is to include a different background image for …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for Kligham

Hi, I have a html file Top.htm: [CODE]<form action="" method="post"> <fieldset> <input id="searchbox" type="text" name="zoekfunctie" value="Zoek..." /> <input type="submit" name="zoekbutton" value="Zoek" /> </fieldset> </form>[/CODE] I then include this page in my index page (and in many more pages to come): [CODE]<div id="top"> <?php include("Top.htm"); ?> </div>[/CODE] Now the problem is …

Member Avatar for Kligham
Member Avatar for Lanor

hi...I am running rhel5.4. I have enable UserDir in apache and get the forbidden error while trying to access [url]http://localhost/~lanor[/url] I have set set permission for user Lanor 711 for home dir "lanor" and 755 for "public_html" Is it that I have to set the above permission for the user …

Member Avatar for Lanor
Member Avatar for yopirates

hey everyone.! i have a n application where i have a color picker (jquery) i will get the value the user choosen color . then i will put that into to session variable. Now i want the contents of the external stylesheet to be modified based on the color which …

Member Avatar for jpietrangelo
Member Avatar for showman13

Good Afternoon, I'm hoping someone can tell me how to resolve an issue that will apparently be pretty wide spread within our membership. I have an ad Directory that was created for our members to do member to member advertising with a component for public advertising, and everything came together …

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for Hawkeye Python

Hi! I'm starting HTML/CSS and I'm having this problem with positioning of elements... I've used this to position a text: HTML [CODE]<center> (...) <p id="txt_principal">lorem ipsum (...)</p> (...) </center>[/CODE] CSS [CODE]#txt_principal{ font: italic normal 14px Verdana, sans-serif; color: #DDD; text-align:justify; position:absolute; margin-top: 25px; margin-left: 205px; margin-right: 400px; }[/CODE] But whenever …

Member Avatar for Arkinder
Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello, I have a problem with my css styling with div tags. Right now I have 3 div tables and they're aligned next to each other when I do [CODE]float:left;position:relative; [/CODE] but when I drag my browser smaller, the div tags that are in the middle and on the right …

Member Avatar for andrewliu
Member Avatar for public-image

Hi Guys! :) Erm I have made a section for members to post messages although I know some members will post messages to just observe what effect it may have on the layout as such or just to be pests. My problem is: I have got a table that displays …

Member Avatar for public-image
Member Avatar for ichigo_cool

I have a problem with refreshing the page layout. Since I have all the contents load in a div, when the page first loads it loads a default link into the content div. When the user clicks a link I want that page to be stored in a session variable($last_page), …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for tutorim

Hi there, Noob here sry. Mysql DB 1. How can i insert an H1 tag <h1>Listings</h1> to a table structure as field ? A functional H1 tag. 2. How can i insert or import a nationalities csv file to a table ? Thx a lot and happy new year!!

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for amishraa

Slight problem when embedding HTML inside PHP. Problem #1 logon php page contains the form for user to login. With successful login, it brings up the user to the resume page. In order to maintain the uniform design throughout all the pages on the site, the logon page contains the …

Member Avatar for amishraa
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hello, There is such code in css file [CODE]a:hover { background: #F1F9DA; color: #895F30; border-bottom: 1px dotted #895F30; }[/CODE] so on mouse over it changes the backgroutd of links and adds border. But I have images wiht links [CODE]<img class="reklama" src="http://localhost/darzelis/uploads/reklama/ad_-_Copy.jpg" alt="#" border="0">[/CODE] and I don't want a backgroud and …

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for zlloyd1

Hello, I am trying to create a directory of information to be stored in an associative array as strings and I have been having a problem figuring out how to get multiple entries into the array. My entry form (an HTML page) does work and collects the information and sends …

Member Avatar for zlloyd1
Member Avatar for scarcella

I want to know how to update a href link with javascript using an image. I have a image which has to update a href which displays a lightbox. Could someone please tell me know to do this.

Member Avatar for scarcella
Member Avatar for mokztan

[I]Hi, I'm a intern as a web developer in a bank.. I really don't know much about this field but still im trying. I am a given a project "Service Request Monitoring System".[/I] [COLOR="Red"] IDE: Eclipse Europa Database Mgt System: Postgre SQL 9.0 Server: Tomcat 6.0[/COLOR] [B]my task now, is …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for selicon.valley

developing two pages html in front page n other in asp.net using vs 2005 i want to in html page there is a submit button when i click on it asp.net page will b opened and code written asp.net will b wxwcuted need help

Member Avatar for selicon.valley
Member Avatar for soft_coder

I have tried the following but I am unable to do so: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://7h5nk1s:11261/ecmaomexamples/SiteAssets/password_meter.css"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://7h5nk1s:11261/ecmaomexamples/SiteAssets/password_meter.js"></script> When I try to access these files the following line throws error: document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/blank.debug.js?rev=jE3bS2JFTB63z3iWgauX9w%3D%3D"></' + 'script>'); in the sharepoint page. Urgent help needed.

Member Avatar for sirlink99

is there an option where you can opt out a certain color (green, red, blue, etc.) and replace it with a different picture. lets say I had a stick figure with a blue background and I had a mountain as a background image would there be a way to take …

Member Avatar for pbl

The End.