6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for assaf

I would like to use in a specific place a specific bullet style with a specific color. Currently I'm using: [html]<SPAN style="COLOR: #DD440F;FONT-FAMILY: Wingdings;mso-fareast-font-family: Wingdings;mso-bidi-font-family: Wingdings">v</SPAN>fdsfdsfds<br>[/html] You can see it in my website under "Main Menu" (on the left side of the page). But I would like to use it …

Member Avatar for austinluthers
Member Avatar for jch02140

Hi, I am wondering is it possible to create a regular CSS button that have different colors display on the text when hover without using any images? Best Regards,

Member Avatar for jch02140
Member Avatar for ChrisXL

Hey everyone. Got a problem that I really need help solving. I have a page where a user is able to search a database for certain criteria (species/location/dates etc). What I have so far is when the form is submitted, the values are posted to a PHP script, which performs …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for autocrat

OK... I've been got by CSS... I revoke my dislike for it! I think it has potential and could be used constructively! I hate CSS! I sat up till 5:30 odd this moring... simply trying to make a header with 3 images, a left end, center and right end.... so …

Member Avatar for austinluthers
Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi After having a problem or two with CSS based web pages I have made I find that the problems are too be resolved when the absolute positioning is removed. Well that is what has been suggested. Since in some cases I have used code from other web sites. Web …

Member Avatar for ggeoff
Member Avatar for eng442

It's been a long time since I don't post here, even forgot my username. Sorry if this is the wrong section. I can't get the $_POST['name'] values sent from an html form on my php file. I've seen lots of similar questions but nothing helped. I have lot's of includes …

Member Avatar for eng442
Member Avatar for RT00220489

Hi, I seek your help as m stuck with an issue. I am uploading a css style file in a folder and need to provide the link to that css file in my aspx page. That is simple, but the twist is, the file name can be anything. That file …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for joni20

html body mysql result: <? $sqlcomments = "SELECT * from sellercomments where Status=1 and SellerID=".$_REQUEST['SellerID']. " order by AddedDate desc"; $resultcomments= mysql_query($sqlcomments); if (@mysql_num_rows($resultcomments)!=0){ ?> <br> <? while($row_comments = @mysql_fetch_array($resultcomments)) { ?> <div align="right"><img src="../<?=$row_sellerdetails['AboutUsImage']?>" width="40" height="40" border="0"></div> <?=$row_comments['CommentBy']?>] to <a href="index.php?SellerID=<?=$_REQUEST['SellerID']?>"> <?=$row_sellerdetails['idName']?></a> <span style="color:#000000"><?=$row_comments['Comment']?></span> <br> <? } } ?> …

Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos
Member Avatar for mouss jaraaf
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, How to set in the css on form click a yellow border appear, otherwise it disappear?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for dados

I need function to serving different data depend on browser type, mobile or desktop.. I need something like this <?php if browser_resolution_small { // one type of data } else { // another type of data for big resolution } ?> so I need to pull different data but I …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for naphets

Why does this not center the table? The table header & the table footer are aligned center? I have beat this like a dead horse, i cant even rememebr what the original code i wrote was i have changed it unsuccesfully so many times. Yet nothing ever changed no matter …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi It seems I have tried everything to get this CSS styled web page to produce what I could have done easily using a simple table layout :( I have the footer occupying the bottom of the outer wrapper but the trouble is I cannot get the outer wrapper to …

Member Avatar for ggeoff
Member Avatar for F-scott

Hi everybody! I'm new to web development, photography being my thing and I've just created my self a website. I used photoshop cs3 to design most of the pages and a "simpleview" code for the slideshows. When doing the designs i used my native screen resolution: 1920x1080 and it works …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for ckjaseem

Hai all , I am trying to make a google+ siginin button for my site. I went through this link https://developers.google.com/+/web/signin/#button_attributes and tried to make it working but now my styling is all messed up. I am not able to mess around with the [class='g-sinin'] in CSS. This is my …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Qonquest

I'm going through a netbeans tutorial on Java ecommerce located here: http://netbeans.org/kb/docs/javaee/ecommerce/setup-dev-environ.html When I get to "running the web project, step 1", I click the green run button in the NetBeans IDE. In my browser, it goes to http://localhost:8080/AffableBean, but no HTML is displayed. If I view the admin domain …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for AARTI SHRIVAS

i have started learning joomla and now my team leader say me to covert html temlapte to joomla temlate any one have idea about that how can i achive this thanx in advance

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for developer707

Hi, I have some time that I am trying to build a page with some menus and to include joberbase into one menu but I am having a problem to include it on the page. I am using iframes to show it, but when I click on Post New Job …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for mrblint

Say we have a map of a section of the city which the user can resize in the browser. Resizing the map image just makes the image bigger or smaller -- it does not change the image content (i.e. does not include a wider area of the city or zoom …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for rubai

Hi, I am a newbie website developer. I can develop html template which can be of cost. I want to know more about premium html template development. I saw in themeforest, premium html template has options to customize. But how is it possible, though there is no CMS? How to …

Member Avatar for rubai
Member Avatar for starthinklone

Hi everyone................... XHTML is an advanced version of HTML. It is combination of XML and HTML. The features of it are: XHTML elements must be properly nested XHTML elements must always be closed XHTML elements must be in lowercase XHTML documents must have one root element Attribute names must be …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for danimischiu
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16395[/ATTACH]HTML5 is a young programming language, with a lot of promise. It has been lauded as the Flash replacement that will revolutionize the web and more importantly, the mobile web. But with so much speculation and excitement, it's hard to recognize the forest for the trees. Where did HTML5 come …

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Member Avatar for gopi.mishra.7

Dear All, I require to download a webpage, analyse the html and from that html I have to identfiy some required images and download them for analysis.Please help as to which library I would have to download and install. Is cURLpp good for this.? for the image analysis thing i …

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Member Avatar for Jspham

Hello! I'm really confused and unfamiliar with HTML5. Some term often used in Java for a community I was a part of was 'handler'. Basically, I have one file from a tutorial thus far. I'd like to split it into seperate files so its more managable. Sort of a 'Main' …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Hi guys, Trying to implement a return module in magento but got a strange problem. I'm passing values from a while loop into another page with values. Everithing is working well but my first elements of a `produs` and `sku` are empty and I dont know why .... The line …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for pereubu123

The logo header contains one or two logo image file supplied by clients with variable size. There is a several lines of text, which varies from one product to another used by our clients. So the usual header is not of constant size. That is our big and important problem …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for ebanbury

Hi I have a very strange issue with a page layout. I have created numerous pages based on a template layout that I created in CSS through Dreamweaver. All the pages look as they should in Chrome/Safari etc. All the pages EXCEPT 1 looks fine in IE. Please take a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I need help getting work as a website developer. I have thought about creating free website templates and creating a fan base through that then eventually offering a service where I will create the website from scratch for the customers but I can't find any websites where I can …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for eltonpiko

hi im working on a project to build a currency converter for a mobile application and it needs to feed off an rss feed to get exchange rate. the bank page im trying to feed off the exchange rate does not have rss feed but the just provide the rate …

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The End.