6,562 Topics

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Member Avatar for tgr0ss83

I have a problem w/ the Below code, that when I view the table, it repeats the Headers for each row. : For instance: [CODE] comed_zone chicagogen_hub chicago_hub nillinois_hub 10 30.8 30.4 30.8 30.6 comed_zone chicagogen_hub chicago_hub nillinois_hub 11 29.0 28.2 29.2 28.8 comed_zone chicagogen_hub chicago_hub nillinois_hub 12 28.2 27.5 …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for Garidius

Hello everyone, I hope someone could help me with this problem. I have a problem with a vertical menu that I'm trying to insert in a sidebar in a wordpress based site. The problem is that when hover the sub menus only are visible in the sidebar area, the other …

Member Avatar for Garidius
Member Avatar for Pradeeban

Hi, I'm developing a web site for a customer, now I face a problem with passing a text from one page to another page. I have two web pages <tourdetails.html> in this web page when a user clicks the bookings button it had to take the name of <tour title> …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for aanders5

So, I was making an application that used Htmlunitdriver and webdriver in Netbeans, and it works dandy. So I want to transfer it over with some rearranging onto Eclipse for Droid programming. However, when I post like... WebDriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver(true); it does not give any "import htmlunitdriver" option. …

Member Avatar for aanders5
Member Avatar for vijaykavin10

Hi All I need to know about how can we convert a PDF file to HTML file using java....If any one is having a source code post it.Otherwise suggest me how to do the task... Thanks in Advance...:)

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for PsychicTide

Hello fellow daniwebians, I seem to have run into a problem echoing MySQL/HTML and am hoping one of you may be able to point me in the right direction. I'm trying to echo portions of HTML(if there is an event for that date) inside HTML that's not echoed, so it …

Member Avatar for PsychicTide
Member Avatar for Nathaniel10

I am organizing my site to make it easier and faster to maintain. I keep a small version of my site on my laptop running Apache/PHP. I successfully organized and recoded things to the way I wanted. Upon uploading the file to my live site, I ran into several problems. …

Member Avatar for Nathaniel10
Member Avatar for toddj

I have been working on writing a newsletter template to send out to a mailing list. I found a site that let me download one, but after determining it was overly complex, I decided to rewrite it using css. (it was using tables for content layout) Everything was working fine …

Member Avatar for toddj
Member Avatar for asuprem

The CSS Menu I have moves the contents of the div tag below it sideways. I am posting only the CSS styles for it because the code inside the <body> tag utilizes only the styles. The menu div tag is the id #navMenu. The content is in three div tags …

Member Avatar for suhaildawood
Member Avatar for tusharbhatia

Hi, Here is a link to my side by side div's: [url]http://jsfiddle.net/cMpaE/[/url] Or you can view my code below (it's the same for both, but if you go to the above link you can see a preview) [CODE] <div id="logoBlock" style="float:left; background-color:#CF6; width:15%; min-height:120px; border-top-left-radius:5px; border-bottom-left-radius:5px; margin-bottom:2%;"> <center> logoBlock </center> …

Member Avatar for suhaildawood
Member Avatar for Kamboodle

Basically I have a password reset field and in order for the password reset to be processed the user needs to enter their first name, last name, D.O.B and email address. The first name, last name and email address are required fields, the rest are just additional security measures. My …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for LegoBeast

Dear All I have made a successful html form with mail.php "thing" my only problem is I want to be able to redirect to 2 different thank you pages based on a value entered in the html form. Value field is "Type1" and people can enter either burger, farm or …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for jahanas

I am converting a Photoshop image to HTML and need the images to show but the text not to and I see both. I also only see the image when placed in HTML and not when in CSS.

Member Avatar for Dandello
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

Quick question on PHP and HTML rules. Is the code below valid? I want to use php in the head section and body or a website i'm building but i dont want to add extra work for myself. [CODE] <html> <title>HTML with PHP</title> <body> <h1>My Example</h1> <?php include config.php $here=$_GET['city']; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Nathaniel10

Hi. This is not a frequently browsed category, but there is no place else for my question. I am organizing my site to make it easier and faster to maintain. I keep a small version of my site on my laptop running Apache/PHP. I successfully organized and recoded things to …

Member Avatar for Nathaniel10
Member Avatar for Aviplo
Member Avatar for Aviplo
Member Avatar for EddieC

Most of the reports out yesterday about the release of [URL=http://www.microsoft.com/ie8]Internet Explorer 8[/URL]Beta 2 focused on its so-calledInPrivate Browsing, which leaves no trace of the Web sites you visit and protects anonymity. And while that's certainly useful, developers are likely to be more interested in its improvements in DOM and …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for sachinmaster

I have a slight situation in my app in my jsfiddle. What I want to do which I can't achieve is that I want the functionality of the Option Type, Number of Answers and Answer buttons within each row to match the functionality on top. The problem is that under …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for sugumarclick

Hi all, I am dealing a small issue. I am missing something silly :). My need is that I want the entire lines between <TABLE> </TABLE> with no modifications. [CODE]<?php $some_string = <<<STR <HR noShade size=2> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BGCOLOR="" > <TR BGCOLOR="c1ffcc"> <TH ALIGN="LEFT" COLSPAN=22> <font face="Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,Verdana" size="2" …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for tech_man_12

Hi, I'm a newbie in php and web development, and I'm just able to develop basic applications using php and html. For an application I'm developing, I designed a landing page, and people told me it looks so 90s design, and you need to improve UI and give a more …

Member Avatar for shahbaz13
Member Avatar for sachinmaster

What is happening is that when the user selects the option "True or False" in a particular row, a string is appering in two places where actually it is suppose to appear in one place. If you follow the steps in my fiddle then you will understand what is happening. …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for learnnt

Now present to you: how the impact on all the images in your board Only the code of the new technology css3 Explanation: Copy the following code [CODE] img { border: none; opacity: 0.3; -Webkit-transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out; -Moz-transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out; -O-transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out; -Moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for nakresimin

some part of the website look ok but some not and none of the links works. can you please help me? [url][/url] [ICODE]overHead(); echo $html->pageTop(); include('loginmenu.php'); include(inc_dir . "/left.php"); echo $html->pageMiddle($config["page_name"]); $toplamkullanicilar = $adetler["JAS_FD"]+$adetler["JAS_FS"]+$adetler["JAS_TP"]+$adetler["JAS_TH"]+$adetler["JAS_OH"]+$adetler["JAS_BG"]+$adetler["JAS_OK"]+$adetler["JAS_OL"]; $ortadakipara = getMoney("JAS_FD")+getMoney("JAS_FS")+getMoney("JAS_TP")+getMoney("JAS_TH")+getMoney("JAS_OH")+getMoney("JAS_BG")+getMoney("JAS_OK")+getMoney("JAS_OL"); ?>...........[/ICODE]

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for bsewell

Hello, so I have a problem with some extra space between 2 div's that fill to 100%. Eg, they should be underneath each other. I don't know where this extra space came from, but it is underneath my nested list menu, and I thought that a div clearing the floats …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for bsewell

Hi, I am making a horizontal menu system for a website. So, I have looked at examples of css menu's before I attempted my own. So, right now the menu is working top level-wise up until it spots my UL tag inside of my LI. My problem is that the …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for rana.moeen

[URL="http://jsfiddle.net/jLFTq/21/"]http://jsfiddle.net/jLFTq/21/[/URL] Hi friends, I've following code on the link given above.. My problem is that, I want the width of div (.char) containing alphabets as equal to the width of main div (#right). please take a look at the link above, hope you understand my problem.

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for chhabraamit

Hello guys , I am looking for a HTML parser in C/C++. I am trying to make a movie rater , which take name of movies from a folder and stores it in a file , then sort it according to their rating on net. So ,I am thinking to …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for tusharbhatia

I have seen similar questions asked before, however my question is a little bit different to the other ones that have previously been asked. I want to make the div's expand/collapse on the jquery "click function" I have created. The difference between my question and other questions is the fact …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for naveedqadri

Hi Experts, Thanks for time and help. I am using activepdf server, webgrabebr and activepdf toolkit to convert my html to PDF. CSS i am using is working fine, BUT When i convert into PDF , the resulting PDF has no real HTML, no colors coming out. It looks CSS …

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Member Avatar for pallen

This one might not make much sense to anyone. It doesn't to me. I'm creating a child theme for a Wordpress site. I have to create a style sheet in a new directory and import the style sheet from the parent theme. I'm trying to use @import to import the …

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The End.