6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for rakibtg

how to show a javascript warning message for some specific words from a textfield. if a user write [B][COLOR="Red"]http://[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="Red"]/[/COLOR][/B] in a textfield and click on the Submit button of my form then a javascript will show a error message to the user and submission will stop. How to …

Member Avatar for buzzykerbox

Hi I would like to change a css rule,with javascript this is what i have so far?? [CODE] body{ font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; /* [disabled]line-height: 17px; */ color: #ffffff; background: url(images/bg.jpg); <script> function changeStyle() { var mySheet = document.styleSheets[0].rules || document.styleSheets[0].cssRule; for(var i=0; i<mySheet.length;i++) { if(mySheet[i].selectorText == "body") …

Member Avatar for buzzykerbox
Member Avatar for paddi_1

Dear all, I have php file which is returning result from server which are shown as group list, this result i want to pass to the dialog box as in drop-down selection, posting the code as below of group.php. I am getting php result correctly but need to integrate in …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477
Member Avatar for kimmi_baby

Hi, I'm having some issues with checkboxes. When I submit the form and the email is sent, the check box area is empty. There is no information listed. When I tried to change the code, it would only show one of the options and not all that have been picked. …

Member Avatar for kimmi_baby
Member Avatar for 11349

Hi All, Hope your all well Im really new to the world of JSP & AJAX, my question is, I need to retrive names from a database and present them to a user on a JSP form, but I shouldnt show any database interaction on the client end, So as …

Member Avatar for mathieu89

Hey Guys, I have an issue with my checkbox and the values that are posted to the next page. The issue is that each time the checkbox is clicked it just adds another value. example - if i check it and uncheck it and check it again i will get …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for jatinder_44

hello, I have written some code for it but it's not displaying date's in <td> where is the problem can any body tell me. [code=php] <?php //Get year 2008 $year = date('Y'); echo "Year $year</br>"; //get month $month = date('n'); echo "Month $month</br>"; //get day $day = date('j'); echo "Day …

Member Avatar for shamsidah
Member Avatar for deshazer.jad

It makes since that, when working with javascript, document.getElementById() can't find the Id of an object that hasn't yet been added to the DOM, however when I nest document.getElementById() in a function and call it after the object has been created, document.getElementById() still can't find the object. is there a …

Member Avatar for deshazer.jad
Member Avatar for furlanut

I am trying to send results to a new page.The results are fine. i.e. once the form is submitted and all input validated I want the result to appear on the results.html page. I have been able to display the results.html but no data displayed. I attach some relevant code: …

Member Avatar for moneeshot
Member Avatar for simpleonline12

[CODE]Imports System.Net Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Imports HtmlAgilityPack Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click HtmlNode.ElementsFlags.Remove("form") Dim doc As New HtmlDocument() doc.LoadHtml("http://mywebsiteishere/") Dim secondForm As HtmlNode = doc.GetElementbyId("form2") …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for uzn

Hi, I'm running VB.Net code that prints the error file using DOS and it is plain text file. I want it to be more informative. I want to print the error file in HTML format with or without pictures or pdf format. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Member Avatar for MrDeveloper
Member Avatar for cacolukia

I need to use Jquery $.ajax() function in order to represent JSON objects in HTML page. JSONs are on a url: [url]http://aaa.aaa.aaa.aaa/demo/example.php[/url]. That is a string of json objects. Please if you have any solution it would be more than helpful. THANKS!!

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for xDancinPoptartx

I am making an webpage where you get two random photos and you click using the arrow keys which one you like best and that one stays and goes on the versus the next random photo. I got it so far when you start the page it sets two random …

Member Avatar for xDancinPoptartx
Member Avatar for code07

i need help.i want convert xml file to css file.following code how to write with css i need some site and how to do this code in data.css <?xml version="1.0"?> <Table> <Name> <person>Pahanperera</person> <person>SenaiSatharasinghe</person> <person>WarunaWikramage</person> <person>AshaniAbeysinghe</person> <person>MohanMunasinghe</person> </Name> <NicNo> <include>892650718V</include> <include>915623542V</include> <include>841521452V</include> <include>865153125V</include> <include>872360123V</include> </NicNo> <Age> <in>22</in> <in>20</in> <in>27</in> <in>25</in> …

Member Avatar for Dandello
Member Avatar for sacarias40

I'm creating a bot scraper that gathers information off of other websites and i am using html simple dom parser to do it. I have found a bug though. I ran into one website that doesnt parse.\ Here is a sample of the code that it cannot parse: [CODE]<div class="header"><div …

Member Avatar for sacarias40
Member Avatar for raheel_88

I would like to place a footer at the bottom of my DHTML web page. The simple footer tag doesn't do what I want because the text in the footer is simply placed underneath the current text on the web page. What I want s for the footer to stay …

Member Avatar for kimmi_baby

Hi, I'm looking for a great tutorial that shows how to create a HTML/PHP form that emails once it has been submit. Any help would be appreciated! I'm also using a PHP includes. The contact form is in there. Am i still able to get the contact form to work?

Member Avatar for Dandello
Member Avatar for adeelfayyaz

hi.. i am confuse about the difference between web pages coded in asp.net and coded in html.. can we access html coded page in asp.net for database connectivity?? or i hav to make whole code of page in asp???

Member Avatar for Sarama2030
Member Avatar for thomas6188

was trying the drag and drop feature in html5. I have three blocks(boxA,B,C). Items are moved from box A to B or C. The problem is [B]when i move items from A to B, Box A doesnt retain the object [/B](instead of copying, it just moves the object). I have …

Member Avatar for luweegee
Member Avatar for Stjerne

Hi, I'm doing a project right now where we're going to develope a website. I'm responsible for the design/CSS. [url]http://www.stud.hio.no/~s181104/test/index.html[/url] This is what I've done so far, but there seems to be some bugs. Whenever I zoom out, the footer wont be sticked at the bottom of site and the …

Member Avatar for Dandello
Member Avatar for p0l4rb34r

I'm at uni beginning a web design course and we are starting to learn HTML 5 and CSS. I have previous experience with CSS and HTML but i haven't built for mobile devices or tablets, only for the desktop. I don't know loads of stuff, but i understand the basics …

Member Avatar for p0l4rb34r
Member Avatar for Veneficvs

Hello. I have a very important question. I am currently attempting to create a Javascript file to test the HTML5 File API. First of all, I want to dynamically obtain a local file using Javascript and Google Chrome. I have succesfully done that by using a function which returns a …

Member Avatar for Veneficvs
Member Avatar for kimmi_baby

Hi, I'm having a few problems wanting to highlight the current tab in the navigation. I'm wondering if this could be because I have different stylesheets for some pages? Can this affect the way it works? I'm still using the same code in each stylesheet for the navigation... I'll post …

Member Avatar for lsvife

could anyone help why hover doesnt work on some of my link. below is my code! thnks in advance!!! [ICODE]a:link {color:#FF0000;} a:visited {color:#00FF00;} a:hover {text-decoration: underline;} a:active {color:#0000FF;}[/ICODE]

Member Avatar for Dandello
Member Avatar for lukemaister

Hi All, I have lately encountered quite a few problems with the problem I'm about to describe. I think it would be good for all of us to know the solutions if anytime we encounter this problem. I know my content is larger than the screen and I have a …

Member Avatar for Dandello
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

How do you show code on a website? Right now I define a bunch of CSS styles called Comment, Preprocessor, Keyword, etcetera. Then make a two column table, make the left column line numbers and and the right column each row has a line of code. Then I manually go …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for mundvawala

Hi, I want to append the content of an already defined "old div" tag to the "new div" tag dynamically but as I'm new to javascript i don't have any idea that how to do this. The code i tried is attached below. And one more question, how to remove …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for saiju_menon

Hi I am using AxDHTMLEdit for editing HTML docments in my VB.NET application. But while saving this document using AxDHTMLEdit1.savedocument the symbols for POUND, YEN, EURO changes to question mark. (?). I think this has something to do with meta content / charset. But not able to solve this so …

Member Avatar for the_azn_invasio

this is my code but i couldnt get phase 2 to print out can anyone help me please? thank you! [CODE] import sys import string NUM_ARGS = 3 GLOBALSTACK = [] TAG_STACK = [] # getFile() Gets a valid file name # Input: None # Output: fileName, the name of …

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The End.