6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for jsparger

Hi guys, I'm looking for a little help with Apache Xerces. I am currently trying to use Xerces-C++, but I'll soon be using Xerces-Java. As I look the the C++ programming guide and the DOM programming guide, a lot of my questions remain unanswered. The sample codes lack comments on …

Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi guys, I want to assign something into label via JS but code below doesn't work for array. Do I miss something? Thanks in advance [code] <script> function calculate_cost(whichlabel){ document.getElementById('text_cost['+whichlabel+']').innerHTML = 'show me in label below'; } <input type="text" name="text_qty[]" value="0" size="3" maxlength="5" style="text-align:center;" onkeyup="calculate_cost(0)" /> <label id="text_cost[]">0.00</label> [/code]

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for WolfShield

What I want is a pic to show on full background. But the image is not displaying. The code I have ( the relevant parts ): [CODE] <div id="bg"><img src="welcome.psd" width="100%" height="100%" alt="" /></div> [/CODE] And the CSS: [CODE] #bg { position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; } [/CODE] I have …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for dineshswamy

i m not convinced with the way explanation given for this drop down menu working .. please help me out [CODE] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Menu testing</title> <style type="text/css"> #nav,#nav ul { list-style:none; padding:0; margin:0; } #nav a{ display:block; width:10em; } #nav li { …

Member Avatar for dineshswamy
Member Avatar for kaetar

Hello everyone, I am currently working on a website for a literary journal that I work for called The Broome Street Review. Currently, we use Wix for the website, but we would like to move away from that and design ourselves. I have been teaching myself HTML and CSS and …

Member Avatar for kaetar
Member Avatar for javadano

I have successfully converted my .tiff file to a text file. This was a major step. My issue now that i am facing is "capturing" pertinent data. I am attempting to do this by running a JavaScript to create an HTML file from the .txt file. I am having trouble …

Member Avatar for azzhey
Member Avatar for luofeiyu

here is my code: import urllib import lxml.html equitydown="http://sc.hkex.com.hk/gb/www.hkex.com.hk/chi/market/sec_tradinfo/stockcode/eisdeqty_c.htm" file=urllib.urlopen(equitydown).read() root=lxml.html.document_fromstring(file') rdata = root.xpath('//tr[@class="tr_normal" and (.//img)]') for data in rdata: data.getparent().remove(data) root1=lxml.html.tostring(root) my=open('c:\\hk1.html','w') my.write(root1) my.close() when i open c:\hk1.html,comparing it with [url]http://sc.hkex.com.hk/gb/www.hkex.com.hk/chi/market/sec_tradinfo/stockcode/eisdeqty_c.htm[/url] there is a problem ,many lines in the [url]http://sc.hkex.com.hk/gb/www.hkex.com.hk/chi/market/sec_tradinfo/stockcode/eisdeqty_c.htm[/url] such as 06830 华众控股 2,000 # 06838 盈利时 2,000 …

Member Avatar for jonnyboy12

Hello. I have been using a style sheet for some time now in my html project. The classes are made like this. .twoColLiqLtHdr #container { width: 80%; /* this will create a container 80% of the browser width */ background: #FFFFFF; margin: 0 auto; /* the auto margins (in conjunction …

Member Avatar for jonnyboy12
Member Avatar for Atmos1234

Hello all, Im new to VB so go easy on me :-D Im trying to autofill a html form and all textboxes and textarea is working ok.. I now have a problem with a combobox1. I added the items below to the combobox1. So whenever i choose one of those …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hi, I have created a jquery slideshow with the following image. Yet, without navigation how to create a small button navigation on the slide show ? What's the code for the css ? [CODE] <style type="text/css"> <?php /* td a { margin: 5px } .nav { margin: 5px 0 } …

Member Avatar for .:n'tQ-boy:.

Hi every1 I am new to CSS and I want to use CSS to format my website.(i use Dreamweaver to create my site) There are many free css template on the Internet but it's difficult to understand them. My question is: do you know some website provide free SIMPLE css …

Member Avatar for Hugo123007
Member Avatar for subrata_ushasi

Hi all, I am developing an website which is required to hide and show HTML. like if visitors user and password are correct then will show "You are logged in as "Namd " "Edit" "Logout" ,as and if logout is pressed then "user name " "password " "forgot password ?" …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Virangya

hi, how to display a div on top off all the other content? i tried [ICODE]style=" position:relative; left:0px; top:0px; z-index:100;"[/ICODE] which didn't work, then when i used position:absolute; it worked but, it displays in a totaly in appropriate position because of position:absolute . how can i make this happen? when …

Member Avatar for Virangya
Member Avatar for griceldax10

I have Joomla and a Joomla template(rt_refraction_j15) installed on my website. But i want the same template and css styling, as a basic HTML template, so i don't have to use Joomla for editing. Is there an easy way to convert the template to basic HTML/CSS template?

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for spyece

Hello, i have created a html/css version of one of my psds and pretty much everything is working fine, just the background image or the container div to which background image is assigned is not stretching vertically to 100%. Here is the Link to Live version of What i have …

Member Avatar for evantanski
Member Avatar for sidra 100

hi m making a program n i want that when i want to add update a stock it get the name of product from data base and show it in drop down list so that i can select one of them which i want to update. my code for that …

Member Avatar for sidra 100
Member Avatar for Virangya

hi, i need to empty all the divs whic has an id like 'bkoption' eg : my html code is like this [CODE] <div class="subsubsubmenu" id="bkoption1">some content</div> <div class="subsubsubmenu" id="bkoption2">some content</div> <div class="subsubsubmenu" id="bkoption3">some content</div> [/CODE] so when i trigger an on click function i need to empty all of …

Member Avatar for Virangya
Member Avatar for sidra 100

hi i want to make a page for the user to take the orders from the user. i want that user select one product from the drop down list then select its size and then color. then submit it. this data about first product appears in the table then he …

Member Avatar for sidra 100
Member Avatar for warlord902

I have a some words that I want display in the footer, I want 2 words to be left aligned and rest to be right aligned. I have my code something like this: [CODE] <div class="footer"> MyWebsite <!--This should be left aligned--> <!--Things below should be right aligned--> <a href="">Contact …

Member Avatar for jalarie
Member Avatar for TAPASFUN

Hi! Friends, i need some free nice html tamplate for making travel website. 2/3 column, banner image slider. Please give me.

Member Avatar for Pjieter
Member Avatar for Garidius

Hello everybody, I have a CSS menu in a wordpress based site that I've got to work correctly after help received in this great forum. Thanks for that. I only have one issue pending for this menu, I only would like help with the padding that it seems exists in …

Member Avatar for Garidius
Member Avatar for rakibtg

i need a simple script that can create a slideshow of websites in an iframe after 20 seconds frequently. how i can do it ? any code sample? Thanks

Member Avatar for Pjieter
Member Avatar for divsok

i'm novice to this and can anybody say how to change CSS properties with javascript functions? how can i change font-sizes/font styles using a combobox represented in a textarea? [img]http://i.imgur.com/KH0om.jpg[/img] if you can show me how events working..thank you

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for phpuser

Hello , Friends I am doing googlemap integration . Though i completed it as per my project requirements but i have very small area for displaying map. And as we all know html window on marker have some fixed size. but i found in my reference site that they edited …

Member Avatar for web-designindia
Member Avatar for FriXionX

I have a problem with an image I want to be clickable. I have writing to the far left of this - with a bottom border (width 800px) so it has a line throughout most of the website. I also want this clickable button to be above the border on …

Member Avatar for seonetsmartz
Member Avatar for tgr0ss83

I have a problem w/ the Below code, that when I view the table, it repeats the Headers for each row. : For instance: [CODE] comed_zone chicagogen_hub chicago_hub nillinois_hub 10 30.8 30.4 30.8 30.6 comed_zone chicagogen_hub chicago_hub nillinois_hub 11 29.0 28.2 29.2 28.8 comed_zone chicagogen_hub chicago_hub nillinois_hub 12 28.2 27.5 …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for Garidius

Hello everyone, I hope someone could help me with this problem. I have a problem with a vertical menu that I'm trying to insert in a sidebar in a wordpress based site. The problem is that when hover the sub menus only are visible in the sidebar area, the other …

Member Avatar for Garidius
Member Avatar for Pradeeban

Hi, I'm developing a web site for a customer, now I face a problem with passing a text from one page to another page. I have two web pages <tourdetails.html> in this web page when a user clicks the bookings button it had to take the name of <tour title> …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for aanders5

So, I was making an application that used Htmlunitdriver and webdriver in Netbeans, and it works dandy. So I want to transfer it over with some rearranging onto Eclipse for Droid programming. However, when I post like... WebDriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver(true); it does not give any "import htmlunitdriver" option. …

Member Avatar for aanders5
Member Avatar for vijaykavin10

Hi All I need to know about how can we convert a PDF file to HTML file using java....If any one is having a source code post it.Otherwise suggest me how to do the task... Thanks in Advance...:)

Member Avatar for peter_budo

The End.