6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for gilgil2

Hi I am trying to allow users to update records in a MySql database through php forms. One problem I am having is with a drop down field for dates. I want to echo the date already in the database so that the drop down menus is set to that …

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Member Avatar for bsewell

Hello all, I have an interesting bug in a calculator I have written. I've snipped the code done to something to get an idea of the calculator. So, if I clilck on Imperial, I can't seem to put input into my text boxes. However, if I press my TAB button …

Member Avatar for bsewell

Hello all, I'm trying to get a calculation to appear in a DIV, in HTML. The calculation shows fine with the HTML, but my problem is that the result is showing straight away. I want it to display 5 seconds after the calculation is done (it's done in jquery). What …

Member Avatar for bsewell
Member Avatar for grako84

Hi folks! I got a little problem with my assignment. The idea is to create online bookstore. As far didn't have much troubles with the project, until now. Problem occures when I'm trying to update/delete an entry to mySql. if you take a look at line 93 - there is …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for nova37

i want to know how to use css with html forms i have css button <style> a.btn { display: block; width: 120px; height: 18px; padding: 18px 0 0 0; margin: 0 auto; background: #398525; /* old browsers */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #8DD297 0%, #398525 100%); /* firefox */ background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left …

Member Avatar for nova37
Member Avatar for Pravinrasal

Hello everyone I created one canvas and draw one line on it I want to move this line using mouse on the canvas How to move line on canvas because using draggable function it cant move so pls help me.

Member Avatar for Pravinrasal
Member Avatar for Mongz

I need to make a contact form on a website that will send comments to an email. I have designed the html file but i'm not sure where to beggin with adding the file or code that will support this function. So far i have learnt that it can be …

Member Avatar for gotboots
Member Avatar for megasah

Hi, I have bought used computer with license sticker for win xp sp3 media center. System needs to be reinstalled. I do not have win xp sp3 media center CD. Can I install win xp sp3 and use key from the sticker? Thanks in advance for help....

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for tahsin.rahit

HI I want to pass HTML input array to jquery. I don't using `<form>` tag. only `<input>`tag. `<input type="checkbox" name="remove[]"/>` and `<input type="text" name="quantity['xyz']"/>` Here *xyz* will be diffrent for each input (these 2 line is actually generated by PHP loop) These two lines will be repeated several time by …

Member Avatar for lena1990

hi i want to move from one applet that is displayed in html to another applet that is also displayed in html how i can do that thanks for help

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Griffin54

Hello; I am working on a web page that I have designed to take up 75% of the monitor. Presently this web page when loaded auto aligns to the left side of my monitor. While it looks fine I would prefer it to be centered on my monitor. I have …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for gogs85

How to some div value export to xml with tag in php code. I search my site and from div value export to external xml file. ?php $some_link = 'http://www.popusti.rs/'; $tagName = 'div'; $attrName = 'class'; $attrValue = 'offer-list-item'; $dom = new DOMDocument; $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; @$dom->loadHTMLFile($some_link); $html = getTags( …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for realworldmedia

Ok so i have been searching but this specific part i cant get, how do i echoinformation from my sql database with php into my div so i keep the same formating <div class="wrapper pad_bot3"> <figure class="left marg_right1"><img src="images/page1_img4.jpg" alt=""></figure> <p class="pad_bot1"><strong class="color2">Chateau Lingfield</strong></p> <p class="pad_bot1"><strong class="color2">3 baths, 6 beds, …

Member Avatar for realworldmedia
Member Avatar for drjay1627

Hello, I have a menu in a webpage. I am looking to make the code reusable for another page, that way I can manage the links in one place rather than multiple page. Anyone know a way to do this? Thanks Drjay

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ravoras

Hey Guys, I came across the 'required' attribute for input tags in HTML5, and it just super handy. But I was wondering, if there is workaround for dependent inputs using just the required attribute. Like: Say I have a select box, which has certain options. Depending on the user selection, …

Member Avatar for ravoras
Member Avatar for mnshwarner

My ultimate goal is to save rendered presentation MathML to a .PNG file. Knowing just enough about programming to be dangerous :-) there may be a better way to do this...I am drawing the equation on a canvas element, then trying to save the canvas element as a .PNG. I …

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Member Avatar for itamardori3

Hey, i've tried to convert a free CSS template to fit into a CMS. it looks like that: http://www.airlinesofisrael.com/phpvms.full/index.php/ i belive its a CSS problem can someone help? My CSS file is below: * { padding: 0; margin: 0; outline: 0; } body, html { height: 100%; } body { …

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for drjay1627

Hello, I need some help with understanding floats. I have a div named holder, which as the name suggest, is a holder. Inside this holder I have 2 containers. One is the left container and the other is the right container. HTML <div id="holder"> <div id="contentleft"> <p>This is a paragraph. …

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for kukula

Hi there, during developing website for my father's company ( [website](http://www.pgum-sill.pl/nowa_strona/index.html) ) I find out that I have problem with personalization of different lists. In this case I wanted to make a floating menu like thise one here: [Floating Menu](https://d2o0t5hpnwv4c1.cloudfront.net/018_Floating_Menu/demo/dhtml_float_menu_final_nettut.html) (this page is from this [Tutorial](http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/creating-a-floating-html-menu-using-jquery-and-css/)) At the pages above …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for lfmconsummates
Member Avatar for Amaina

Hi I am working on a project in CSS and xhtml but when i tested the layout on different browsers i identified a problem in positioning of elements. To be precise, the navigation bar renders well in firefox 11 for ubuntu canonical 1.0 but seems not to work in IE, …

Member Avatar for rotten69

Hey everyone, Recently, I have developed a website for my project and was using a 10-inch laptop during the development time. It looked fantastic on a 10-inch screen. However, I faced a problem with the width (CSS properties needed to be changed) of navigation bar on the top when I …

Member Avatar for ctaylo21
Member Avatar for Red Dragon

Hi, i'm just trying to make a simple 'contact us' form which emails me with the contents of each form field, here's what i have: HTML -------- <form action="contact.php" method="post" name="contact"> *Full Name<br /> <input name="name" type="text" /><br /><br /> *Email:<br /> <input name="email" type="email" /><br /><br /> *Message:<br /> …

Member Avatar for Red Dragon
Member Avatar for Thevenin

Hi all, first of all I want to tell you that I am studying Ajax and the following code could have errors or something else. I am trying to recreate the following HTML form with Ajax: <div class="table_test"> <form name="f1" target="uploader" action="upload.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" > <ul> <li class="title">Image Name</li> <li …

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Member Avatar for walid86

Hi, i'm creating a site which uses achors to change between slides... When i click it, another header moves out of place.. but i am not sure why... any help would be great! www.pixaweb.com.au/emr When you go down to painting tips with the paper behind it, if you click a …

Member Avatar for singh1720
Member Avatar for jelly46

Hello This is brilliant and good to work with, there is one issue i have if someone can help please. I have used example 4 baucase it visually does exactly what i need, however there is one little problem i cant solve. I copied the div and now have 2 …

Member Avatar for jelly46
Member Avatar for Heinz Stapff

Hey Guy's, back again. Listed this one on WebDeveloper.com but couldn't quite get it solved. I couldn't upload an mp4 video file to clarify the massive HTML file to show what was going on so I'm checking to see if DaniWeb uploads the file before I post the script and …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for jdm3

zipc = "47408" url = "http://watchdog.net/us/?zip=" conn = u.urlopen(url+zipc) content = conn.readlines() for line in content: line = line.decode("utf-8") So I am working on a CGI/Python project that requires input of a zipcode to then find the name of a certain politician. Right now I am trying to find a …

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Member Avatar for studentabc

I am not able to post the new article on the website thats why i am directly contacting you if you can able to help me out with the following problems. I am student. I have a very simple assignment and I did do the assignment but the requirement is …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for RageAndSin

Basically I'm trying to get the post data from my form page to link back to my php page and it won't post for whatever reason. I've been scrutinizing my code and looking online at other posts but have had no luck. My html form: <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="anthonyBook.php"> …

Member Avatar for Biiim

The End.