6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for kimmi_baby

Hi, I really need help with this. I've tried multiple things and can't get it to work and I've posted on a few forums and no one is replying... So my issue is I'm using a custom menu on a wordpress site as my main navigation. The problem is that …

Member Avatar for clarme

Hi All, the other day I somehow messed up my companies website and I am not quite sure what I did. all the logos at the bottom of the page used to be centered, but now I can not get them back. I am pretty sure this a footer.php file …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for saucy6969

Hi there I am trying to center my website template to the middle of the page...currently at the left. Cant find which part of the CSS files it goes with...can anyone help? http://home.comcast.net/~waynetorrance/roomies/index.html

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for baig772

i have following .htaccess RewriteEngine On DirectoryIndex index.php RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,20})/([^/]+)/([^/]+)?$ index\.php?page=$1&s=$2&o=$3 [L] RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,20})/([^/]+)?$ index\.php?page=$1&s=$2 [L] RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,20})/?$ index\.php?page=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,20})?$ index\.php?page=$1 [L] ErrorDocument 404 /404 it displays mu url as localhost/mysite/home for first perimeter and its going fine but when my url is localhost/mysite/home/user, whole look of page …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for arihantphp

Hey all ! I am wondering if there is any way by which we can take an input from a user using a html form and write it to a file inside a specific div tag in a specific file. for ex: I enter a Name in a form the …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for theNORTH

Hi, I want to replace `$data['introhtml']` with some actual html, any ideas? I need to update a friends CMS database driven Website the content panel does not allow Div which I need to put a Calendar in so the only option is to change the PHP. The PHP code is …

Member Avatar for theNORTH
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

I'm centering my container div this way. #container{ position: absolute; left: 50%; margin:0 auto; height:100%; width:1024px; margin-left: -512px; text-align:left; } The div centers in the window, however when the user resizes the window to smaller than 1024 the window starts showing the center of the page. How can i make …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for DarkMonarch

doing this stuff in js and the css doesn't affect the tags in the js writeln js: `document.writeln("<table><tr><td>Nom</td><td>Pr&eacute;nom</td><td>Code Permanent</td><td>Login</td></tr></table>");` css: `table, td, tr{border:2px, double;}` i know this is simple, what am i missing ? oh yeah, it's an external js file, if that changes anything. thx Dark

Member Avatar for DarkMonarch
Member Avatar for rapidwein

**Bold Text Here** The included file is a code to make a quiz using javascript and radio buttons . When you finally submit , it shoudl print the question numbers for the correct answer in green and the wrong answers in red . But the code is not working properly. …

Member Avatar for rapidwein
Member Avatar for vizz

my code -moz-transform:rotate(20deg); -webkit-transform:rotate(20deg); -o-transform:rotate(20deg); http://www.the-art-of-web.com/css/css-animation/ Is there any jquery code available?

Member Avatar for elbeato
Member Avatar for aanders5

Okay, I am going to go through ALL my steps thus far just so that this process can be sped up hopefully. I have done this before, but it was awhile back and I forgot how, but I know it is possible. 1. I made a Neatbeans created Java Application. …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Srin

I want to create a java application where you can build simple logic circuits (just started learning java recently and it was just a random project idea I got off the net) Ultimately I want the gates as icons on a pane that users can drag and drop onto a …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for gopi17

okay....i've creating a web base application...its running fine on my computer...but now, i wanna run it in a handheld...the size is too big...so, i converted it using doing this... what happens is, my background goes missing and the size remains the same...can someone guide me...thank you in advance <LINK href="web.css" …

Member Avatar for jwmollman
Member Avatar for richprich

When user post a comment, i strip all the html tags in the comment before insert into my database because i do not want them to post external links(SPAM) in the comment. But i only want to strip external links, i want to display my own website URL as normal …

Member Avatar for richprich
Member Avatar for kevindougans

Hi guys, I've got a bug I can't figure out on my navigation and I was wondering if anyone can help: [url]http://mambo.3thirteen.co.uk/en/contact[/url] As you'll see on that page the navigation bar at the top has a little color changing effect. It works great until you hit refresh on the page …

Member Avatar for thiemebr

Hi, I'm new in asp and c# and I've being looking everywhere on how to dynamically create multiple html tables based on a user input: e.g.: user enter 3 in a text box and right below 3 tables are created with other text boxes for more user input. Thanks

Member Avatar for thiemebr
Member Avatar for SpokaneDude

This is my code: [CODE]//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; NSString *indexPath = [NSBundle pathForResource:@"iHelp" ofType:@"html" inDirectory:nil]; [webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:indexPath]]]; [/CODE] The app is crashing because 'nil' for directory name is invalid (DUH!). So for an imbedded html file, what should go there?

Member Avatar for jsp_novice

Hi, I am having trouble debugging this code.Please be kind enough to have a look.[CODE]<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title>Bogus Order Calculate</title> </head> <body> <H1>Bogus Order Calculate</H1> You ordered these items: <form action="FinalizeOrder.jsp" METHOD="POST"> <% if("Dictionary".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("book"))) { %><input type="hidden" name="book" value="10.00"> a Book<BR><% } if("Coffeecake".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("food"))) { %><input type="hidden" name="food" …

Member Avatar for jsp_novice
Member Avatar for jonsman

Hi Guys, I'm here with another problem. I want to know that is it possible to make a Dynamic website through HTML. I know we can make simple website using HTML. But I want to make a Dynamic website. So, please tell me is it possible or not?

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Albert Pinto

Hi All.... Actually I wanted to send mail through mail function in php... The mail is sent successfully and I'm receiving it in the inbox... Problem is I want the mail content in HTML format not plain text. I've tried this code, but it doesn't seem to work... [CODE] <?php …

Member Avatar for Albert Pinto
Member Avatar for RickCJ7

I'm a newbie in PHP. I'm trying to figure out a way to pass a second paramter in a URL by clicking a link instead of a submit button. For example, my page has a link that reads: <td><a href="agencydetails.php?id=1">Adams County</a></td> - the id=1 is the first parameter, I need …

Member Avatar for RickCJ7
Member Avatar for Lefian

Hello all! I currently have a drop down which consists of a list of names generated from the database. My problem is that when selecting a name from the dropdown I would like to insert the name and the corresponding ID into the database table. I am not sure if …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for jonnyboy12

Hello i am finishing up a pop3 program and now am looking for a way to view the html i receive form the pop3 server that comes along with some messages. People have told me to use a web browser but that seem over kill. Could i dissect a web …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for jonsman
Member Avatar for versan

Hello, Let me get started, i am newbie in designing websites, the problem is that i have got a image of the index page of the website which my friend wants me to create. I am not good in photoshop or dreamViewer either, I have some programming knowledge. Now i …

Member Avatar for versan
Member Avatar for Que336

I've had a nightmare over the past couple of weeks wondering why my code wasn't working in ie. I've finally realised that it was because I was using textcontent which works fine in firefox. I tried using innertext and it worked fine in ie but stopped working with firefox. Chrome …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for emulman

first, think to have this simple table: [CODE] <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Table with DIV and CSS</title> <style type="text/css"> /*<![CDATA[*/ #table { display: table; } .row { display: table-row; } .cell { display: table-cell; padding: 0.5em; border: 1px solid; } /*]]>*/ </style> </head> <body> <div id="table"> <div class="row"> <div class="cell">table …

Member Avatar for z666zz666z
Member Avatar for singularity~

I'm trying to get a form to work with php. When I click submit a submit button nothing happens. [CODE] <?php if(isset($_POST['imageSelectButton'])) { echo "Test: "; } ?> <form id="setImages" action="index.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <?php $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('../Home')); $images = new RegexIterator($files, '/\.(?:jpg|png|gif)$/i'); foreach($images as $file) { echo "<div …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for navp

Hey guys, so I am trying to do an animation rollover image for this gallery and I did make one of the design but the image is absolute and the positioning changes when I change the screen size. Is there a way I can fix that? I know about enclosing …

Member Avatar for elbeato
Member Avatar for bavenbabu

I have a problem while creating an xml file in php.I am not getting th root element.But all other elements are been outputted in the result.What might be the reason????Any help would be appreciated.The code is depicted below.order is my root element. <?php $url='success.xml'; //$xml = simplexml_load_file($url); $name = htmlentities($_POST['name']); …

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The End.