6,557 Topics

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There is a new article on the Madmouse Blog, [B]“Creating structure using Unordered Lists”[/B] which introduces a [B]proof of concept[/B] of using lists instead of divisions to write down the structure of a website layout. The article shows how it is it to be done, describes its purpose and points …

Member Avatar for Squeak
Member Avatar for lavachickie

I am trying to integrate the Spry Menu Bar into an existing site design with a boatload of CSS. So I'm SOOOOO close... The submenu for the third item in the nav (the only entry which will have a submenu right now) displays in the wrong place. For the life …

Member Avatar for MJ Pieterse
Member Avatar for hyperoctave

I don't think there is any other way to describe the problem I'm having this time.. If you look at [url]www.hyperoctave.org/tweak/index.htm[/url] you will see a large flash screen, flickering like a TV. However, if you look at the code, there are actually id boxes with HTML content within them, and …

Member Avatar for hyperoctave
Member Avatar for arvindikchari

Hello I have an image of a Joomla layout that I like, so I am planning to create a new css website layout based on this joomla template. But I am new to css. Can some one code the basic framework for the layout looking at the image attached with …

Member Avatar for MJ Pieterse
Member Avatar for cool_mike
Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for mvotilla

Is there an easy way to incorporate a JSP forward directive inside an html "<a>" (anchor tag) I'm trying to do something like: <td> <a <jsp:forward page = "MyFacility.jsp"/> > Test Three Forward</td> but cannot get the syntax correct. I'd like to have the "Test Three Forward" appear as the …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for jimbob90

for some reason my "right" appears lower than the "content" (center) but not the "left" [code=css]#box { width:900px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } #content { overflow: auto; width:600px; padding:0px; background-color:#fff; float:center; } #left { width:150px; padding:0px; float:left; } #right { width:150px; padding:0px; float: right; }[/code] my div structure div box …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for raveeshlawrance

I created a button for table cell using innerHTML. it is working perfectly in mozilla. But it is now working inn IE. Button is now displaying in IE. Please help me

Member Avatar for raveeshlawrance
Member Avatar for crazynp

Hi,Will anyone plz suggest me on how to build a html file from rss feed and store it in a webserver or is it possible to make and store html file from the contents of mysql database using php and then store the html file in the webserver. Thanks in …

Member Avatar for alan_ot
Member Avatar for srikanth.cpd

hi i have some HTML pages. i want to convert the HTML pages to .ASPX pages is there any way to do it please reply me ASAP thanks in advance

Member Avatar for swinefish

Hey Guys I'm kind of a newbie to C#. Now the syntax and the like don't bother me because I love java, so the actual programming is no problem. However, I'm trying to do something I can't figure out. I want to write a module in Visual C# (Visual Studio …

Member Avatar for swinefish
Member Avatar for cguan_77

hi guys, how to convert a formatted word document to html? is that possible? if my word document is already formatted no need to edit when converted to html? any ideas is apreciated..thanks.. :)

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for cmills83

I found a few simple overlay lightboxes but none would resize with the browser and none were cross browser friendly. This was designed to display a div but uses innerHTML so this could easily be changed to an image, iframe, swf, whatever. CSS: [code] html, body { margin:0; padding:0; height:100%; …

Member Avatar for aLoushi
Member Avatar for manjusaharan
Member Avatar for manjusaharan
Member Avatar for shasha821110

Hi, all. Really new on php!! I want to implement one function which could get the price depending on different size and calculate the total price. So i made foo.php and bar.php. Which people could choose the size and the price in foo.php and want to pass which they choose …

Member Avatar for Monalisaparker
Member Avatar for jeena1

Hello, I have a small login script written in PHP, everything in that regard is written. The Login is in one frame on top. However, when the user logs in I want another frame to display a set of links only available to those logged in. How can I do …

Member Avatar for vaideesh4u

Hi friends, I have one save button in my html page and as soon as i click that button the html/static page should be saved with .doc extension. As of now i want only the text in the html page to be saved as word document. But if possible suggest …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for jtb19nh

I would like to learn html. I need book recommendations. I need a beginner book I only know very basic stuff. Thanks for the help

Member Avatar for uxgeoff
Member Avatar for KHNT2X3

I don't know how DaniWEB is structure for use. I'm going to be putting together a CSS webpage that mimics the overall structure of America Online. From chat and instant messenging. To Advice Columns and Articles of Reviews, Daily Reports of Current Events found in the News Paper on Topics …

Member Avatar for UberSango

[CODE]<?php include ("./config/config.php"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <script type="text/javascript" src="custom.js"></script> <head> <style type="text/css" media="all"> @import "css/style2.css"; @import "css/style.css"; @import "css/stylesheet.css"; </style> </head> <body> …

Member Avatar for codeGoat
Member Avatar for manfosys

Hi im new to this forum.I need to extract specific html tag data from html webpage using java.for ex from <img src="http://google/sample.jpeg"> this tag i extract only [url]http://google/sample.jpeg[/url] by using java.similar to all html tag.Plz give sample source code. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for sal21

[url]http://www.x-rates.com/cgi-bin/cgicalc.cgi?value=1&base=EUR[/url] Based the link how to count element in table of this page? note: is the table where are all currency values tks. in vba please

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Aamit

I am calling some data from iframe. [code=php]<iframe id="pframe" width="'.$game['iframewidth'].'" height="'.($game['iframeheight'] + 20).'" src="'.$path.'" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" align="middle"></iframe>';[/code] i want to call my css for this frame ? How to call css for iframe??

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for khr2003

hi I have a table in my database that look like this: id - name - orderno the table has data in the fields of id and name but orderno is empty. I made a html form based on the data of this field, in front of each name field …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for regent_royal

I am currently working in one swing application. I need to display html contents in some window. In swing we are having [B]HTMLEditorPane [/B]that can display HTML contents on window (not in browser). Now this HTML contents is not well structured. like starting and ending with html tag inside it …

Member Avatar for katamole

Hi everyone, As a personal project I've decided to write a small script which will take a raw_input film title, then look up the IMDB rating and return the result. As an extra challenge I decided to employ re. Now, this is how far I have got (yes, I am …

Member Avatar for katamole
Member Avatar for dmanw100

Hello, I am just starting to work with CSS and wondered if there was a good way to make boxes. I found this [URL="http://modxcms.com/simple-rounded-corner-css-boxes.html"]tutorial[/URL] but there are also a number of other ways I have found through Google. What method is the most standard/best? Thanks!

Member Avatar for jakx12
Member Avatar for Sky Diploma

Hi All, I have taken up this home project just for my pastime. My objective is to take a html file and then make a complete new webpage with a specific keyword. It basically is a find and replace type of method where my existing file contains a specific keyword …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for curtissumpter

Hi, I currently use Eclipse as my IDE. I'm looking for instructions on how to integerate my Java code with HTML in the Eclipse enviornment or what IDE I can use in conjunction that will allow me to do so. Any advise would be appreciated. -- LiveWire

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for plarsen111

I looked and cannot find it. On the left hand side of my web page I can hover over links, but there is a small gray box on the right of each link when I hover. [URL="http://www.hmstechnology.com"]www.hmstechnology.com[/URL] Any chance someone could show me what I am doing wrong? It is …

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The End.