6,562 Topics

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Member Avatar for aerofoil

Hi Everyone Now I'm try to write a program.....to find out the text from the html source code by using vb.net. If there any program that similar idea please send to my email [email]nanoowai.wai@gmail.com[/email]. Thx

Member Avatar for aerofoil
Member Avatar for ali100806

hello, could anyone help me about my problem on how to program my webpage under html code. i have this project that all i need is the html code to browse my webpage through phone WAP. thank you...:)

Member Avatar for kiwisites
Member Avatar for Arch_Bytes

I know this is pretty simple but I can't find the answer for it.. say you have an link that you want to connect to.. [url]http://example.com/example1/example2/final.com[/url] and you don't want it hard coded cause you have many other links that will use that path.. say.. [url]http://example.com/example1/example2/final1.com[/url] [url]http://example.com/example1/example2/final2.com[/url] how can i …

Member Avatar for AbberLine
Member Avatar for Tom Tolleson

Hello! I am using CSS class to apply design properties to a DIV in my markup. This image is a repeating image. The background-image syntax goes like this: [code]background-image:url(http://www.mysite.com/images/image.jpg);[/code] I am performing a JavaScript image replacement (it has to be done in JavaScript per client specs) and to replace this …

Member Avatar for delta9
Member Avatar for jamello

hi there guys! I have a scenario that is presently giving me sleepless nights. I need to call an asp method from an "onclick" html event but the method is being called too early. [CODE] Public Sub CheckForSomeErrors() If Session("FliteDate") = "" Then Response.Redirect("../Errorpage.aspx?ErrorDetails='Flight Date' cannot be blank!! Click 'Previous' …

Member Avatar for jamello
Member Avatar for Geminyi

New to CSS, and am just learning usage of dreamweaver so sorry if my question seems basic, and yes i am guilty of using WYSIWYG software. Usually i fight until i figure it out, but this problem has got the best of me this time. What happens is everything seems …

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for love19_foryou

I hv downloaded html to pdf convertor but i am not able to use css in pdf file. can anyone hrlp me.

Member Avatar for phper
Member Avatar for nonpersonal23

Greetings, Im an amateur programmer.Actually i just started programming, and I have a part time freelance i took up on lotus web application. I am having problem trying to figure how to create a button on the web using lotus notes to send an email to a particular recipient. The …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for killer007

[B]Hello Guys i am Facing a problem which is annoying .. If i use " width=100%; " Site Works Fine on Internet Explorer, But Not on Firefox. If i use " width=auto; " Site Works Fine in Firefox but not on Internet Explorer. Can anybody tell me how to fix …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for neha gupta

Hi, I m trying to run my php script using the xampp on Fedora linux. I ve sucessfully started xampp.And tested using "http://localhost/" It works well.... But when i try to run my file (php or html)it does nt work.. I put my file exp.html [or exp.php] in the "lampp/htdocs/" …

Member Avatar for cfroese
Member Avatar for Fest3er

I've created a fairly simple method for obfuscating email addresses as an anti-spam measure. It should work for any browser that supports JavaScript and a fairly modern Document Object Model (DOM). A composer window in the user's default email application will be opened. First up is the javascript function that …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for palcham

Hi I am searched about uses of InnerHtml through net but i didn't satisfy that information so if you known means please send me about uses of inner html Advance Thanks

Member Avatar for temp304
Member Avatar for avmaza

I have used the css to print the page orientation to landscape. But it is not giving the desired result. the code I have used, <style type="text/css" media="print"> .land{filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1)} </style> Please suggest me to print to lanscape. I am using php and javascript. Regards, maza

Member Avatar for chrelad
Member Avatar for csteverun

What I am trying to achieve is a 3 layer effect. The first layer should be fully visible. The second layer should black but 50% transparent, showing through to the first layer's content. The third layer should be on top of the transparent layer, but fully visible (no transparency). When …

Member Avatar for csteverun
Member Avatar for punkrockbboy

Hi all, just wondering if anyone here can help me out with a headache that Dreamweaver CS3 is causing me, when i write my HTML i have a certain way of laying it out so that i can quickly look it up and down and find any problems (not that …

Member Avatar for Dsiembab
Member Avatar for magneto

could I please have some help turning the following CSS document so it looks like spring instead of winter (including the sub-menu): [ICODE]html { overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; } form { display:inline; } img { vertical-align:middle; border:0px } BODY { font-family: Verdana, Tahoma; Arial; sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #64758c; margin: …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for fclanton

i have a column "discription" in my item table that is full of HTML code. It was created using and editor like the one i am using here. It is five pages long when i print it out. I need to update the column in all records of the table. …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for AaronASterling

Hi, I am new to VB. I am trying to parse an html file. I would like not to use a [code=VB.NET] WebBrowser [/code] control because it seems like overkill. The [code=VB.NET] HtmlDocument [/code] class appears not to work outside of a [code=VB.NET] WebBrowser [/code] control. If there is not …

Member Avatar for AaronASterling
Member Avatar for kobi

Hello there, How can i load an xml file,to treeview control and show it in my html page? Thanks

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for AaronASterling

Hi, I am new to VB. I am trying to parse an html file. I would like not to use a WebBrowser control because it seems like overkill. The HtmlDocument class appears not to work outside of a WebBrowser control. If there is not a way to initialize it independantly, …

Member Avatar for AaronASterling
Member Avatar for yired

[url]www.imagetotext.com[/url] Please see in Firefox and IE. I have validated CSS and HTML (Strict). CSS is located at [url]www.imagetotext.com/themes/default/msvs_template_rounded_divs.css[/url] I am completely lost and any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Member Avatar for yired
Member Avatar for x3n1x

Hello, This is my first post here, so Hi everyone :). I was advised to come to this site by a friend regarding a query that I have, so here I am. So we have the E-Commerce subject in this semester. One of the case studies given to us involves …

Member Avatar for x3n1x
Member Avatar for Nikki Precel

Hi there! This is my first time threading in this community. I'm new to CSS and HTML but think it's a great skill to have and through my job have acquired the responsibility of 'pimping' our myspace, or rather .... making it into a professional business page rather than just …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for SergioQ

Hi, I am still an novice Perl programmer, but I am a programmer. Here's my dilema: I need to be able to take someone else's website and read in the site as HTML. My program will then parse out every linkable item for other uses. The second part I should …

Member Avatar for SergioQ
Member Avatar for toddlerner

Hi, We are a tiny ad agency and we are getting assignments to create HTML email ads from some of our cool clients, like: Rolling Stone, Esquire, Columbia House... We can use some freelance help. We'd supply a layout and copy. We're looking for someone who is super reliable, detail …

Member Avatar for toddlerner
Member Avatar for djcritch

Hi, Got a bit of a problem with form, i need to be able to update a number in a mysql database using an html form. so basically i need to increment or decrement a number using a text box and a submit button. heres the code i got: ============================================== …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for djcritch

Hi, Got a bit of a problem with form, i need to be able to update a number in a mysql database using an html form. so basically i need to increment or decrement a number using a text box and a submit button. heres the code i got: ============================================== …

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for Nikki Precel

Hi there! This is my first time threading in this community. I'm new to CSS and HTML but think it's a great skill to have and through my job have acquired the responsibility of 'pimping' our myspace, or rather .... making it into a professional business page rather than just …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for kavithakesav

Hi, I workd nearly 5 to 6 web projects useing CSS, But still i m facing the same problm in all browsers the page alignment and page format not comng properly for that any solutions is thr. Starting onwards i m testing in all browsers dn also its very difficulting …

Member Avatar for jetru
Member Avatar for girlinwayside

I need some help! LOL - I have been working on this assignment for days and I just cannot seem to get the CSS right.. Im hoping someone here can help shed some light on this for me.. this is what Im trying to do in my embedded css [I]Set …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic

The End.