6,562 Topics

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Member Avatar for BLADEME

Hi, need sum help... [IMG]http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/Smileys/default/huh.gif[/IMG] I've created a php file which writes an xml file, and a web page which accepts user input into html buttons' values. What I want to do now is take that information from the html buttons and use the values stored in the html buttons, …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for jsurak

Would someone please tell me how to load an html page from within an flash .flv movie? I would like to play intro movie on welcome page, with option link to skip intro, and I want the flash movie to load an html page automatically after the movie finishes playing. …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for nick_kd07

Hi All, M having a html page on which there is a SAVE Button. And when i click on SAVE button , it pop-ups Save Dialog box through which i save the .html as .doc file on local drive. Now the problem in that is , it saves all data …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for boo_lolly

hello all, i'm building a CMS and i'm have some trouble with a certain page i've been working on. I have information stored in my database that the admin user can edit and update and change, obviously. on this edit page i have HTML input fields that have been pre-populated …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for vov4ik

Hello people, I have just started to learn JS, and have a question. I want make my script to load (for preview) an image file chosen by user through HTML form. My code is following: [html] <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css"> <title>Upload form</title> <script …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for Maples

Hi folks, I am currently in the process of developing an accessible site which provides distance training courses for the disabled. I am attempting to make everything on the page adjust when the user increases the font size - menu divs get wider, text wraps to next line etc. I …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for jgill

Having problem with the following HTML code in IE7, everything works fine in IE6: <option value='215001' label='250000,15,10,1'>This is a test</option> In IE6 I see “This is a test” in the drop down list so that the user can make the selection but in IE7 I see '250000,15,10,1' in the drop …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for greywolf

[U]How can I use php script in xhtml file?[/U] I have short_open_tags = Off in the php.ini and I tried to use <?php ?> or <script language="php"> </script> within xhtml file (I need to use xforms), but my php code is never parsed. Why is that? Thanks for advice.

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for cancer10

Hi, I am trying to send the following HTML mail thru the ASP CDO component. This is the HTML mail i wanna send from Page 1: [CODE]<div align="center"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><div align="center"> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="820" height="540"> <param name="movie" value="http://mywebsite.com/movie1.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <embed src="http://mywebsite.com/movie1.swf" quality="high" …

Member Avatar for katarey
Member Avatar for EnderX

I have been requested to create a file which will act like an XML page (expandable tree-like structure). I have been given the following requirements: 1. End user requires that the page be an xml file. No problem there, I know enough (barely) to do that. 2. Request that, if …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for boo_lolly

hey all! i've got a CMS i'm working on and i have a couple of HTML tables that are populated via php loops communicating with the SQL database. got it? good. at the end of each row in the HTML table there is a checkbox. i need to be able …

Member Avatar for boo_lolly
Member Avatar for spike29

Question for a Book (Inernet & WWW How to program) Write a JavaScript program that uses Looping to print the following table of valuses. Qutput the results in an XHTML table. N 10* 100* 1000* 1 10 100 1000 2 20 200 2000 3 30 300 3000 4 40 400 …

Member Avatar for spike29
Member Avatar for chunkmartinez

Can anyone tell me what !important does, or means, in Css. Ive tried googleing it but i got nothing!

Member Avatar for chunkmartinez
Member Avatar for vinoy

Can any pls tell me how to put a Flash drop down menu over a html..... any referace, any tutorial or any codes ........ it would me grt help for me.......

Member Avatar for katarey
Member Avatar for JulieM

I have Dreamweaver MX 2004, and Windows XP. I'm trying to validate and alter a template in Dreamweaver. (Template has one table, and seven editable regions.) First problem - can't make changes to some of the HTML, such as moving header markers outside of paragraphs. I can only change programming …

Member Avatar for JulieM
Member Avatar for Spycat

Hi, I have a page that features chocolate recipes. I wanted to give the ability for visitors to print out INDIVIDUAL recipes contained upon the page. I thought I had it made by going: [INLINECODE]a.document.write(document.getElementById('printit').innerHTML);[/INLINECODE] Of course, this only printed the 1st recipe...no matter which one was selected. I tried …

Member Avatar for Spycat
Member Avatar for Naters_uk

Hi people, I am very amateur with ASP.NET. I am working on a movie booking system and i am currently having some problems linking my normal html homepage to my membership registration page which is done with asp.net. I tried using Frontpage hyperlink propeties to link my homepage with my …

Member Avatar for campkev
Member Avatar for phillip9

Hello, Is it possible to create a menu template in CSS? I thought only style code could be put in the CSS, but a friend says that I could create a menu template using CSS. The menu would have 2 horizontal lines at the top for choices and there would …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for MDGM

hi all!! This is my text only back-up menu at the bottom of my page, but the colours from my origional external css sheet look bad on its background, so how do i make them a different colour? Here is the code for the hyperlink: [code]<tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td height="20" class="stylesheet3" …

Member Avatar for MDGM
Member Avatar for MattEvans

Can it be done? I'm thinking along the lines of :hover.. :visited etc; Could I register my own psuedoclasses? ;) X.Y:Z would be handy for situations where X.Y isn't definitive enough, and X.Y#Z wont work because there's more than 1 Z-type thing on a page. Using Javascipt to bind objects …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for marwan4

i am starting a new forum , and right now i am making a welcome email to be sent to users on registration , i dont know how to make a welcome email that contains pictures and links , i have tried to send some emails to my self writing …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

I am making some changes to a website for a friend, (because the guy who created her website charges $50 an hour, and I'm only $25). And I noticed that he has her set up with an index.html, and a home.html. Both of the pages are identical. When you type …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for nnhamane

Can anyone tell me what is the procedure to insert PHP in HTML language?And will file extensiton also change?

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for felonee63

Here's my problem :) I'm working on some stuff for our website, that is about 900 pages in Word, and having to code it in HTML. To make it faster for myself, I've created two text styles <command> and <order> Here's my stylesheet: [code] command { color: c30000; font-style: italic; …

Member Avatar for felonee63
Member Avatar for big dummy

All of a sudden my internet explorer 6 will not display any css attributes. Neither on the web nor locally. Any info on this would be greatly appriciated.

Member Avatar for big dummy
Member Avatar for GriffIT34

I want to organize my site better, as im building this im finding alot of pages in my index folder. Can i set the links to look for the next html in a folder. If so whats the cmd. Or is that not possible and I should start to study …

Member Avatar for NuGG
Member Avatar for outhier

I'm having trouble coding the navigation portion of my web page. It is my intent to have a navigation menu on the left-hand side of the page and in a different color than the rest of the section. I also want a SECOND navigation menu, separate from the first but …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for danae

Hi. Stuck with some problem again. Here is the case. I have a sql server database table for storing users information. In the table there's a field called menu_link which stores menu URLs for my web application. This is to restrict which menus are viewable to authorized users. Those who …

Member Avatar for eogmp3

Dear All, This is my first post - I was delighted to stumble across such a great resource. I am trying to set up a simple e-card system for my website using HTML formatted CDOSYS email messages. At present I have the system up and running in a raw form …

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Member Avatar for roryt

I am pretty new on CSS and wanted to know when it is the right time to use a # before the name eg. #footer . Also while I am here please could someone tell me how to make text rap in a div tag. Thanks for your help.

Member Avatar for tgreer

The End.