6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for kissiwat

The following is supposed to create 2 clickable regions in a JPEG of a hot air ballon ie balloon on right (circle) and basket on the left (rect) but something is clearly missing but I can't quite work out what. Have checked a few sites but no joy so far... …

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for shanenin

I am trying to make a navigation bar using a list. Since a list is indented by default, I can't seem to get my list all the way to the left. I have looked at examples of this, but am not sure how they are doing it. Below is what …

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hello everyone. I am trying to write a drop down menu Javascript and have run into a little problem. I need to change the (opacity=0) value inside this custom style: [code]<style id="menu_style" type="text/css"><!--.menu {z-index: 3; filter: alpha(opacity=0); position: absolute; left: 200px; top: 100px; width: 180px; height: 210px; background-color: #0000FF}[/code] The …

Member Avatar for Mushy-pea
Member Avatar for narsto

I want to place abox within a box. I want the small container inside the container. Here is the code: [html]<head> <title></title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- #container{ position: absolute; top:200px; left:200px; height: 300px; width: 300px; } #smallcont{ position: absolute; top: :10px;left: 10px } --> </style> </head> <body> <div id="container" <div id="smallcont"> …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for jetdean

can i ask a question How to restore or make a desktop.html My desktop.html has been deleted when there was virus detected in my systems.. somebody help me:sad:

Member Avatar for timhysniu

Hello there, We are using XSL transformations using XML for one of our sites. Anyway the idea is to show everything styled just like a regular html. I have a problem though. I have a node that looks like this. When I display it it will show on browser as …

Member Avatar for pctec

Such as this one... << url snipped to comply with forum policy >> I have tried it and it basically removes all spaces and linefeeds from your page. I reduces the size of the html file considerably. I am wondering if they adversly affect the way you are indexed by …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ElonTS

I have a question regarding the word "Welcome" as seen below in HTML, because the "W" and the "elcome" had to be divided due to web design, will that matter to the spiders and bots, or will they reckognize it for the word it is supposed to be? Or will …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for ctkr

I am driving myself nuts trying to get includes to work with & without Dreamweaver. What I am I missing? I have a test site up at: [url]http://www.tiimes.ucar.edu/index2.html[/url] And am trying to streamline changes for the website by creating a separate html (or php) with just the horizontal drop down …

Member Avatar for ctkr
Member Avatar for hgltd

Hi Does anyone have a solution or can point me in the right direction for my problem? I’m using an image map where the links (on the same page) refer to a vertical list of information. I would like to insert a small image (preferably) or highlight with a cell …

Member Avatar for hgltd
Member Avatar for carthick6

Hi.... can ny do this help for meee...:rolleyes: the first page shld contain username and password...and in that register.. the register options shld be jus username,password,email-id... if he entered correct username n passsword then it shld go in to another web page....for example it shld connect to som site [url]www.example.com[/url] …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for Woobag

Hey, Im trying to do a CSS rollover border color change for my images (which are links). Problem is, the border only partly covers the image, going about half way up the image on the sides, and not covering the top at all. Id post some code, but considering the …

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for msvinaykumar

Hi, How to convert excel to html in shell prompt Is there any unix command to do this ? so that I can use that in excel Vinay

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for Mikeish

Hey guys I have a slight problem... You see I've got a menu that I attained from the internet. The code that I believe is relevant is located here: [url]http://paste.uni.cc/9962[/url] An example is here: [url][/url] What is happening is that the menu will not drop down. I believe is it …

Member Avatar for Mikeish
Member Avatar for jwalker

I'm not exactly sure if this is a problem with php, or javascript, or FF, or what, exactly. I have a little php script that lets users input information like a form, and then generate an HTML pedigree. In a perfect world, they then click the "View Source" button and …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Is it possible to use HTML tags in PHP code? I have a php script that emails some form inputs to my email address, and I would like to bold certain words in it. The code preforms the message first, and then just posts the message in the body of …

Member Avatar for nathanpacker
Member Avatar for amaravanich

Hi, I'm trying to get the data type of a value entered into an input type text field in a form.By using typeof i am getting string always.Eventhough i was entered a number i'm getting the type of data as string.How can i check whether it is a number or …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for joel61

i was wondering where or if anyone could provide me with an html code for an updatable schedule for my website???

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for grunge man
Member Avatar for metabo_man

hello all, Now my question is - can i apply the code on the part of the board. In order to get a "Copy" of the board with category 17 and category 3 .... see here [URL="http://=http://www.nukeforums.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=17"]=http://www.nukeforums.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=17[/URL] [URL="http://=http://www.nukeforums.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=3"]=http://www.nukeforums.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=3[/URL] readers from here i look forward to hear from you [quote] Let's …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for top

Hi, This is the first time i am posting any thread.Please let me know where i went wrong in posting my problem. PROBLEM:-I am having 2 calenders - one is from_date & the other is to_date.The difference between the two dates which i select in the respective calenders (from_date:-06/08/25 , …

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for Sailor_Jerry

I have two css classes. ".test1 and .test2" Can anyone explain what this code is doing? [code] .test1{height: 100%; clear: both; border: 1px solid #999;} .test1, .test1 .test2{height: 100% !important; height: 30em; min-height: 30em; } [/code] I'm thinking that all the styles in .test1 are applied to the element with …

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for havilah

Could someone please help me. I've been trying to figure out what I did wrongly here [url]http://havilahandhills.com/gasstocks[/url] . I tried to use CSS to set the body text. It appears good on IE but on Opera and Firefox, it's aweful. I need help very quickly. Anyone?

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for pctec

Does it even mean anything these days to be html validated from validator.w3.org ? Take a site like ebay which has a very high pagerank and all the errors reported by the validator. Makes me wonder if it matters at all any more...

Member Avatar for pctec
Member Avatar for Brinnie

Hello everyone :) << url removed >> uses text files to display news, but they will not parse HTML! What can I do?

Member Avatar for dhundee
Member Avatar for silverdollar

I am trying to find a good way to parse the input from a textarea into HTML (including line breaks etc) Basically the user needs to be able to not enter markup in order to keep the format they enter their data in. For instance if they enter: Here is …

Member Avatar for silverdollar
Member Avatar for kibanga

I have files of several with geographical information of several places and animals that i want to be accesed by through the menu. Here is an outline of my project; I have simplified it by taking only parts that are relavent for my questions below. I have a PHP class …

Member Avatar for ghgarcia

I have developed a PHP football pool and one of it's functions is to send email notifications to members dealing with their picks and any messages sent by the Admin. The mails are sent without any problems however they display as text in Outlook and correctly in a web based …

Member Avatar for Gravis
Member Avatar for cutnpaste

I need to provide an HTML code snippet (form elements displayed within a table) that my clients will be inserting into their web pages. One of the requirements is that I provide CSS atrributes to the table elements so the client can customize color, font, etc to match their site. …

Member Avatar for Sundaramurthy C
Member Avatar for lostpenan

I would like to read a html file that has asian encoding (gb2312), then extract the specific strings and then copy them into a new html file. But when i try to read the html file, i get gibberish. Im using Python 2.4.3 and i know it supports gb2312 but …


The End.