6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mikeish

Working on a website here and found this extremely useful script that I love at [URL="http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/"]www.dhtmlgoodies.com[/URL] It's a menu on the left side that allows you to click on the link and has it drop down submenus with a max of five submenus (pretty flexible I'd say). I went ahead …

Member Avatar for Mikeish
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi all, How do I make a link with the class of "externallink" open in a new window using css? Here is my current style for "externallink" class: [code]a.externallink:link { color: #FF99FF; text-decoration: none; }[/code] Thanks!! Max. :cheesy:

Member Avatar for MDGM
Member Avatar for tmv105

Hi! I am having problems validating my HTML to at least transitional due to my use of checkboxes and accessing them with PHP and javascript. I want client-side validation and server side functionality and therefore am utilizing PHP and JS. My understanding is that JS recognizes checkboxes to be an …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for woocha

HELP !! The header to my website is designed in css with <div> tags and some times the whole background does not load....any thoughts? Also I am considering the possibility that my header should not call to my stlye.css file, but that the header should be a table with the …

Member Avatar for Godfear1
Member Avatar for henry_s

[COLOR=black]Hi all,[/COLOR] [COLOR=black] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I’m new to the HTML/HTTP world …[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]My server side send HTTP request with HTML body.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000](I’m not using a well known web server, this is self implementation) [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]When I’m trying to use a browser to fetch the page, [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I type the URL: http://<APP_IP>:2024/xxx.html[/COLOR] …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for kained

I have a few problems with an assignment for university. Basicly my nav bar on the right is mean't to float but it is moving down with the text in the #main div in my code. What have i done wrong? Here is my css code. [code]/* CSS Document */ …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for roryt

I would like to be able to close one of my layers which is in a div tag. I have used css to specify an image in this layer and it will have a link in it aswell. I would like to have another text link that allows the user …

Member Avatar for woocha
Member Avatar for girishkgk

Hi all, I am Girish, ia m very new to Java. I want to create a html page. The main requirment in the page is ... Initialy the page will contains a table which will accepts some data. If the user want to enter some more information he can click …

Member Avatar for prajakta.mule
Member Avatar for pojke

Does anyone know the code in any language, to print a HTML page without title and url on top (bottom, depends on browser):?:

Member Avatar for roryt
Member Avatar for luzkazar

Hi guys...i'm kinda new in this js language...i was wondering can anybody help me with this code....well problem maybe sound a bit silly..well I was wondering how to get the all the value from the txtbox so that,I can validate all the data that have been key in by the …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for freenetresearch

I am new to CSS. i am currently experimenting with CSS layout and try to adhere to standards as much as i can. i made a webpage using css layout but when i view it in IE it is totally different than i expected. it works fine in flock/firefox. please …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for Kurai Okami

I need some help and assistance with my myspace div, i currently generated my div from bbzspace.com which uses CSS although im rather new. I can't seem to get a code allowing my profile image to be displayed that myspace uses, also were I would place the code. Heres my …

Member Avatar for roryt
Member Avatar for ssharish2005

Hi everyone, I am designing a web site for my company for which i am working for. But i am still learning these web stuff which i haven't done before. So got to learn very soon before i get more project. I can do some basic stuff but not too …

Member Avatar for roryt
Member Avatar for fivepointer

Is it possible to include a header and footer file using HTML? I have my file as a .html and need to be able to include the HTML for the header and footer. Anyone know how I can do this?

Member Avatar for roryt
Member Avatar for newbie2c++

Hi just curious if there is a way to create a box that can be typed in to enter information so that I can take the output and use it in an anser page? Also is there a special HTML code to create spaces between lines of text? Thanks for …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for kararu

How can I link my c++ program with html/javascript code? My c++ program should have browser interface....Is cgi the only option.I dont want webserver and cgi...What else can I do?

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for KennyZ

When I first started SEO, I came from a sales position. Sales is not my strong suit. Im much more of a technical type of person. So we thought that I would do well in this type of work. However, the only thing I ever knew about the internet was …

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for HandSome

Is it possible to include a header and footer file using HTML? I have my file as a .html and need to be able to include the HTML for the header and footer. Anyone know how I can do this?

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for ncaditya

I have code for DHTL popup in a html file. Here is the file [url]http://www.nutrition-malnutrition.org/popup.html[/url] This is for my list. I want the sliding popup to appear on the home page so I tried to include this file using PHP [code]<?php include("http://www.nutrition-malnutrition.org/popup.html"); ?>[/code] It works OK in IE7 but it …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for KenTs

Does anyone know if this code has any kind of SEO benefit or what it's relevance is? Thanks in advance! [code] td class="botLinkText" <td class="botLinkText"><a href="http://www.blahblah.com/pages/page.asp" class="botLink">keywords & description</a></td> [/code]

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for tom_h_500

Hiya I am currently using Dreamweaver but I was wondering if there are any other good HTML editors about. I have searched around but a lot are too basic. I want one design friendly but you still have the option to code. Thanks.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for ForestTech

Ok, basically the issue that I'm having is this: I have a left-aligned navigation bar and I'm trying to keep the navigation menu aligned to the top of the "sidebar" and have a logo image aligned to the bottom of the same sidebar. But I need to make it in …

Member Avatar for ForestTech
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

Ok so I have been programming for like 2 years, and im not rich enough to buy my own domain so i use freewebs... anyway i have a problem with css in ie. Is this a natural problem with ie? Is there anyway to make css class definitions compatible? etc... …

Member Avatar for nschessnerd
Member Avatar for Ragnarok

I have been looking though php.net and done a few small Google search to try and find a funtion that will highlight html like how the funtion highligh_string() works on PHP. Does anyone know of a function that does this or will I have to create my own? Thanks in …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Raju5725

HI, I am new to web development as well as ASP.Net....I am trying to design and a develope a web UI....in which I have two HTML <a href tags> If I click one of the item I should get one ASPX page and if I click another tag it should …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for BLADEME

Hi, need sum help... [IMG]http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/Smileys/default/huh.gif[/IMG] I've created a php file which writes an xml file, and a web page which accepts user input into html buttons' values. What I want to do now is take that information from the html buttons and use the values stored in the html buttons, …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for jsurak

Would someone please tell me how to load an html page from within an flash .flv movie? I would like to play intro movie on welcome page, with option link to skip intro, and I want the flash movie to load an html page automatically after the movie finishes playing. …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for nick_kd07

Hi All, M having a html page on which there is a SAVE Button. And when i click on SAVE button , it pop-ups Save Dialog box through which i save the .html as .doc file on local drive. Now the problem in that is , it saves all data …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for boo_lolly

hello all, i'm building a CMS and i'm have some trouble with a certain page i've been working on. I have information stored in my database that the admin user can edit and update and change, obviously. on this edit page i have HTML input fields that have been pre-populated …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for vov4ik

Hello people, I have just started to learn JS, and have a question. I want make my script to load (for preview) an image file chosen by user through HTML form. My code is following: [html] <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css"> <title>Upload form</title> <script …

Member Avatar for MattEvans

The End.