6,562 Topics

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Member Avatar for UrbanKhoja

hi, just wondering if there is any code out there, that could link a micro$oft access 2003 database to a webpage, im intending for it to be an offline page, so it would only be running on the same computer as the database. thanks, darren

Member Avatar for MetalGman
Member Avatar for LogicWeb

I would appreciate if any designer can help me out on these two issues I'm trying to solve. To clarify, I'm using Firefox 2 on Vista 64 bit Ultimate. I also tested it with IE7 (32bit and 64bit versions). Same problem on all 3 browsers / versions. #1 The green …

Member Avatar for LogicWeb
Member Avatar for ashneet

Hello, I have uploaded a test page on [URL]http://test.eezs.com/[/URL] The problem is that the content part of the page is not touching the bottom of the page. I have run this site in FireFox and it displays the way I want it to display but in IE it wont work. …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for adeela2z

Hi, I am working on a website and now i have to change the interface of it........... I have downloaded some templates(web) having their css files within that. Now can u tell me how can i can change the current interface to the new one (new one means the template …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for Yproc

Hello, Both Monster.com and HotJobs.com allow a user to upload an MS Word doc (resume) that their site converts to HTML automatically. The user doesn't have to do any conversion work themselves. I've found several scripts that will convert an MS Word file to [I]plain text[/I], but wasn't able to …

Member Avatar for Yproc
Member Avatar for new_2_java

Hi all, I am writing my first servlet, and facing some troubles. I have my servlet: [code] package com.example.servlet; // other imports... public class Hello extends HttpServlet{ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException{ res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); String name = req.getParameter("name"); out.println("<HTML>"); out.println("<HEAD><TITLE>Hello, " + name …

Member Avatar for new_2_java
Member Avatar for skam_55555

I have Embedded a big image in html. I need a another text area(or image)with a button to close(or expand) how can we do that?

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for twmedia

I'm working on a new site that was created with .css However, I'm just an html kinda guy. I haven't learned .css at this point. It does seem like a cleaner look as far as coding goes. I have tried to update the meta tags and title for each page …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for opsryushi

Ahoy all, This is similar to sagedavis's "Firefox hates my CSS..." post, with a slightly different issue. I've been a Windows user (not necessarily by choice, lol) all my life. We recently redesigned our school website (at gaylordhighschool.org). Like the classic purist web designer, I wrote all the code (XHTML …

Member Avatar for opsryushi
Member Avatar for sagedavis

Hey all, over the years I got in the bad habit of ignoring firefox totally. I am currently working on a project at findacourt.com/test use the /test to get into my little sandbox area. At any rate, as you can see, there are several things going on here, both in …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for majestic0110

I am having some difficulty finding a decent tutorial/example of C# code that delas with CHM files. Now I know there are toolkits out there that convert HTML to Compiled Help Modules but I would like to explore this deeper myself. So my question is are there any good tutorials/code …

Member Avatar for Beeej21

Hello all! I am struggling with what seems to be a very simple problem. Well, the issue is extremely annoying and problematic, and I am unable to figure out the solution. I am using CSS to load an image onto my HTML page. The reason being because I'd like to …

Member Avatar for Beeej21
Member Avatar for TaoistTotty

This is the first time I have looked at a PHP scripting (although I have done some ASP.NET) and I am looking for help with the following. Can PHP be used to update a HTML page - and if so how or where should I look? This is for a …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for rajaboys
Member Avatar for jonc
Member Avatar for ebabes

How can I change the font color of my links when a user moves the mouse pointer over a link in Web Developer? Do I need a CSS to do that? If yes, what should be the content of the CSS?

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for ravinderkadiyan

in html body <form method="get" action="MovieTiming.jsp"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="2" style="width:50%; height: 400px;" bgcolor="pink"> <tr style="height:4px;"> <td id="Date" colspan="5"> Please input date (yyyymmdd)<input name="Date" type="text" size="8" maxlength="8" value="<%=date%>"></input> <button type="submit" value="Submit">Get Movies List</button> </td> <td> <button onclick=fileWrite();>save file</button> <input type="file" id="loc" name="loc" >[/B]</input> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="white"> <td id="output" colspan="10" …

Member Avatar for DangerDev
Member Avatar for hapiscrap

<!DOCTYPE html Public “-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/transitional.dtd> <html> <head> <title>The Labyrinth</title> </head> <body> <a name=”top”><h1>The Labyrinth: Old Books/New Readers</h1></a> <blockquote> “Reading is so fun”<br /> - Tom Wolfe, <cite>Books in NYC</cite> </blockquote> <p>The Labyrinth<br /> 151 Varick St.<br /> Manhattan, NY 10013<br /> (212) 555-1234 </p> <a name=”contents”><h2>Contents</h2></a> <ul> …

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for sbv

Hi I have a css with three Element Id's 1) LeftNav 2)Content 3) RightNav In first i put all link's, in second all page contents (coming from database) and lastly the extra information and advertisements in rightnav. The problem i am facing is that as my center Element ID contains …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for Siberian

Hello, I'm trying to put into my web page the E2 photo gallery (google E2) and place it within a box on my web page (this box is in a style sheet) Now the author told me all I have to do is change the absolute positioning of the style …

Member Avatar for Siberian
Member Avatar for Tom Tolleson

Hello! I have a navigation bar with two tabs on a tab bar. The first represents the page being shown, and the second is a link to a second page. When the first page is being viewed, the first tab is labeled in the markup as ".current." When the second …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for Tom Tolleson

Hi! I'm working on a CSS for a site that features a menu bar. The menu is named 'tabbar.' .tabbar { } The tabbar needs to appear in different colors on different pages. What is the best semantic naming solution for these variants? I was thinking of using general descriptive …

Member Avatar for ndeniche
Member Avatar for toadzky

I am trying to circumvent the whole "javascript can't read files, that's server-side" thing. basically i have a order form with a table inside it. I want to be able to load the rows of the table dynamically when the page loads. I am trying to get the "product" information …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for carlco9020

In my site I want to have my start page load with a video on it that when it is done switch to another page. Is there an HTML command that I can put in to do this.... I am new to building sites so any help would be appreicated.... …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for teasemano
Member Avatar for chloevin

Im new here im marvin , could anybody help me make new and nice looking friendster layout using any of those nice programming languages, give me a step by step instructions tnx hoping for your response im trying to make those what they called cross over style or those ones …

Member Avatar for gallopers

hi there im a begginer whose rebuilding my basis web site [url]www.racehorsetrainer.com.au[/url]. which is a racehorse trainers directory. im rebuilding everything but the index in css. the css page is complete only on some pages i will put a two column table to contain the directory information and some wont …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for duttydea

I have a created template in html.. in this template i have a scrolling DIV What i want to do is display the myqsl data in this DIV. [B]I have tried to use this:[/B] [CODE]<?php @ include ("index_random.php");?>[/CODE] to display random products from the product listing But it has no …

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine
Member Avatar for gallopers

hi there this might be a silly question but im learning as i go. i looked at a dropdown menu which contains a html page a java script .js page and a .css page. if i wanted to have an index page using the dropdown menu i would have my …

Member Avatar for gallopers
Member Avatar for Xessa

Hi people. I am new to this forum. In fact the reason why i registered here is my problems about making a JSP page work. I am using Apache-Tomcat I just wanted to test an html file. It was form.html.When i start tomcat and type ht*tp://localhost:8080/ everything works fine. But …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for shmay

I'm trying to get back into web design after a long hiatus, and I noticed most pages nowadays use xhtml. So, what's better xhtml or html (in general)?

Member Avatar for reen.blom

The End.