6,562 Topics

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Member Avatar for pilchas

i have project to do a html parser . the html parser will read all table ( between <tr> and <td> tags) in a url address which is given the program. then the parser convert all the data which is read from tables to xml and sql . i m …

Member Avatar for trudge
Member Avatar for dakkar

Hi, I've an HTML form (I generated it from a XML schema .xsd file) I'd like to know a good way to save the form input data (POST/GET don't matter) to an XML file (or fragment) that can be validated with the XML schema that I used to generate the …

Member Avatar for mavines
Member Avatar for bhappy

Hai All, Can any one help me how to get html hidden varaible value in asp.net code-behind. Thanks, Aswath.

Member Avatar for bhappy
Member Avatar for ripthorn

Hi, please forgive my amateur ways ;) I'm using [URL="http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex14/leftrightslide2.htm"]this code[/URL] to to make a scrolling couple of pictures. At present, using dreamweaver mx, I've got a static picture right justified with text wrapping around it. Now if i replace that single line of code with the above, although i …

Member Avatar for mmick66
Member Avatar for gustavobrust

Hi folks, I'm having some problem on CSS menus. Using Firefox everithing works ok. But, on IE, the menus don't respect very well my CSS code :) Could you please check it out and give me a hint of what should I do? The site is: [URL="http://www.pgbiocel.ufpr.br/pgbiocel2/pages/index.php"]http://www.pgbiocel.ufpr.br/pgbiocel2/pages/index.php[/URL] Thank you very …

Member Avatar for FC Jamison
Member Avatar for kobi

Hello , I have created an treeview control in C# form,how can i load this control to my HTML page? Thanks

Member Avatar for yagiD
Member Avatar for ybn1197

PHP newbie here again looking for some more help. I am trying to create a html table using information queried from a database. I would like three columns and the number of rows would be dynamic based on information gathered during the query. Briefly, it would look like: picture1 | …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for mattyfed

I am have a website up that allows people to register for a newsletter, then I wrote a small app in .net so that I can log in and enter the body text of the newsletter and send it to the list. My question is (sorry if this is elementary)... …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for jeremy032180

Hello all, I'm hoping I can get some help here. Something very strange is going on with my pc, and I'm pretty sure it's an HTML issue. Basically every internet page takes forever to load. Going into TASK MANAGER I see the "SYSTEM" process goes up to about 65% or …

Member Avatar for Roebuc
Member Avatar for drsmith

I want to create a dynamic link to a file...basically the info is displayed in a .php template read in from MySQL db. I want to also have a link to the saved text file. Here is some of what I have: [code] $date=$_POST[Date_Entered]; $shift=$_POST[shift]; $shift_table=$shift."_shift_duties"; $fileDir="TOP".$shift."Shiftlog" $fileID=.$date."_".$shift."shift.rtf"; [/code] and …

Member Avatar for drsmith
Member Avatar for k2k

hi, can anyone explain (please show tag) how to move the table to a specific area ? like if i have a table 50x50 has to move to the center of the bottom page. thanks alot

Member Avatar for joshua.tilson
Member Avatar for Tsjelle

Hi there, My name is Tsjelle, I'm a Bachelor in the Informatics. I'm writing a program in vb.net that get's an xml-file as input and somewhere in the xml-file there is an attribute that's in fact an HTML-page. And it's that page I need to get printed. I'm at the …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for jnwry

Hello, I'm a little confused about how to parse a nusoap response. I realize that the nusoap response comes within a SOAP envelope. How do I output the nusoap response within my html??

Member Avatar for black3

It's a great way to change background colors site wide. But it seems so horribly broken for what it's used for. The tools given aren't particularly sane for page layout. One should be able to set up whatever constraints (equal, proportional, parallel, etc) as needed and the agent displaying the …

Member Avatar for cmills83
Member Avatar for ralph w

I'm not only new here but I am totally green at web design too. I'm trying to write a 3 page site for a homework assignment and I can't figure out what's wrong with my code. All <p> tags are supposed to be indented 1.8 em, but I need to …

Member Avatar for cashu
Member Avatar for shipar

is it possible [COLOR="Red"]to read a specific data from a defined web page of a defined website[/COLOR]? if possible please help for this.............or suggest me which language is appropriate for that.

Member Avatar for shipar
Member Avatar for shipar

hello, i am a new comer. is it possible [COLOR="Red"]to read data (e.g. some integers followed by a unique word) from a defined web page of a defined web site?[/COLOR] if possible please help me or suggest me which language is appropriate to do the job.........

Member Avatar for shipar
Member Avatar for Labby77

Hello all master coders, I have been doing my site exclusivley in html. What is the big differences bewteen php and html? What are the advantages/disadvantages? What, if any would be the penalty from going from an html site to a php site? Would this hurt the PR I have …

Member Avatar for TopDogger
Member Avatar for karlion

Hello guys! im planning to make a web development website.. well as of now im starting to create the design the page... I just like to ask some tips.. in terms in search engine optimization... is it advisable to my site to make dynamic of my contents? i mean i …

Member Avatar for einfoway
Member Avatar for kobi

Hello there, How can i load an xml file,to treeview control and show it in my html page? Thanks

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hi I was wandering is it safe to keep data in a .txt file if it is outside the public_html folder on my site? thanks

Member Avatar for Designer_101
Member Avatar for kobi

Hello there, How can i load an xml file,to treeview control and show it in my html page,i saw a way throw a dhtml but i failed to dominate it? Thanks

Member Avatar for kobi
Member Avatar for tstkenny

I've been searching for a solution for 2 weeks but no luck. I am using Vb2005. On windows.form1 I put 2 standard Webbrowser1 control2 as WB1 & WB2, then wb1.navigate(url). The target URL is a framed remote website. I want to get one of the frame to be displayed in …

Member Avatar for Acid Burn

Hello... I'm a nOob. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum or if it's been asked... I did search but couldn't find anything. I have a job between hands I don't know if I can handle to be honest. I have to redesign this website: [url]www.tiendaxtienda.com[/url] (in spanish). As …

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for KWITS

Good Day, How would you code in VBScript to read the content of multiple HTML files into an array? Please observe the below sample and modify as necessary. My requirement is read multiple files by extension and not simply specify a single file. Const ForReading = 1 Set objFSO = …

Member Avatar for KWITS
Member Avatar for cuteeagleeyes

Hello There! I have recently converted from php to asp.net. I want to perform such task. In php we use the isset function of a variable like: if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $html = "bla bla bla"; echo "$html"; } I am wondering how can i perform i-e displaying html upon QueryString …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for kc8pdr
Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for bryanau

Alright so I created a website using HTML. I later found out that I had to store links via .jsp and use a database so i made an index.jsp page instead. The first couple sections look like this: [code]<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" language="java" import="java.sql.*" errorPage="" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD …

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for jaymathew

So I have some PHP code that takes text from a mysql table and prints it to the screen with formatting. Problem is the spaces keep getting truncated when its formatted. Like: [QUOTE] I like cookies. They are tasty. [/QUOTE] would come out as: [QUOTE] I like cookies. They are …

Member Avatar for jaymathew
Member Avatar for kavithakesav

Hi All, I am giving blink option in html, but its not giveing any output. my cde is <blink>February, 2008</blink>. I am checking in Internet Explorer. Can u help anyone. Cheers:- KavithaKesav

Member Avatar for BHance

The End.