6,562 Topics
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[B]Hi! I make nws CMS for self. I added search function too. But I have problem. I save data with html at DB Sample: [ICODE]<font color=red>Some text</font>[/ICODE] When I search for string "some" I get this row. But when I search for string "font" , I also get this row … | |
This Header function is from VB. I am trying to do the same with C# using HttpWebRequest and having trouble. Can anyone help to show me what i am doing wrong? Here is a VB function which is sent using winsock. [CODE]Function Header(Question As String, Answer As String) As String … | |
All, I am adding HTML controls with runat ="server" dynamically from my asp.net code. <form id="frm1" runat="server"> <div> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" /></div> <div runat="Server"> <asp:PlaceHolder ID="p1" runat="server"><%=strControl%></asp:PlaceHolder></div> </form> The code behind has Public strControl as New string strControl = "<input type=""hidden"" id=""test"" value=""test1"" runat=""server""/>" Am able to view the … | |
Hi there Im trying to create a HTML email but i am having trouble finding out how to do it. Have you ever received an email where you open it and it says 'Click to download images' and when you click it, it looks like a website? Well thats what … | |
Dear Sir I have project on vb 6.0 and want to generate report in html page I have knowledge on html but I can't do it through code Please help with a sample code Thanking you Debasis Bag | |
[code=php] <?php // connection to MySQL server mysql_connect('localhost','root',''); mysql_select_db('administration'); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $loginUsername=$_POST['username']; $loginPassword=$_POST['password']; $MM_redirectLoginSuccess = "validated.php"; $MM_redirectLoginFailed = "admin.php"; $MM_redirecttoReferrer = true; mysql_select_db('administration'); if(empty($_POST['username']) && empty($_POST['password'])) { die('<div class="error_up">Both field was blank</div> <br><br><div class="footer_padding"> © Copyright Cycle Tracks <span>®</span></div> '); } if(empty($_POST['username'])) { die('<div class="error_up">Username field was blank</div> <br><br><div … | |
I send out a newsletter call Daily Thought. I use DreamWeaver 2004 to build the HTML Email, then I copy and paste the codes into an email marketing software call Constant Contact. Constant Contact, as you know, sends the newsletter to every one in my email list simultaneously. Some members … | |
Hi all, I'm a n00b at Python and am working on outputting html using pyhtmloo - I've checked the [URL="http://sourceforge.net/docman/index.php?group_id=89844"]pyhtmloo site[/URL] for guidance but no joy there. Hopefully I'll find guidance here... The python code below outputs an html page and what I'd like to do is set the refresh … | |
Dear Sir I have knowledge on html but I can't make a report in html format through vb 6.0 code Now I am giving a Example: <html> <Body>"Debasis Bag"</Body> </html> above this example how to write code in vb 6.0 and print in htm format please help me wiht example … | |
Hi: I designed a website, mainly its only one long page with several sections. There I placed several links on top of this website, so the visitors can just click and go to the sections. I decided to add few pages to this website also. I used MS WORD to … | |
How can i get everything in my site aligned? i used to use tables years ago and use the <CENTER> tag dont work with CSS below is a screenshot of how it looks at the minute... [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y161/lochii/websiteimg.gif[/IMG] | |
[code=php] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Cycle Tracks Portal</title> <style type="text/css" media="all">@import "images/style.css"; </style> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="rss/" /> <?php $date = ('l dS \of F Y'); ?> </head> <body> <div class="content"> <div class="topmenu"> <div class="date_"> <?php echo $date; ?> </div> </div> [/code] … | |
Hello Everyone, i have one question for all [B][COLOR="Red"] "Is CSS Negative Margin SEF Friendly"[/COLOR][/B] | |
I am trying to position my logo at the very top and center of my web site. I am able to get it centered from left to right. The problem is I have about a several pixel space between the top of the image and the top of the web … | |
this code supposedly makes the transparent code that only works in ie work in Internet explorer, Firefox, and Opera. I have not tried it myself but found it online and thought others might like to try it out [code=language]<div style="display:block; height:150px; width:200px; background:#00FFFF"> <div style="color:yellow; height:100px; width:150px; background:#000099; filter:alpha(opacity=50); -moz-opacity:0.5; … | |
Hi everyone: I designed a simple one long page website with one image. I tested this website with Fire Fox and I could see the image. But when I tested the same website with Internet Explorer, It did not show the image except with a little square with red mark. … | |
i'm fascinated by the tooltip or the information bubble , which pops-up on this page when I point my cursor on a thread title. Does anyone know what it takes to code something like that? Is it possible with PHP, javascript or AJAX ? The attached image shows the tooltip … | |
if you view this on a web page anyone know how i can align the middle part to the center? IF you view in IE it looks ok alisgnment wise tho ixels are screwed up, if you view it in firefox inside looks ok but middle chunk is aligned left … | |
Right I am doing a uni project and having real problems getting my template to allign properly. [URL="http://www.chabrisloirevalley.com/wrongallignment.png"]This[/URL] is what it looks like at the moment Here is my CSS [CODE]* { padding: 0; margin: 0; } body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-image:url(Graphics/bkbeigbrst.jpg); background-repeat:repeat; } #wrapper { … | |
Hi Every1 I have been making a site in dreamweaver which has drop down html navigation above a rollover flash animation (a carosell of images with text appearing over it when rolled over - all made in flash and imported in). I am really stuck though! I have managed to … | |
ive recently started this web page for a course in uni. however one page is causing a bit of bother basically when i insert my table into the are i want it in the whole page is affected, ie images and lists lost. i have uploaded a word file with … | |
I've got the following css: [code] a:hover {background-color:#ff3300}; #links a { color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #CC00CC; width:6em; heigth:6em; padding:0.2em 1.5em; } body {background-color: #000000}; [/code] The problem is that I want the hover to work, just as what is in #links a. The problem is, it seems, is that they are … | |
i'm creating an online booking system for my project.i need to link my html to VB6.how do i go about it. | |
Until Microsoft released their security update to IE, I used an html form for the user to input his/her username/password which was passed to ‘username: [email]password@www.domain.com[/email]/restricted_directory’. The IE patch now restricts this. When AuthUserFile is in my .htaccess file and I try to access a restricted file, the browser brings … | |
hi everyone, i am currently building a webpage for the staff to fill in their form and all the databases will be stored using SQL. And i am juz started with a validation page for the staff. I need to have a external CSS files to do the HTML, but … | |
i am having a problem with this snippet of code, please could somene take a look and tell me what i need to do to make it work in most browsers, so far it only seems to works in IE and Opera. thank you [CODE] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML … | |
I need help figuring this out. I have a "contenteditable" div. I have a menu that does the basics, bold, italic, etc. I need to add custom tags that will be represented in the source, not visually. In other words, when I use the code below: [ICODE]function myCustomTag(v) { var … | |
helloooo i am new to this forum joined to speak to people of a like mind i would really love to share my work with people and find out what i could do to improve. go to [url]http://www.gcsystems.org[/url] [url]http://www.printwithpassion.co.uk[/url] feel free to criticise | |
Hi ya'll! The problem is only IE 6. When I mouse-over from left to right the 2nd level links display properly. However, when I mouse-over from right to left the 2nd level links stack up. In other words... display: inline; ...won't work in IE6 when I drag the mouse right … | |
OK, I'm fairly new to the world of CSS and am basically ready to give up. I've tried to look for good books on CSS design, but they mostly just talk about the specifics. Not many "cookbooks" out there as far as I can tell. Now the problem: I've got … |
The End.