6,558 Topics

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Member Avatar for stymied2

I need to recreate the attached image in HTML so that it can be converted into a PDF dymanically using software that the client has. I created a gif with a triangle-shaped transparency which lets the varying sizes of green, yellow, and red bars show through underneath. The bars vary …

Member Avatar for stymied2
Member Avatar for roryt

This piece of css will show you that it is perfectly possibly to create a good looking navigation bar without any images or javascript and just a couple of lines of css. All you need to do is create a html file that contains a unordered list in it with …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for cribaldo

Hi, I am new at css and I just wanted a hoover that would trigger at the time of mouseover (kind of obvious I guess) but I can't get the positioning right. So basically what I would like is when you enter your page for the first time you get …

Member Avatar for cribaldo
Member Avatar for mikaqimi

I use filezilla. I have the html I need for my website, but it is saved in a microsoft word document. Can I just drag and drop the microsoft document to get the coding or do I have to do something else?

Member Avatar for webwest
Member Avatar for nazarahmat

i have html files at C:/Documents and Settings/USER/Application Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/ksx3y6oy.default/bookmarks.html. the html files is in my hard disk. then how im going to called the html files to be an input in my javascript coding.someone please help me

Member Avatar for nazarahmat
Member Avatar for moerpheus

hi, I have a header on my website. Whenever i add a tag in side the header an annoying white space forms above it. This happens only in firefox: CSS: [INDENT][CODE] body,html{margin:0; padding:0; width:100%} [/CODE][/INDENT] [INDENT][CODE] #head{ width:100%; height:auto; padding:0; margin:0; background:#09F} [/CODE][/INDENT] HTML: [INDENT][CODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML …

Member Avatar for cleanserevoluti
Member Avatar for Altairzq

Hello... I can't see why this form is not working, when I generate if from a php script through Ajax. I made a test with the same code written directly in an html document and it works ok. Would appreciate any help. This is the code that generates the html …

Member Avatar for Altairzq
Member Avatar for mr_scooby

hey guys am teaching myself html and css and have found something I'm not sure how to fix. I have a 3 page website I'm playing with using exactly the same html on all 3 pages except the title and all 3 linking to the same css sheet yet the …

Member Avatar for mr_scooby
Member Avatar for jrw0267

[CODE]echo "<param name='FlashVars' value='mp3=Slipknot-Duality.mp3&bgcolor1=$rgb\&showinfo=1&autoplay=0&showstop=1&showvolume=1'>";[/CODE] I am having a problem getting my bgcolor1=$rgb to be evaluated I know that $rgb has a value in it because i am using print_r($GET) and it is evaluated as the correct value how do i get the variable to pass as a paramater in the …

Member Avatar for edwinhermann
Member Avatar for Rads19

[CODE]import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class MultipleChoice1 extends Applet implements ItemListener { String question1 = new String("1. 7+2 = ? a.6 b.8 c.9 d.10"); String question2 = new String("2. 9-5 = ? a.2 b.4 c.6 d.8"); String question3 = new String("3. 144/12 = ? a.12 b.10 c.14 d.16"); …

Member Avatar for Rads19
Member Avatar for elamigosam
Member Avatar for NorthDakota

Hi all :) First of all, sorry for my bad english :) Actually I'm creating a little program that should replace Vista's welcome center (that one that shows the system info's, microsoft's related links, etc..). So far I've made the "header" part of the form (see attached image) and now …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for gowth08

hi ive been doing a project in which metadata for various filetypes(html, xml etc.,) are needed. are there any existing api's to do the above. ideas and suggestions

Member Avatar for MaskedPianist

Hi guys First post on this website, so go easy on me. I'm a fairly inexperienced programmer, mostly using snippets of other people's code and adapting it for my own uses, but I have found a problem. I want to change my desktop programatically, but to a picture on the …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for virtualmisc

I am a beginner in html. I wanted to make a page in xhtml. So does changing all characters in html code to lowercase make it Xhtml?

Member Avatar for cfajohnson
Member Avatar for akie2741

my code is: [CODE] import urllib import urllib2 import re #get URL urla='http://www.sc.iitb.ac.in/~bijnan/personal-details.htm' #connect to this website request=urllib.urlopen(urla) #get html file from this website html=request.read() #get the address from above html file print html [/CODE] How can i find all his addresses in this html,can use the re.complie() method to …

Member Avatar for djidjadji
Member Avatar for drewjj

Hi People, Hope some body can help I have been pulling my hair out over the last few days trying to figure this out!! Problem: I have narrowed the problem down to a <div> with a 2 floating images and float <ul> <li> as my menu. When the inner wrap …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for MikeGore

Hi, I am looking for a program or an online website or whatever, that will convert my asp.net, .asp and .aspx files to html. I have searched the web but couldn't find any. I would really appreciate your help. Thanks, Mike

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi,This is my php file. I want to [COLOR="Red"]replace [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]$$FullName$$ with Jon Rama And $$FirstName$$ with Jon and $$Gender$$ with Male[/COLOR] And [COLOR="Red"]create to new file Jon_Rama.php[/COLOR] [code] <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align="center"> <b> <h1 class="title_list">$$FullName$$</h1> </b> <br><br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>$$FirstName$$ is a $$Gender$$.</td> </tr> </table> [/code] How …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi,This is my php file. I want to [COLOR="Red"]replace [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]$$FullName$$ with Jon Rama And $$FirstName$$ with Jon and $$Gender$$ with Male[/COLOR] And [COLOR="Red"]save or create to new file Jon_Rama.php[/COLOR] [code] <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align="center"> <b> <h1 class="title_list">$$FullName$$</h1> </b> <br><br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>$$FirstName$$ is a $$Gender$$.</td> </tr> </table> …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for motionfiend

Hello all, While attempting to switch from a hard-coded array to a dynamic array read from a db table, I'm running into a few snags. I'm using the following function to create the dropdown menu, and it has worked for everything thus far: [CODE]// function showDrop($array, $active, $echo=true){ $string = …

Member Avatar for Rkeast
Member Avatar for bugatha1

I recently moved from JDK1.3 to JDK1.5 and find that the display of parameter listings in javadoc output is now hard to read. The lines are too close together. I think this has to do with the fact that the doctype at the top of each HTML page has changed …

Member Avatar for akie2741

How can i extact the personal address from html file.. After i get the source from the html file using read() method,what pattern should i consider if i wanna extact the address? Currently i think is use the compile() method to set the matching the address' pattern, but what rule …

Member Avatar for jice
Member Avatar for akie2741

My code is: [CODE] import re import urllib import urllib2 webURL="http://www.sc.iitb.ac.in/~bijnan/personal-details.htm" #the website is connect=urllib.urlopen(webURL) #connect to this website htmlDoc=connect.read()#get the html document from this website patternIN="Permanent Address" # Where to begin to keep the text patternOUT="</tr>" # Where to end to keep the text (after the begining) keepText=False # …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for pansen24

i m doin something like: editorPane.setPage(urlString); i m using this function for displaying a webpage. now i used hyperlinklistener so when i click on link it goes to pointed url.but i m not able to use other component of the page like Buttons,checkboxes,Submitbutton.Can you explain how to do it?

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all A clients website has been and I'm trying to figure out how this could have happened. Any ideas how HTML/framer could have been placed on the server and how to remove it? I've found lots of threads on how to remove it from a personal computer but nothing …

Member Avatar for jholland1964
Member Avatar for jamesrobb

How can I extract repeated paragraphs of data from an html document. Every paragrahp is preceded by the line: <p><i>Summary as passed House:</i> <br> Thanks.

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for xuexue

now, i already have a running pagination using php, but i want it to be more eye-catchy, instead of using words or links, i want to use images, like the one's here in daniweb, wherein numbers are enclosed in a box, how will i do that? thanks in advance...

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The End.