6,562 Topics

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Member Avatar for JerieLsky

Hi, guys.. I've got this problem on CSS. What i wanted to do is like an image gallery. Luckily i found a tutorial in with this link [url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/style/csslibrary/item/css-popup-image-viewer/[/url] In the tutorial as you hover into the thumbnail, a pop-up image shows up exactly at the thumbnail pointed to. So that's …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for jaimca

Hi i need to pass values from one html page to another without using forms. Is this possible . Can i access these values using javascript.. Please help me with a code sample .. thanks in advance

Member Avatar for samlabs821
Member Avatar for arritmo00

I want to buy a PDA, but one that runs the HTML compiled file also cause I have a lot of books in this format wich I need at my work. Does the windows mobile 5 open these HTML complied files? THanks

Member Avatar for Adamsappleone
Member Avatar for bjdmb

I need another set of eyes to look this over. I can't seem to get the three columns to work properly with the product listing at the bottom of the page. Here is the CSS; [CODE]#productbox{ width:666px; background-image:url(../slices/item-bkg.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; height:173px; } .productimage { float: left; width: 100px; margin-left: 0px; padding:20px; …

Member Avatar for bjdmb
Member Avatar for mcek

I'm writing a program that will download pfd files and collate them. However the urls I get are a bit weird. They look like this: [code]http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=105&m=34136651&r=MjA1NzczMzM4NgS2&b=0&j=NTkwOTY5NjQS1&mt=1&rt=0 [/code] I'm using URLConnection and BufferedInputStream, but no data is read from the stream (read() returns -1 at the first try). If they are …

Member Avatar for mcek
Member Avatar for akie2741

how can i extact the photo from this website>>[url]http://www.it.usyd.edu.au/about/people/staff/tomc.shtml[/url] ?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for bobomonkey

Hi, I am writing a functional test automation script to automate the file upload feature of a web application. I am using a tool called selenium to operate on the browser. This tool however does not support clicking on the file upload control hence I want to do this operation …

Member Avatar for paptamas

Hy everyione. I'm new here (@daniweb). I used in my web projects some open source wysiwyg editor, like FCKeditor. And I want to create a very simple wysiwyg editor. With html and javascript. To make text bold, italic, colors, etc. But how to start? Any ideas! Thank you in advance:)

Member Avatar for paptamas
Member Avatar for aaava

Hello: I've been trying for weeks (yes, it's embarrassing) to create a dhtml popup window w/min, max and close buttons in a title bar. I can do this fine w/a table, but I hate tables, and want to accomplish the same thing w/non-table css. Here is a rough image of …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for Tryin2learn

Hi all, I am trying to get a grasp of web form data getting passed to PHP, then dumped into a SQL Database (2005). I have created the form in html. but because the form is an employee application there are a lot of text boxes, radio button, etc etc. …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for jonow

Hi, I was wondering how you keep a navigation menu up-to-date on a 200 page website. When I first started using HTML I used an iframe which it is a [I]terrible[/I] idea. Now i am using PHP (im using include). But i am guessing this is also very inefficient. SO …

Member Avatar for codejoust
Member Avatar for sumeru

I have been using tables to build all my sites till now and finally tried using CSS in dreamweaver. My page is uploaded at - [url]http://photoindia.com/test/Untitled-1.html[/url] . The problem is in my layout, I want to have 3 div tags side by side(like 3 columns). I have inserted DIV tags …

Member Avatar for webexpertzhere
Member Avatar for SoulMazer

So, I have a rather simple question today. I'll try to explain it by using an example. Let's say there is a line of HTML in the page "www.mywebsite.com/py" that says "<tr colData0='Friday'>". However, this line of code can change to be "Sunday", "Tuesday", etc. What would be the easiest …

Member Avatar for SoulMazer
Member Avatar for Dhaneshnm

I want a file uploader,that doesnt cause post back in asp.net 2.0. With some googleing i found that if i set traget of the form to an iframe on the same page,i can avoid post back.But when i try this the page is getting opened in new window.(ie7 is the …

Member Avatar for Dhaneshnm
Member Avatar for valonesal

This should be pretty simple, We have written a script that calls certain information from our database then we use a simple echo to show the information on our other .php pages. What we need to do is be able to show this same information on html pages as well. …

Member Avatar for valonesal
Member Avatar for leegeorg07

Hi, I have this code: [code] <style> div.floating-menu {position:fixed;background:#fff4c8;border:1px solid #ffcc00;} div.floating-menu a, div.floating-menu h3 {display:block;margin:0 0.5em;float:left;} </style> <div class="floating-menu"> <h3>Floating Menu</h3> <a href="http://www.quackit.com/css/">CSS</a> <a href="http://www.quackit.com/html/">HTML</a> <a href="http://www.quackit.com/javascript/">JavaScript</a> <a href="http://www.quackit.com/coldfusion/">ColdFusion</a> <a href="http://www.quackit.com/myspace/codes/">MySpace Codes</a> </div> [/code] which I got from a website, I was wondering if there is a way I …

Member Avatar for leegeorg07
Member Avatar for claudiu_is

I want to write to input and click submit on a form, but don't know how to access the elements, given an id. Help :D

Member Avatar for claudiu_is
Member Avatar for bryanhiehle

Hello, So i need some help. i have currently been working on a website for a competition and i ran into a problem. I am using <div> tags and calling the id from the css. i have seperate id's classes and basic tag set up in CSS. the only problem …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for nokomoli

Hi guys, currently i faced a problem that is i need to add some extra text into HTML Editor (AJAX) but i fail to get the text cursor location, have anyone can tell me how to solve it??

Member Avatar for suryasasidhar
Member Avatar for kndsti

I've try to figure it since 3 days a go..:-( and sorry for my english. what i want to do is displaying a random link on my conduit toolbar and it change randomly everytime EBNavigateComplete event occur. EBNavigateComplete is just one of conduit's event. It works fine on my firefox …

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

hey guys.. i have a problem on IE7. following css causing this. the problem is that wrapper div when its height is less than viewable area of the browser, browser doesn't apply background color. only applied to main div. [code=css] body { background-color: #363636; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: tahoma,sans-serif; font-size: 70%; …

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine
Member Avatar for bvaz

I know this must be simple because I cannot find a reference to it. I would like to use javascript to load the background-color value of a table row into a css file. The background will vary depending on which menu option is chosen. To hopefully clear this up, the …

Member Avatar for bvaz
Member Avatar for Getpage

I have a movie, Media Player(mymovie.wmv), also have it in Quicktime (mymovie.mov), and flash(my movie.flv) I want it to open in a unframed position in the web page, I have no idea how to write the html for this. I have saved all the versions of this movie into the …

Member Avatar for Getpage
Member Avatar for dipunm

I just finished a wordpress theme and all was ok. Problems only started once we added more articles... I don't know if this is firefox or what, but here is what happens.. [CODE] <li id="post-83"> <a class="block" href="http://www.website.com/great-british-refurb/2009/" rel="bookmark"> <h2>British Refurb</h2> <div class="subtext"> WRITTEN BY: Name <br> POSTED ON: 28/09/09 …

Member Avatar for dipunm
Member Avatar for cavpollo

How can I make this HTML into CSS? Also, after making it css I want to save it in a file (.css) and then call it from a different file (an html web page). What I dont know is how to add the "custom code" (the table has 2 holes. …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for terri1210

I have an issue with my css ul menu bar not displaying AT ALL in IE 7. Works perfectly in FF, IE 8 and Safari 4. Displays but not correctly in Safari 2. Can someone take a look at the code and give me the necessary fixes? Here's the url: …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for mireille

I'd like to create a menu like the image I attached below. My problem is the submenu. How do I place it so that it appears in that submenu field? Other than that, I'd also like to have the submenu appear on click, not on hover. Like the one on …

Member Avatar for mireille
Member Avatar for rp_prasanna

I just have to increment values from 0 to 23 using <c:foreach> tag in select box. This is the code snippet <html:select property="schStartTimeHH" styleClass="tableDataTextStyle1"> <c:forEach var="i" begin="0" end="23"> <html:option value ="<c:out value="${i}"/>"><c:out value="${i}"/></html:option> </c:forEach> </html:select> the value of the option tag is hitting an error. Can any one suggest the …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hai Friends, I am designing a CSS based website, Well in that I need to adjust 3 div inside a main div as in the form of a table cell. Like this ====== Parent Div =================== |||Child Div1 |||--|||Child Div2 |||--|||Child Div3||| ================================== I had the code like this CSS …

Member Avatar for js112

The End.