164 Topics

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Member Avatar for iammirko

My code goes something like this: [code] <div class="pBody"> <audio id="player" name="player" class="player" src="" controls="controls"></audio> </div> $(document).ready(function(){ $('.fileTr').click(function() { var id=this.id; $('#player').attr("src","../mmc/FileSet/" + id); var sr = $('#player').attr("src"); alert(sr); $("#player")[0].play(); }); }); [/CODE] fileTr is a class of table columns each having the file name as its id. What I …

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for wHiTeHaT44

Hello @all , for several days i try to create a nested-ist generated by jquerymobile from websql querys. I can only master the code to show all parents and children in 1 single list. However of course, i want to have each child to its parent. I would appreciate any …

Member Avatar for Pleasant Day

I use a WYSIWYG tool to design my web pages, I want to change the part that handles sound to html5 so it will work better on another platform I want to use. I have looked at the code my editor made, this looks like the bit that needs changing …

Member Avatar for zizuno
Member Avatar for 3LauraB

Hi, I have just converted my code so that it is using the html5 tags, the pages have validated fine and look good in all browsers, until minimize is hit! everything moves, does anyone have any suggestions, ive tried, position: inline; margin: 0 auto; nothing seems to work? Thanks CSS …

Member Avatar for shaya4207
Member Avatar for nathmaniedeo

Hi friends, I'm confused - does ASP.NET work with HTML5, or just the older versions- will this new HTML5 make some of ASP.NET obsolete...not sure I understand how it all works together? (I'm a newbie, just learning C# right now) Thanks for the help... Nath :-)

Member Avatar for ja928
Member Avatar for abhijitkane

I'm trying to display an image in a canvas element. After computing the required width and height of the canvas, I'm calling the drawImage() method on the canvas context. Here is the javascript code: (c is the id of the canvas, ctx is the context) [CODE] $("#c").width(aw); $("#c").height(ah); ctx = …

Member Avatar for collapsar
Member Avatar for louiscos77

Hey guys, I'm making a 3d engine for html5 (canvas) but I have some problems well here is my code for the html document engine3d.html [code=html] <html> <head> <script src="engine3d.js" language="JavaScript" type="application/javascript"></script> <script type="application/javascript"> function init() { //creating canvas canvas=document.getElementById("canvas"); ctx=canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.beginPath(); color3(ctx,0,.5,0) ctx.moveTo(0,horizonZ) ctx.lineTo(500,horizonZ) ctx.moveTo(0,startZ) ctx.lineTo(500,startZ) translate3WithoutRotation(ctx,100,0,1) vector3WithoutRotation(ctx,100,0,90) vector3WithoutRotation(ctx,200,0,90) …

Member Avatar for VanessaRyan

Smart phone users, including iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, will now be able to see more advertising on their phones thanks to a new interactive video ad player that automatically detects the user's device and switches it to HTML5 and the appropriate video required by that device. [ATTACH=right]16572[/ATTACH]The [URL="http://www.jivox.com/"]Jivox Interactive …

Member Avatar for VanessaRyan
Member Avatar for dlannetts

How do most people make the layouts for their sites now we have things like: [CODE]<header> <nav> <article> <section> <figure> <summary> <details> <footer>[/CODE] Just curious as i am wondering how most do it : 3 I quickly wrote this up: [CODE]<header> <nav> <section> - Welcome <details> - who wrote it …

Member Avatar for Gavicoind

When I view my website, it properly displays the header, nav, and footer. But it doesn't display the main section of the page. My domain is gavicoind.com Thanks for your help!

Member Avatar for Gavicoind
Member Avatar for 4delite

See you guys on various threads! Meanwhile, here is a bit about me. Daniweb Handle: 4delite Name: Mary Nickname: Mary Height: 5'6''-ish Weight: nyb Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Location: CA Age: nyb Hobbies: [INDENT][LIST] [*][URL="http://collegeperspective.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/mia-hamm.jpg"]playing soccer[/URL] [*][URL="http://sanfrancisco.grubstreet.com/"]trying new restaurants and food carts[/URL] [*][URL="http://soccernet.espn.go.com/world-cup/?cc=5901&ver=us"]watching EuroCup and World Cup matches[/URL] [/LIST][/INDENT] Relationship …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for RamRod53

So, I am new here and have a few questions about using the "this" keyword in Javascript. I am new to javascript but have much experience with C++. First question, is the "this" keyword just like using self? Secondly, if it is like self, and I use it in say …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14158[/ATTACH]I love my iPhone. It's a cool device with lots of free and low-cost apps at my finger tips, but I've been wondering lately if some of these Apps are a good thing. I mean, why do I need a dedicated New York Times app, for example? Why doesn't the …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Word came out this past weekend that Steve Jobs held a Town Meeting with his employees after the iPad party. Among the topics were Adobe and the Nexus One, which apparently both have Jobs more than a little riled. [URL="http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/01/googles-dont-be-evil-mantra-is-bullshit-adobe-is-lazy-apples-steve-jobs/"]According to a Wired article[/URL], he had this to say about …

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The End.