348 Topics

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Member Avatar for Borzoi

Hello all, How would I go about getting my site to redirect any visitor to [url]http://site.com[/url] rather than [url]http://www.site.com?[/url] I have searched the forums here and have tried various coding people have provided but none of it seems to work. Could someone maybe post a step by step guide on …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for andy106

Hi everyone, I have designed my website from 6000 static HTML pages to a more structured system. However I am not carrying over same structure so I will need to setup a bunch of 301 permanent redirects in order to keep my search rankings. (have spent a lot of money …

Member Avatar for Brianbc

My file below checks if the user is ! logged in, and redirects to login page, or does nothing if user is logged in. [CODE]<?php if(isset($_COOKIE['SID'])) { $sid= $_COOKIE['SID']; $uid = $_COOKIE['User']; $lastip = $_COOKIE['Cname']; $_POST['SID']=$sid; $check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE SID = '".$_POST['SID']."'")or die(mysql_error()); while($info = mysql_fetch_array( …

Member Avatar for theonly
Member Avatar for b.wickham

While connected to a public wireless network at a hotel, my laptop lost its ability to browse websites via HTTP. The problem persisted when I returned home using my private wireless network. However, I noticed I can browse sites via HTTPS and FTP. I can even ping external websites in …

Member Avatar for caresedan
Member Avatar for debasishgang7

I want to make a program which will send POST request to a web server. And also able to send required cookie(provided by me). Example. [url]http://www.somesite.com/requesthandler.asp[/url] POST DATA::::::::name=some_name&age=19 //i will provide the post data Cookie to be sent::::JHFFHJBSVB848X489CNU98C4Y //I'll Provide this cookie My desired application should POST the "POST DATA" …

Member Avatar for ixmike88
Member Avatar for nquinlan

I am trying to pipe an email to PHP. I currently have set up a forwarder in cPanel that does the following : [B]|/home/username/public_html/mailscripttest.php[/B] mailscripttest.php has permissions 755 and contains: [CODE=php] #!/usr/bin/php –q <? /* Read the message from STDIN */ $fd = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); $email = ""; // This …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for chintan@dani

Hello Everybody, My site [url]www.mygospellove.com/[/url] is https based. It works fine in all major browsers but it shows system information message in IE. It shows site contains secure & nonsecure items. How i can resolve this issue..? Any help will be appreciated..

Member Avatar for david4817

I need to temporarily disable 302 redirects in Firefox. How can I do this? I tried going to tools>options>advanced>general>checkmark warn me when sites try to redirect or reload the page, but that didn't work, 302 redirects are still followed. Is there anywhere in about:config that I can disable 302 redirects?

Member Avatar for Biker920
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi there, I need to block port 80 (HTTP for internet). Is there a way to block give socket? Thanks!

Member Avatar for sheva249
Member Avatar for unclenath

Hi everyone, I need a script that will redirect an excel API from one database to another using VB.net. I am still a novice. I need your help. Thank you.

Member Avatar for bthaxor

Sorry if this is in the wrong section (PHP), but wasn't sure where to put htaccess issues.... Here's the deal - I have two domains, let's say domain1.com and domain2.com. On my web server, I have domain1 set up as the primary domain (/public_html/), and domain2 is an addon domain …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Olliepop

Hey guys i have a real issue I want to do these 3 things from an applet: ________ 1) Load an URL into a frame inside the browser and 2) Insert data into a form which is inside a frame in the users browser, and then submit the form using …

Member Avatar for Olliepop
Member Avatar for Simran Kaur

Hello, I have Get() & Put() functions in my VB6 project. It was upgraded to FileGet() & FilePut() but they are not working. I am getting the runtime error as "Unable to read beyond the end of the stream." Eg: FileGet(X, Y, Z) -> I think the parameters are FileGet(FileNumber, …

Member Avatar for Simran Kaur
Member Avatar for j0hnmcg

I'm trying to create a link that takes you to a flash page, but directly to a specific location in the flash page. I want to make a link to [url]http://live.deckmonitoring.com/?id=hunt_valley/[/url]. But then I want it to go directly to the graphs tab without users having to click. Is this …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for saveme123

My google searches are getting redirected to other searche engines and blank pages but it doesn't happen all the time it just depends on what I'm searching for. I'm not sure if I have the google redirect virus since I don't alway get redirected but when I do I can …

Member Avatar for saveme123
Member Avatar for babaidebnath

Presently I working on a firewall project. First thing I have to do if any user want to access illegal site I will not let him do so. So I tracking tpc packets. So far for http request I dont have any problem. But for https I do have some …

Member Avatar for bnickerson

Hi, I am writing a program that is to behave as a web server. Both the client and the server code are on my laptop. Ideally, I should be able to type in PORT/index.html in Firefox and the server code should reply appropriately. So far my browser and the …

Member Avatar for bnickerson
Member Avatar for Conquis7dor

I have a virus on my computer that when I search something on google and click on a search result, the link takes me to a random website and the computer is running a lot slower than usual. I have Ad-Aware, Malawarebytes Anti-Malaware, Sypot Search & Destroy, Hijack This, and …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for AspiringCoder

I have a Mac running leopard that won't connect to sites that start with [CODE]https://[/CODE] It connects fine with all sites starting with [CODE]http://[/CODE] When I try t connect to a https safari displays [QUOTE]Safari can’t open the page [I]page url[/I] because Safari can’t establish a secure connection to the …

Member Avatar for coil
Member Avatar for Nyight

Is there a way to tell which browser the user has selected as default and then be able to "build" the useragent string based on the browser that is default? For example if that have Google Chrome set to default, how could I build [icode]Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; …

Member Avatar for ausrasul

Hi, I'm trying to write a shell script that do ftp and download file periodically, this script should be called by a daemon running in the background. the shell script "script.sh" is as follows: [icode] yafc [url]ftp://test:test@[/url] < commands [/icode] and the "commands" files is [icode] d Root/md5* / quit …

Member Avatar for ausrasul
Member Avatar for emilyhedgecock

I have a simple html form and i have a small piece of script which validates it, I would like it so that after the validation is carried out, if the return value is true, then the user will be redirected to index.html i have tried several pieces of code …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for learner4ever

Hi, I am getting an 500 internal server error when using the redirection code in my HTACCESS file.Given is the code i am using: RewriteEngine On rewritecond %{http_host} ^domain.com rewriterule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.com$1 [r=301,L] I also have already following lines of code in my htaccess file: # -FrontPage- IndexIgnore .htaccess */.?* …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for manisvembu

Hi ... I Need to work with more AJAX Content, So i want a JS Function with Arguments like URL(the url to Ping), Parameters to Send , ctype(Content Type XML,JSON or TEXT). All i need is when i Call the Function with these Arguments , the Function should return the …

Member Avatar for manisvembu
Member Avatar for keavon

Hi, I'm making a 404 page, and I want it to display the current URL, but I don't want it to be server side. I don't know much about any variables are anything, so it would be nice if a nice person could give me all of the needed code …

Member Avatar for keavon
Member Avatar for phummon

Hi everyone, I'm a moderately experienced C++ programmer who's trying to do a little socket work. Don't ask why, but I'm to write a program which, when activated, sends an HTTP POST request to a remote end server. The socket part of the work is done and successfully tested; all …

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

hi friends i made a web application using php and working fine. and i also developed the same site for mobile also. For that i made it as imageless and optimised. and i uploaded in a folder. now i just want to divert user who is using mobile to mobile …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for metalix

Hi there I am having some trouble with a script. What it does is uses the http request (similar to googles search suggestions) to replace the entire page content div, this works fine but some of these pages use javascript. one has a lightbox, another has contact form verification. is …

Member Avatar for dottomm

Hello and thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with this problem. A publication went out to our field of users with a mis-typed urls and now all the visitors are landing on our 404 page. The problem with the published links is that the sub-directory [url]http://www.mysite.com/subdirectory/file.html[/url] was …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for jmaddy10

Hello all! So I am creating a redirect page so that when someone signs up for our newsletter they're taken to this page and 10 seconds later, redirected to another page. The script I'm using isn't working for some reason. I originally had it in a seperate .js file but …

Member Avatar for fxm

The End.