348 Topics

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Member Avatar for Servet Yekta

Hello everyone, I'm trying to improve myself on Winsock , so I wrote a code which can get the content of an website.Now I'm trying to post (upload) a file to a http website.Here is my code , what should I add to my code to work with POST? Thanks …

Member Avatar for Servet Yekta
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

Hi i want to create a website just like "active collab" where number of clients can register and manage their software projects progress or absloutely any kind of projects and track the progress of project. I want the client or clients to give facility to register to our project management …

Member Avatar for Adub7

Hello DaniWeb Community! I'm currently working on a particularly troublesome problem with my mothers computer. What happens is if I search for something (eg. "apples") through either firefox and google or internet explorer and bing, I am redirected to spam sites. It is getting incredibly annoying. In addition, a new …

Member Avatar for outerspacely
Member Avatar for Ponyboy76

Hi, I am having a problem with IE. Whenever I use google or any search engine, I am redirected to various websites instead of the ones I linked to. I scanned my computer using AVG and it removed a bunch of trojans. I also used Malware bytes and it removed …

Member Avatar for scraddock

I need help with a Toshiba laptop that is having difficulties with IE/Firefox redirecting to advertising sites. I have tried numerous programs to kill this and have had no luck. Here is the most recent HJT log. Thanks in advance for your help. Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan …

Member Avatar for jholland1964
Member Avatar for ramkinkarpandey

Is there any way by which i can get HTTP Response code out of Exception. Actually i need to take few action based on Http Code 403 (Server busy). Thanks for any kind of help.

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for helpme!!

Hi i am trying to create a JSP class which will redirct but for some reason i keep getting an error when eneterning the correct info. i think [CODE] System.err.println("DEBUG: Query: " + selectSQL); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs1 = stmt.executeQuery(selectSQL); while(rs1.next()) { u += rs1.getString("U"); p += rs1.getString("P"); …

Member Avatar for helpme!!
Member Avatar for LB22

Hi, I'm stuck with a certain problem. I'm using URLLIB2 to get the end url of a list of links. This was pretty straightforward. Some of the links I'm probing pass through 1 or more other urls before landing the user at the end destination. For example, the start url …

Member Avatar for pythopian
Member Avatar for klactose

Hello, I have created a simple webservice and I am now in the testing mode. I am trying to write a simple script that will use curl to create user accounts and another one to delete user accounts. I have tried to use system to send curl commands [CODE=perl] my …

Member Avatar for klactose
Member Avatar for klactose

Hello, Does python 3 have built in libraries that include support for the HTTP methods other than GET and POST? I couldn't find an answer to this looking through the urllib documentation on the python.org site or in numerous google searches. I am not a python expert by any stretch …

Member Avatar for capiono

I have a link on page 1 if clicked take u to page 2 and page 2 if u click okay it should take u back to page but when I use this on page 2 to: [code] ViewState["back"] = Request.UrlReferrer;[/code] it returns null, how do I fix this on …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I would like to know if it's possible to specify the "target='FrameName'" in response.sendRedirect("Home.jsp") by any chance? I tried this: [CODE] <!-- Security Check --> <form action="Login" target="_top"> <% if ((String) request.getSession(false).getAttribute("sessionStatus") == null) { response.sendRedirect("Login?pageTimeout=yes"); } %> </form> <!-- Security Check --> [/CODE] But it doesn't work... The …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for gabinic

Hi all, I have a lot of portals made via ning.com platform. I use Zoho too. In Zoho Notebook I want to add a WebPage from ning.com, ex. e11e11.ning.com and I can do this. But when I acces ZohoNotebook page where I had added ning.com page, a redirect command (not …

Member Avatar for Gilette
Member Avatar for minigweek

Hi, I am working on building a C# Winforms application which will allow me to login to a forum or site and perform certain tasks. I am stuck at the very 1st step. I cannot login to the forum. Here is what I have tried so far, the [B]Login[/B] button …

Member Avatar for hohy
Member Avatar for no_talents

I have a C program using winsock that connect to internet. however, now I am in Http Proxy environment that need to pass through the proxy before I can connect to internet. my program now is not support this. so Http/1.0 bad request is results. How I can support the …

Member Avatar for wickedsunny

hello everyone. im using a cms and i have just changed the strucutre of my site's url making changes in the core files. here is an example what i have done. at first urls were: [url]http://www.linkzdirect.com/photo/gallery/picture-name[/url] now they are chagned to : [url]http://www.linkzdirect.cm/[/url][COLOR="Red"]art[/COLOR]/gallery/picture-name everything seems to be working fine. i …

Member Avatar for wickedsunny
Member Avatar for hemgoyal_1990

Hi All, I have a PHP code for Sending http post from cURL. it work fine but i have a trouble that when i am send any data from loop it display me only first string the remaining string it not print. I am Use this Code. [ICODE]<html> <head> <meta …

Member Avatar for hemgoyal_1990
Member Avatar for happygeek

Sandro Gauci, founder of [URL="http://enablesecurity.com"]EnableSecurity[/URL], has revealed that six years on from his 2002 report into extended HTML form attacks the problem has simply refused to go away. The original report included details of how attackers could abuse non-HTTP protocols in order to launch Cross Site Scripting attacks, even in …


The End.