32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for cwpent

I'm doing a lesson that is supposed to demonstrate inheritance using the song Old MacDonald; there's an animal interface, a farm class that implements each animal object.. you get the idea. I've got two problems. First, The animal has a type and a sound, for example, a chick is [code] …

Member Avatar for joankim
Member Avatar for Armanious

I'm trying to decompile this one method; I'm pretty sure its purpose is to take two integers and convert them to a single long, but I may be wrong and it can be just some weird math. What I have gotten so far: `long result = (((long)possibleHigh) << 32) + …

Member Avatar for cisumma

Hello I have written a MVC2 : DAO program using an Apache derby embedded DB. Currently I have not been able to jar the program : runs in IDE. My question concerns running this program on multiple work stations of a local network. Will this be possible? Currently when I …

Member Avatar for Doncripz

Hey guyz im beginner from java programming. Could anyone please help me fix my problem? I have this method ~~~ public void determineClassAverage() { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); int total; // sum of grade int gradeCounter; //number of grade to be entered NEXT int grade; // grade value int …

Member Avatar for Doncripz
Member Avatar for Kprosser1029

Hi,I havent posted in over a year but I need a good starting point for a class project. We are using netbeans with glassfish. We have to create online Library. Below is my starting point. Any help is appreciated.I just need a starting point at this time. Im a little …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for mehnihma

I need to pass buffer object which has generated values to construcor of reading class to print real time generated numbers. Which is the best way to do it? When I pass generated value I get the number but I need to pass values that are beeinig generated and writed …

Member Avatar for mehnihma
Member Avatar for dburris

Hello, I am attempting to enter two numbers via console in my test class and call a method in my main class to add the numbers and display the answer. Java doesn't like the Calculator.Calcuate(); code. It gives me an error of "cannot make a static reference to the non …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for bhanu1607

Hi, I have a requriement to convert all my properties files from English to Hindi to make my project internationalization. Can any one please tell me, is there any tool to convert my property files from one language to another language. I have found some language transulator sites, but it …

Member Avatar for 24x24

Hello, I have an assignment to convert some given jave code into c++. I am currently having an issue wherein when I run the program it tells me that: error C2660: 'approximateSqrt' : function does not take 1 arguments. Any suggestions for moving forward would be appreciated. I have the …

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Member Avatar for Dmiller071

Hi all, I need to utilize a Graph Data structure for an assignment. I've understood the following code (posted below) until I came to the search function. The depthFirstSearch and breadthFirstSearch both require a Visitor<T> which is an interface. I'm not much used to interfaces, so I'm not sure where …

Member Avatar for Dmiller071
Member Avatar for justindill

Write a Java interface named Searchable with two abstract methods: one named Way2Search that returns a String and another named MaxTime that returns an Integer. Be sure your code compiles and runs as expected. Name your Java file Searchable.java. Although there is no compilitation errors, or any errors throughout the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Sadun89

plz... I need to add images for drop down list..So how I do it?? This software deverlop in java platform using Netbeans. So this can't be use any Java Script.Can you? Because this is Desttop application .. plz help..

Member Avatar for Sadun89
Member Avatar for prnjn

**I am using NetBeans** i have a 'Search by employee id' button . I want when user click this button a dialogue box appear which take employee_id as input from user . then that input be used for fethcing data from the database ( desired table in DB has primary …

Member Avatar for prnjn
Member Avatar for prnjn

Hi. I am Using netBeans.. I have 4 JLists (i.e jList1 , jList2, jList3 , jList4) in 4 different tabs in frame. Each List has the value of employee_id from database (i successfully did it already) there are many field in tabs ( i.e rows of databse with employee id …

Member Avatar for prnjn
Member Avatar for nidheeshkumar.r

hey, i have a code snippet for implementing the co occurance matrix of a grey level image.The code is :- public class TextureExtraction { public static int[][] binImage; public static int height; public static int width; public static double[] coocFeatures=new double[48]; public static double[] getCoocFeatures(){ return coocFeatures; } public TextureExtraction(int[][] …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for mehnihma

I need help with this code. I get zero values, how can I stop generating numbers when I hit the target number? Thanks import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * @author Marin */ public class TargetFinder extends JFrame { private static final long serialVersionUID = …

Member Avatar for mehnihma
Member Avatar for Transcendent

Does anyone know some algorithms for converting to bases such as octal, hexadecimal,and binary?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for charlie.beat

Hello everyone, I am close to finishing this project, but i am stuck on my PhoneTest class. To be specific I am stuck on the Method printBill. (This is an Inheritance project). Their is a Date class for the month/day/year Their is a parent class which is the Phone class …

Member Avatar for charlie.beat
Member Avatar for arshad115

Hello, I am making an application for Android that will save users voice command and then while the application is running; compares the realtime data from the mic input to the one that is saved. So far I have saved the voice in wav file now I want to compare …

Member Avatar for crash bash

Ok I am a programming student and need help with a problem, I already have most of it (so I don't need you guys to do my hw :P) but I am having problems with am, and I am not even sure if I am doing it right. Problem: (The …

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Member Avatar for JavaLearners123

Hello, I'm in my first year in software development program and need help with the following program. I've spent hours working on it. Any help is greatly appreciated. Write a java program that will open a file, read each of the records from the file, use that data to populate …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for emitremmit

For my program I had to create two classes one named Item.java and another one called CoffeeDriver.java. I need to display and sort the following: Item Name Price Coffee $1.00 Water $2.00 Milk $1.50 Bagel $1.25 Donut $0.75 I have the class and array created to display this but I …

Member Avatar for Subliminimalist
Member Avatar for prnjn

I have a login form (jFrame1) which has a jTextField1 to take input (employee id) from the user. I want that the value of employee id given by user in jTextfield1 should be transfered to jLabel1 in user main frame (jFrame2) when the user press login button present in the …

Member Avatar for mehfooz
Member Avatar for MSheraz

I have tried adding a main method and running the file but cannot get an * as my result. Where am i going wrong? more information: (i) It should instantiate a Figure object using the empty constructor and then run the object’s drawAt() method with 2 different lineNumber values, say …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Tuz

when i compile my programm the output is : Note: C:UsersOwnerDesktopNew folder (2)Animate.java uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. Can some one help me please?

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for jot121

import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; public class SearcherAndSorter { private ArrayList<Integer> values; private int counter; public SearcherAndSorter() { values = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } private void insert(int value, int[] sorted, int count) { /*for(int j = 0; j < values.size(); j++) { count++; if(value < values.get(j)) { values.add(j, value); return; } } …

Member Avatar for Patil Raj
Member Avatar for ashu2288

i want to create a code in java in which i can search any file or folder present on my local machine,with appropriate file path and location of that file or folder....if there are more than one file or folder with that name show all the file or foldea with …

Member Avatar for Patil Raj
Member Avatar for bsabowala

Okai so I have a jfilechooser : JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); int returnName = chooser.showOpenDialog(null); if (returnName == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { f = chooser.getSelectedFile(); if (f != null) { // Make sure the user didn't choose a directory. path = f.getAbsolutePath();//get the absolute path to selected file //below line to …

Member Avatar for Patil Raj
Member Avatar for mic_

Hello! I am newbie in creating enteprise applications. I need some help. I managed to configure hibernate correctly. It is connecting directly to MySQL server - everything works well. I want to develop application for small company. I wanted to leave it like that, but I have read that application …

Member Avatar for Goldfinch

Hi, I'm testing a script and I ran into a persistent error. The output of the program should be: 123 132 312 321 231 213 However, I just get a stack overflow error. I'm a bit lost as to what isn't running correctly. CODE: import java.util.Arrays; public class RecursionTest { …

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The End.