32,207 Topics

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Member Avatar for bsabowala

Okai so I have a jfilechooser : JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); int returnName = chooser.showOpenDialog(null); if (returnName == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { f = chooser.getSelectedFile(); if (f != null) { // Make sure the user didn't choose a directory. path = f.getAbsolutePath();//get the absolute path to selected file //below line to …

Member Avatar for Patil Raj
Member Avatar for mic_

Hello! I am newbie in creating enteprise applications. I need some help. I managed to configure hibernate correctly. It is connecting directly to MySQL server - everything works well. I want to develop application for small company. I wanted to leave it like that, but I have read that application …

Member Avatar for Goldfinch

Hi, I'm testing a script and I ran into a persistent error. The output of the program should be: 123 132 312 321 231 213 However, I just get a stack overflow error. I'm a bit lost as to what isn't running correctly. CODE: import java.util.Arrays; public class RecursionTest { …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Tuz

when i compile my programm the output is : Note: C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\New folder (2)\Animate.java uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. Can some one help me please? Thanks

Member Avatar for Ludachrispeed
Member Avatar for Torf

Hello, I think it's safe to say that I am totally off here. I need some help. > The program should include two classes Book and Author. > A Book should contain a title, an ISBN and publication year. An Author should contain a name and a sorted linked list …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Yarra

Hi I understand the usage of interfaces meaning they are meant to reduce coupling and make coding more effecient. Btu could one explaing how to use it and in what situations regarding in what part of the program do you use it at? Thank s in advance!

Member Avatar for elijahStar
Member Avatar for rmash

The code is not all written yet, i only covered so far the following parts: 1- add a book to the library. 2- display the books. 3- remove a book. 4- repeat the previous functions as many times as needed. 5- exit the program. Need help in constructing Classes for …

Member Avatar for elijahStar
Member Avatar for Enjaz

Assalam Alaikum Could any one help pleeeeeeas This is a JAVA code written using Array data structure ! I have to convert it using a binary tree data structure ! I really face difficulty in doing that !!! I mean, I don't know where to start in the process :""(( …

Member Avatar for Enjaz
Member Avatar for jayadan

hi guys i need to increase the size of the font in between eg: 83.507 is my text and i need to increase the size of 50 only and all other remains the same help me guys.....

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for charlie.beat

Hello Everyone, everything has been going good with the whole JAVA learning process until today. I have been working on Inheritance and have not been able to complete this project. My problem is coming from the test class, I simply do not know how to set it up to output …

Member Avatar for charlie.beat
Member Avatar for london-G

Hi everyone, I am reading text from a text file and outputing it in a textArea on Netbeans. I am using file not found exception, however I want to have an error message that pops up. Any ideas? Thanks

Member Avatar for elijahStar
Member Avatar for maxinville

Pls can anyone help me with a code that will help me get values in a main class from another class... I have two classes, one is user class that has the main method and the other which is process class. I am having a jtextfield and a jbutton in …

Member Avatar for maxinville
Member Avatar for blackmagic01021

I have two class. One class is for JAVA text area another class has a object. I want to print in the textarea from another class. The class with the text area. public class LabelStatus extends JPanel { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; final static …

Member Avatar for blackmagic01021
Member Avatar for shawnv100

I am developing code to record a video from a webcam....I found some code online, and I was able to understand most of it, but everytime I run it, I get a CannotRealizeException when the following code tries to execute, processor = Manager.createRealizedProcessor(processorModel); does anyone know why this happens ?

Member Avatar for sssabita

I am doing project in java that analyzes tweets related to a particular topic and categorizes them as positive,negative or neutral.I have been able to extract the tweets but donot know how to build a classifier to categorize them.How do i build a classifier and how do i train it?Please …

Member Avatar for siva111
Member Avatar for raviaaaa

HI All iam using applet tag in html file ex: <APPLET name="TreeMenuFrom" code="com.scand.jtree.TreeApplet.class" width="300" height="250" codebase="./com/scand/jtree" MAYSCRIPT> <PARAM NAME="root_closeable" VALUE=""> <PARAM NAME="menu" VALUE="treeMenuFrom"> <PARAM NAME="image0" VALUE="images/item_open.gif"> <PARAM NAME="image1" VALUE="images/item_node.gif"> <PARAM NAME="image2" VALUE="images/item_open.gif"> <PARAM NAME="image3" VALUE="images/item_closed.gif"> </applet> TreeApplet.class is exist under com/scand/jtree but iam getting following error while loading the applet …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for DreamTheater85

Hi, I've been working on this k-means clusterization program. I made mistake somewhere in the code, and program outputs only zeros. I tried to debug it, but I was not able to solve the problem. I would like to ask for suggestions how to fix my program. Thanks, public class …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for arathy nair

Hi, I am having a code which fetches say 200 records,after 6 records i got an exception..So after my exception is caught in catch block i have 2 call a method which can help continuing the exception starting from the 7th object. Can anyone help with some piece of code …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for frank33

While I am reasonably familiar with the use of threads in Java ( or at least the syntax ), the question is exactly when should they should be used and in particular how 'fast' things must be before you use them ? I had thought they were used to prevent …

Member Avatar for frank33
Member Avatar for Sonny101

Hi all, I am trying to use a prepared statement for the first time and I am getting confused with parameters. The idea is that a GUI opens with 10 fields filled in, now somebody can update one or more fields and this will be updated to an Access Database …

Member Avatar for aloncito
Member Avatar for learning.java

Write a java program that will open a file, read each of the records from the file, use that data to populate a two dimensional array and write the sorted data out to a new text file. Define a class named [B]Munge[/B] which will do all the 'heavy lifting' in …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for tendaimare

I have been programming woth vb.net for a long time but now i want to start with java. and I wanted to know where i can find enlightening guidance tutorials and code samples that work . I also heard that java requires other programs to run with it. any links …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for corvenzo

Hi, I'm a pretty new Java student and I was just confused on a few basic concepts. What exactly is the difference between public and private classes and in which case would you use each one? also, what is a constructor, mutator, or accessor? Thank you.

Member Avatar for ash.28.88
Member Avatar for Afropuff01

I have used 2d arrays many times before, but for some reason eclipse keeps putting a red line under ; at the end of the declaration line for it. When I run it I get an unresolved compilation error. Here is my code: private Zone[][] zones = new Zone[10][10]; What …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for macdunk11

I am finding the factorial and exponents of variables both recursively and iteratively. What I need help with is finding out how long it took each one. Where do I put the System.currentTimeMillis() part and how do I find out exactly how long it took (i.e. 55 milliseconds)? public static …

Member Avatar for macdunk11
Member Avatar for mp9036

import java.util.Calendar; import java.io.*; public class DayOfYear { public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException { InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(isr); System.out.print("Enter the date (yyyy,mm,dd): "); String date = in.readLine(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); String[] seperate = date.split(","); int year = Integer.parseInt(seperate[0]); int month …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for 3nrichedd

hello, I am lik 98% done with this assignment where the user enters a number, and then it will output if you guessed the right number, or if you have any matching digits, so for example, the if the random number is 24 and the user inputs 20 it should …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for Samyx

Hello everyone, Is there anyone familiar with OpenClinica? I am trying to figure out a way to migrate data from a CRF to another, the thing is, those CRFs were note created as a version of each other. How can I migrated data from an old CRF to a new …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for renzlo

Hi All, It's my first time to use this component and I manage to simply load a simple website in my program. My question is, how do you handle webpages that loads a java applet? I am able to load a webpage login form via navigate function and successfully logged …

Member Avatar for renzlo
Member Avatar for Alex_student

How are you, I need to write the follwoing code in JavaScript. I Thank you in advance. <script language = "VBScript"> Dim days(7) days(0) = "Sunday" days(1) = "Monday" days(2) = "Tuesday" days(3) = "Wednesday" days(4) = "Thursday" days(5) = "Friday" days(6) = "Saturday" Sub SetDay (day) Daybox.value = "You …

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The End.