32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for gagirl1105

Hey, all I'm working on a homework assignment which includes the creation of an insertion sort method to go through an Array List of basketball games. The basketball games are formatted: public Game (String homeTeam, int htScore, String opponent, int oppScore) { this.homeTeam = homeTeam; this.htScore = htScore; this.opponent = …

Member Avatar for shawnv100

I'm developing an Intrusion Detection System program....right now, I have written some of the code, but I'm having a lot of difficulty testing it, because I don't have any virus infected systems to test the code on....is there any way I can develop a worm just for testing purposes?...or is …

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Member Avatar for mjacqu4

Hello, I am trying to create images from files in a Java ME program, but sometimes the Image.createImage("filename") is returning null without throwing an exception. It works fine for some images but not for others. I've even renamed a non-working image to the same path as a working one, and …

Member Avatar for Ashenvale

hi, I installed NetBeans IDE 7.0 but when I tried run it this message keeps on appearing"see no.1." I tried to uninstall it but an error message also pops-up "no. 2". I tried changing the conf. but it keeps on saying access denied. please guys I need your help >.< …

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Member Avatar for fatooma92

Modify the constructor so that the space world paints 300 stars. To paint a star you write the following code: GreenfootImage star = getBackground(); star.setColor(Color.WHITE); star.drawOval(50,50,2,2); this will draw a small white star at location (50,50) with dimensions 2x2. Draw 300 stars with the same dimensions but at random locations. …

Member Avatar for winecoding

I have been using some open source software, like weka/mallet to fulfill certain data analytics works. I know how to use the APIs of these softwares and write customized code under Eclipse. Right now, I would like to learn how to make this type of data analytics work as a …

Member Avatar for winecoding
Member Avatar for Srin

I want to create a java application where you can build simple logic circuits (just started learning java recently and it was just a random project idea I got off the net) Ultimately I want the gates as icons on a pane that users can drag and drop onto a …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for mehnihma

I have problem , I only get program to write the frist line but how to write the whole string? When I print that string I get correct ouput? It has 10 lines String fileName = "System.err"; File newFile = new File(fileName); try { if (newFile.exists()) { FileWriter fos = …

Member Avatar for mehnihma
Member Avatar for mehnihma

I have a problem with writting this program I need to read a csv file and write it to binary then read it again. I has to be written in this way: Field name Data type Name First Text Name Last Text Birth Day Whole number Birth Month Whole number …

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Member Avatar for willywhomperz

This is the instructions Program converts American football plays into scoring points Touchdown – 6 Extra point after touchdown – 1 Field goal – 3 Touchback – 2 Program reads play-name and uses “if-statement” to decide how many points to award Program does calculations in a loop to allow more …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Bowsan22

So ive been trying to get an average of this array needed, and I seem to be having trouble with it. So far, my current code just adds the numbers up, but doesnt really average them out at all: [CODE]import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Arrays; public class Grades { public static void …

Member Avatar for Xinen
Member Avatar for prog.java

import java.util.Scanner; public class EventFrequency { /** * main method: * ask the user for the average number of events per time interval * (lambda) and the number of time intervals to observe * draw a horizontal and vertical histogram of the number of heads */ public static void main(String[] …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for wickedlullaby92

This was the assignment: Write a class with methods to help you balance your checking account(an object class-main method is not in this class). The CheckingAccount Class should have at least two instance variables: the balance and the total service charges, along with methods to get and set each instance …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Valiantangel

Hi Why am i getting error i the below code. abstract class SuperHeroes { abstract void perform(); } class IronMan extends SuperHeroes{ String action="Blowing bubbles"; IronMan(String action){ this.action = action; } void perform(){System.out.printIn(this.action); } }

Member Avatar for Valiantangel
Member Avatar for marines10

I'm making a connect 4 like game in Java and everything I choose a column to drop the piece it goes where I want it to however, when I want to drop a piece on top of that I, my program throws an error and makes me select another move. …

Member Avatar for marines10
Member Avatar for james chaco

Hello, I was looking for a way to post multipart/form data to a servlet using java standalone application. Any information would be helpful.

Member Avatar for james chaco
Member Avatar for sp85202

Hi, I have to write a recursive method to count the number of user entered even integers in an array (the array size is up to 100). Here's what I have.... public static int countEven (int numbers[], int startIndex, int endIndex) { if(startIndex==endIndex) if (numbers[startIndex]%2 == 0) return 1; else …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for huskarit

In one class i have a back button(java Swing)...i want when i click this button it will go to another class and close the current class...however, when i use System.exit(0)...it closes both 2 class...if i use setVisible(false) for the current class...that class still running...how can i close the current and …

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for shean1488

Hi everybody! I made an applet, and was trying to put it in web page. When I run my applet by itself it works fine, but when I'm trying to run it thrue the web page it doesn't work at all. I mean I have just grey box (like a …

Member Avatar for shean1488
Member Avatar for jahanruhi3@gmai

package com.batch; import java.sql.*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import DBConnection.DBConnect; public class Batch { @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public ArrayList BatchAction(String ik) { Connection conn = null; Statement st1 = null; Statement st2 = null; ResultSet rs1 = null; ResultSet rs2 = null; ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); conn = …

Member Avatar for vinnitro

Hi friends, i was recently started writing a program on java needed for my practicals but as i started i found an error which deletes last element of queue actually i want to delete first element of queue anybody can solve it import java.util.*; class VQueue { int size; int …

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Member Avatar for George_91

I'm trying to connect a DB from Postgres with a program in Java. I'm including this code: Class.forName(driver); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(connectString, user , password); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM students"); But I'm getting this erros in Statemen and stmt.excuteQuery: With Statement: *incompatible types. Required: …

Member Avatar for prachi69
Member Avatar for Valiantangel

Hi below is an example.I want to know,what does one mean by, 1.create a new class that extends SuperHeroes. 2.have a non static field named: action. thank you. abstract class SuperHeroes { abstract void perform(); } class Thor extends SuperHeroes { void perform() { System.out.println("*Snap your neck with his hammer*"); …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for skoon

Hi every body My teacher assinged us a lab to draw a 200 X 200 square at the top-left corner and the right bottom corner of the monitor then continue drawing squares that become steadily smaller as they are displayed to right side and left side of each preceding square. …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for mydreamgirl

I am trying to assign some values to static class and it does not work as I expected. I was expecting to see different values for different classes. However, they fall into the same value because it is static??? See code snippet here: NewOperationResponseSimpleType[] resp=new NewOperationResponseSimpleType[3]; NewOperationResponseSimpleType[] res1=new NewOperationResponseSimpleType[3]; NewOperationResponseSimpleType[] …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for gatorsgirl

Hello everyone, I am looking for some assitance with an assignment that requires a user to input tutor time and earnings into a gui and then calculate the totals and averages in a text area. I have succeeded in getting the program to work, however it is totaling the user …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for skiabox

I am trying to create an oval shape using Netbeans but the oval shape never draws itself. Here is the code : /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package learn; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import javax.swing.JPanel; /** …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for jarograv

I have these 2 classes: [CODE]import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Theatre2D { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // declares an array of integers int[][] myTheatre2D; // allocates memory for 2*10 integers myTheatre2D = new int[2][10]; myTheatre2D[0][0] = 20; myTheatre2D[0][1] = …

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Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp

Hey all, I have been busy building my own chess game and as of now im a bit stomped. Well you see i have an object Board, this object will be initiated and it will create a new frame with various panels one of them being the panel which holds …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for jouj

i want to know how to add put images or array of image (icon) in a JList any helpp .

Member Avatar for SasseMan

The End.